
10月8日 DDC ▶ 躁国庆:SHA!, SWARM

2017-09-13 黄昏黎明俱乐部

Line up:

SHA! - Progressive Rock / Instrumental

SWAM - Experimental / Post-punk

SHA! (Progressive Rock / Instrumental)https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=k0522hqux7h&width=500&height=375&auto=0Stone Ahonen and Lie met on stage at various jam sessions around BJ. After numerous sessions,they realized that they're sharing something in common: love for improvisation, jazz and art rock like progressive rock, krautrock and Zheul.

Stone, Ahonen 和 Lie 在北京大大小小的 Jam 演出中一同演奏。在几次同台后,他们意识到三人有着许多共同点:对即兴演奏的热爱,对不同音乐的热爱,例如爵士、摇滚、前卫摇滚 (progressive rock)、克劳特摇滚 (Krautrock)以及 Zheul 法式摇滚。

At first they formed a band called Voodoo Cats that plays classic 60-70's psychedelic rock. Step by step, they lured improvisation in their catalog and realized their versatility by playing shows specially tailored for the occasion, for instance rearranging orchestral music for rock trio and adding lengthy improvised sequences.

最初,他们三人一起成立了巫毒小猫乐队 (Voodoo Cats),专注于演奏 60 到 70 年代的迷幻摇滚乐。一步步,他们在演出中加入了即兴成分,同时意识到他们可以根据不同的场合玩转各式各样的音乐,例如将管弦乐编排进摇滚三重奏、进行大篇幅的即兴音乐演奏等。Idea of drifting away from playing covers towards the unknown; improvisation and unusual rhythms started to take hold as well as writing music together -- music that is open for improvisation -- music that frees itself from genre boundaries and conventional musical structures.


SHA! will not ever play the same set twice since they themselves do not know any better than audience what will happen. Their music tries to share something in common with all the music that they finds appealing: music that captures the unspeakable uplifting energy without bounding and restricting themselves by solely trying to represent certain styles of music.

SHA! 从来不会两次表演相同的音乐,他们和听众一样,都期待着未知的音乐之旅。他们分享着吸引他们的音乐:那种不拘泥于形式、天马行空、拥有不可言喻上升力量的音乐。

SWARM 乐队https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=c054402i0ya&width=500&height=375&auto=0SWARM 乐队以演奏实验噪音风格为主,也融合多种现代音乐风格。乐队成员:吉他手 高放,Bass手 老白,鼓手 刘乾。The swarm band plays experimental noise music also combines modern music with different styles. The band members are guitarist Gao Fang, drummer Liu Qian, bassist Bai.打开任何一台没有插上信号天线的电视机,显示的雪花画面,发出的丝丝的所谓的杂音……我们却认为那是最美的画面和最感人的声音,因为那是造物主在创造这一切时的那个瞬间留下来的余温和余音……我们是swarm噪音乐队!这种声音为什么要发出来去震动本来就没什么意义的周遭?因为老子们高兴!我们是swarm乐队,我们在稠的像粥的造化混沌中拽着命运那根儿时断时续的绳子头儿,攥着少的可怜但又是仅有的那潮乎乎的十二根儿火柴不得不向死而生的开始这段注定没有结果也正是因为没有结果才他妈刺激的旅程……

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年10月8日 21:00 

门票/Ticket: 40(presale)/50(door)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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