
9月7日 DDC ▶ 「黄昏中的爬行」不留行 + Ambient Intelligence

2017-09-04 黄昏黎明俱乐部


人声 吉他:宋阳

贝斯 吉他:陈林

鼓 打击乐:张天天

钢琴 合成器:徐芳成立于08年末,由几个来自中产阶级家庭的待业青年于北京组成。初期还抱有一些青年人大多拥有的积极情绪与臆想,但随着时间的迅速流失与相互间性格的了解,很快变成一个群体。而后于次年夏天全体转入鼓手家位于三环某处的二层地下室,开始了长达数年的磨合与创作,矛盾与和解中.https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=v0536t3x1kj&width=500&height=375&auto=0音乐气质较暗,喜用文字构建无目的性人文主义观点,崇尚哲学视角但逻辑性不强。画面感较多但色调单一。音乐风格不好定义,能确定的大概只是氛围感较强但不会太欢乐。律动性不弱但不会太躁动。

Ambient Intelligence (modular synth live electronica)
https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=h0535a18t6n&width=500&height=375&auto=0Ambient Intelligence is an electronic duo formed in late 2016 by Alan Ip and Yanlo Chow. They have been deeply influenced by electronic music with synthesizers movement in early 80s. Although the duo does not want to confine to any type of music or genre, their music style is electronic and techno oriented with lots of experimental and improvisational elements. They believe in the chemistry and interaction between human, machine, environment and ambient, and they are trying to express whatever these interactions come out in terms of music. 

Ambient Intelligence 是一队由葉海顺 (Alan) 和周因路 (Yanlo) 在2016尾組成的双人组合。他们的音乐路线受八十年代电子音乐运动和电子合成器深远的影响。即使组合本身不想受制于任何音乐类型,音乐风格仍然以电子和techno为主,内容充满实验和即兴元素。他们相信通过人、机器和周遭环境的互动能产生化学变化,然而利用这些互动和变化来创作音乐。 
葉海顺(Alan), 香港Minimal乐队始创人之一,曾经是红梅谷音乐队的吉他手和主唱。两年前和香港音乐监制丁炜成立ITTI乐队,最近和周因路组成Ambient Intelligence。Alan也是一位音乐人,热爱电子合成器。除了制作音乐,闲余时候也研发电子乐器。 
周因路(Yanlo), 中国美術工作者,曾經是音樂紀錄片導演,過去五年遊歷世界多國採訪及報導多位音樂家及樂隊,曾經是本地樂隊鍵琴手及獨立音樂人。 
About Alan Ip: 

Founding member of Hong Kong Electronics Music Group - Minimal, later the lead guitarist and vocalist of 紅梅谷. He is also a founding member of the electronic music duo with James Ting, ITTI (2015) and currently with Yanlo Chow as Ambient Intelligence (2016). Alan has been an independent artist, musician, arranger and composer for his own works and other pop artists in Hong Kong. Alan is also a collector of Vintage Analog Synthesizer and an inventor/maker of modular analog synthesizer. 

About Yanlo Chow: 
A Chinese painter and fine-art artist. He is also a music documentary director with numerous published works. In the last 5 years, he has been traveling around the world to interview numerous music groups, producers and music artists. He has been a keyboardist for a Chinese band and also an independent music maker. His passion in synthesizers has caused him a broken marriage in the past.

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年9月7日 21:00 
门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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