
12月2日 3PM ▶ 法国爵士钢琴大师Olivier Hutman Duo (FR., JAZZ)

2017-11-17 黄昏黎明俱乐部


“Worthy successor to a Bill Evans – Herbie Hancock – McCoy Tyner trinity, his playing is clear, dynamic and subtle, making him not only an ideal sideman but above all a passionate leader.”

“Bill Evans – Herbie Hancock – McCoy Tyner 三位一体的值得继承人,他的演奏是清晰的,充满活力的微妙的,使他不仅是一个理想的伴奏,而且最重要的是一个充满激情的领导者”。

 - E.L. « Nouveau Dictionnaire du Jazz » 2011 Coll « bouquins » Robert LAFFONT

Olivier Hutman is a French pianist, composer, arranger and full score composer born on 12th November 1954 in Boulogne-Billancourt. In 1978 he becomes doctor in Ethnology (“Urban music in Ghana” under the supervision of Jean Rouch). After listening to an Oscar Peterson album he decides to dedicate himself to jazz. In 1975 he founds the band “Moravagine” with Denis Barbier and Mino Cinelu. 

Olivier Hutman 是法国钢琴家,作曲家,编曲家兼电影配乐大师。 1978年他成为了民族学 (Jean Rouch 指导下的“加纳城市音乐”) 博士。之后听了奥斯卡·彼得森专辑,他决定献身于爵士乐。在1975年,他与 Denis Barbier 和 Mino Cinelu 创立了乐队“Moravagine”。

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=z05026ymvvj&width=500&height=375&auto=0From 1975 to 1977 he founds one of the first jazz-rock bands with the Cinelu brothers, “Chute Libre”. From 1980 to 1982 he is the keyboardist for Christian Escoudé quartet and from 1983 to 1984 he performs in many international festivals with his trio (Marc Bertaux on bass and Tony Rabeson on drums).  

1975年到1977年间,他与 Cinelu 兄弟创立了一支爵士摇滚乐队:“自由落体”。从1980年到1982年,他在 Christian Escoudé 四重奏乐队担任键盘手,从1983年到1984年,他与他的三重奏(贝司: Marc Bertaux 和鼓手: Tony Rabeson)参与了许多国际性的演出。In 1984 he receives the Boris Vian prize from “Académie du jazz” for his debut album as a leader. From 1985 onwards, he is very active in the cinematographic field and receives several awards for his film scores. From 1984 to 1988 he is part of Eric Lelann’s quartet. He is also featured on different albums of African and Creole music and is often playing in the Saint-Germain clubs with Luigi Trussardi on the bass and Philippe Combelle on the drums. In 1990-1991, he is part of tours with the Barney Wilen quartet. He also accompanies a number of singer-songwriters. In 1993, in addition to forming a new trio (with Thomas Bramerie on bass and Jean Pierre Arnaud on drums), he is commissioned a piece which will be performed by the soloists of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra in the Davos Music Festival. In the years 2000, the abundance of his discography confirms the high esteem in which his fellow musicians hold him. 

1984年,凭借首张专辑,他获得了 “Académie du jazz” 的 Boris Vian 奖。从1985年起,他在电影领域非常活跃,并获得了不少奖项。从1984年到1988年,他是 Eric Lelann 四重奏的一员。他也在非洲和克里奥尔语音乐专辑里出现,并经常在圣日耳曼俱乐部与低音歌手 Luigi Trussardi 和鼓手 Philippe Combelle 一起演奏。在1990-1991年间,他是 Barney Wilen 四重奏巡回演出的一员,还伴随着一些歌手,词曲作者。 1993年,除了成立一个新的三重奏组 (贝斯: Thomas Bramerie 和鼓手: Jean Pierre Arnaud),他还受委托在纽约爱乐乐团的达沃斯音乐节独奏。在2000年,他的唱片赢得了其他音乐家的高度尊重。


