
9月26日 DDC ▶ 也门传统音乐:GULAZA (Yemenite Women Songs)

2017-08-30 黄昏黎明俱乐部

来自以色列的也门 Women Songs 乐队 GULAZA, 去年首次来到DDC的演出,以动听悠扬的音乐打动了全场不同国籍不同肤色不同信仰的观众。给所有人聆听的人都留下了深刻的印象!去年的爆满场景依然历历在目。于是今年,我们再度准备了一场GULAZA的音乐会,带来最真实的也门传统音乐!

Gulaza continues the natural evolution of Yemenite Women songs. Mystical texts that have passed for centuries from mother to daughter acquire a modern and contemporary meaning in a special instrumental composition. The combination of traditional Saharan strings, cello and acoustic guitars, and the fact that these songs are sang for the first time by a man - creates a unique soundtrack that takes the listener into a world of prayer, passion, dance, love and longing for freedom. 
Gulaza 在延续着传统 ”Yemenite Women” 音乐的自然演变。数千年母女相传下来的神秘文字现如今已然成了一种特殊的器乐乐章。将传统撒哈拉的弦乐器与大提琴、木吉他,Gulaza创造了一个独特的声音意境,将听众带入一个充满舞蹈、祈祷、激情和爱的世界,以及对自由的向往。 
https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=j0347h8k2ai&width=500&height=375&auto=0Yemen and Africa are separated by sea. Gulaza is an expression of that sea - a sea of despair, prayer, passion, dance, love and longing for freedom. 

The concept of “Gulaza” was born when Igal Mizrahi and Ben Aylon joined to create a duet between an ancient Yemenite song and the sound of the african N’Goni, as a part of a concert in a famous festival in Europe. 
也门与非洲一海相隔。 Gulaza 意图通过音乐表达那片充满绝望、祈祷、激情、舞蹈、爱以及向往自由的海。 
Gulaza 的概念诞生于 Igal Mizrahi 与 Ben Aylon 的结合,他俩结合了也门音乐和非洲 ”N’ Goni” 音乐,并在当年欧洲一著名音乐节上演出。 
Igal, whose father is of Yemenite origin and mother of Moroccan descent, born in Algeria, was exposed in his life to the hidden and fascinating world of Yemenite Women, and has spent years studying their traditional songs and texts that expresses the marginalized life in the Yemenite society. These songs were told as secrets and have been preserved for generations from word of mouth, from mother to daughter. 

Igal Mizrahi 出生于阿尔及利亚,父亲是也门人,母亲拥有摩洛哥血统,他将其全部生活用于研究不为人所知却又迷人的 Yemenite Women 音乐,包括传统也门音乐以及那些表达也门社会里被边缘化的生活的文字。过去,这些音乐是秘密的,仅通过母女间世世代代口口相传流传下来。 Ben, who explored the African culture and studied in West Africa with the greatest artists and local musicians, understood the deep connection that exists between the cultures and joined Igal to a journey throughout the fascinating musical world of women in Yemen. 

Ben Aylon 则致力于探讨非洲文化,并在西非与诸多伟大艺术家及当地音乐家,他深知也门音乐与非洲文化间的关联性。最终他与Igal一起开启了神迷又迷人的也门音乐之旅。
Together they began working on songs collected by Igal for years both from childhood memories and personal meetings with old Yemenite women. The starting point of the creative process was influenced by the Yemenite Jewish tradition, that used singing and drumming alone, as since the destruction of the Holy Temple it was forbidden to use musical instruments as a sign of mourning. 
During their creation came the desire to expand the statement to a more universal one, and they began to look for more instruments. Ian Aylon, a guitarist specializing in South American folklore, jazz and classical guitar, joined as he added the harmonic part and complements the natural connection between Igal’s voice and the rhythms and N’goni playing of Ben. Hila Epstein, brought the classical world with the cello, adding bass, warmth and tenderness into the music of "Gulaza". 

在这之后,南美洲的吉他手 Ian Aylon 和大提琴手 Hila Epstein 陆续加入乐队,丰富了乐队的声部和韵律。

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年9月26日 21:00
门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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