Born in 1984 in a musical family, French jazz musician Jonathan Orland began 

playing music during his childhood in Paris, starting with the piano and the clarinet. In his early teenage years, he developed a passion for jazz and taught himself the saxophone before beginning formal studies with Tom Buckner, Thomas Savy and André Villégier. At age 22 Jonathan was offered a scholarship to attend the Berklee College of Music in Boston where he had the privilege of studying with great musicians such as George Garzone, Hal Crook, Bill Pierce and Greg Osby. After finishing his studies at Berklee, Jonathan headed for Montreal, where he completed a Master’s Degree in Jazz Performance at McGill University and took part in projects with great artists such as Kevin Dean and Rick Rosato. Back in Paris, Jonathan released his first album as a leader ‘Homes’, in 2012, on the label BeeJazz. The band is a quintet composed of young musicians from all over the world, and George Garzone, who Jonathan considers as his mentor, is featured on some tracks. 

法国爵士音乐家 Jonathan Orland 于1984年出生于一个音乐世家,从钢琴和单簧管开始接触音乐。他十几岁时对爵士乐的着迷,并在与Tom Buckner, Thomas Savy和AndréVillégier开始正式学习之前,自学萨克斯管。22岁时 Jonathan 获得奖学金,进入波士顿伯克利音乐学院,并有幸与诸如 George Garzone, Hal Crook, Bill Pierce, Greg Osby 在完成在伯克利的学习后,Jonathan 前往蒙特利尔,在那里他完成了麦吉尔大学爵士乐表演硕士学位,并参加了伟大的艺术家,如凯文·迪恩和里克罗萨托的项目。早在2012年,乔纳森就在巴黎发布了他的第一张专辑,成为“家”的领导者,在BeeJazz的标签上。乐队是由来自世界各地的年轻音乐家组成的五重奏组,乔纳森认为是他的导师 George Garzone 在某些曲目中出现过。https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=n0502iurvjp&width=500&height=375&auto=0Jonathan is both active as a leader and a sideman (Michel Reis Paris Quartet, Gui Duvignau Sextet)  on the French scene, and recently released an album with his quartet Small Talk, featuring guitarist Nelson Veras, on the label Paris Jazz Underground.  His musical interests don’t limit to Jazz, and additionally he performs klezmer music and plays in a pop-rock band (Peter Peter).  

Jonathan 在法国舞台上既是领衔又是伴奏 (Michel Reis 巴黎四重奏,Gui Duvignau 六重奏), Sex Duet 最近又在巴黎爵士乐地下乐队发行了他的四重奏小提琴专辑“Small Talk”,吉他手是尼尔森·维拉斯。他的音乐兴趣不限于爵士乐,另外他还演奏了克莱默音乐,并以流行摇滚乐队 (Peter Peter) 的身份演出。His passion for Balkanic music has also influenced his composing and improvisations. He co-leads a new quintet, Valea Antos, with clarinetist Adrian Receanu, where 

they use traditional Balkanic material in an innovative way.  Jonathan has played in numerous venues and festivals in France and across the world, including: Le New Morning (Paris), the 606 (London), Le Petit Journal, Sunset-Sunside (Paris), le Nouveau Casino, Jazz à Vannes, Budapest Jazz Club, Piec’Art (Krakow), Shablul (Tel-

Aviv), Upstairs (Montreal), All That Jazz (Seoul) ecc…

他对巴尔干音乐的激情也影响了他的创作和即兴。他与单簧管演奏家 Adrian Receanu共同领导一个新的五重奏组:Valea Antos. 他们以创新的方式使用传统的巴尔干元素。 Jonathan先生曾在法国和世界各地举办过多个演出,包括:Le New Morning (巴黎), 606 (伦敦), Le Petit Journal, Sunset-Sunside (巴黎), le Nouveau, Jazz à Vannes, 布达佩斯爵士俱乐部,Piec'Art (克拉科夫), Shablul(Tel-Aviv), Upstairs (蒙特利尔), All That Jazz (首尔) 等等。

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年12月2日 15:00 

门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 

电话/Tel: 010-64078969 

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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