
12月22日 LBM XMAS MIXER D1: Joker's Belief, 丢莱卡, Rhonda, OK绷

2017-12-14 黄昏黎明俱乐部

This holiday season the newest series from Live Beijing Music debuts at DDC over the weekend of December 22nd and 23rd. Entitled the LBM Mixer, the series looks to put opposing sounds up against each other, creating a volatile musical environment that could ignite at any moment. As an early Christmas present, Live Beijing Music will presenting the first two volumes - with a two-day lineup of bands from all over Beijing (and beyond Beijing as well), both old and new, exhibiting a wide range of infectious sounds all in the name of rock and roll.  
在圣诞节期间,Live Beijing Music 的最新系列在DDC于12月22日和23日亮相。这个系列名为
LBM圣诞摇滚派对,看起来反对彼此的声音,创造一个可以随时点燃的音乐环境。作为提前到来的圣诞节礼物,Live Beijing Music 将呈现前两集 - 来自全北京(以及北京以外)的为期两天的乐队阵容,无论是不是熟悉的声音,都将呈现极具感染力的摇滚声音。

Line up: 

Rhonda (Prog Rock, Math Rock)

Joker’s Belief (Funk, Rock)

Wasted Laika 丢莱卡 (Punk, Rock)

OK绷 OK Beng (Pop Punk)

Vol. 1 pairs two of the scene’s most established expat groups alongside two of the scene’s newest much buzzed about contenders. After a summer hiatus, hard-edged instrumental rockers Rhonda are back in fighting form, bringing forth their new lineup and fierce blend of prog rock, math rock, melody and aggression, and looking better than ever. Joining them are Wasted Laika, the fresh faced scrappy ruffians who have been stirring up quite the buzz in Gulou – though they claim their sounds doesn’t fall into any category, one listen and you’ll know you’re in for some manic, in your face punk attitude – catch them before they hit it big next year. Another band with plenty of experience under their belt, Joker’s Belief have been dosing audiences with their lively fusion of funk, rock, and neo soul for years, livening up the scene and keeping spirits high. Finally, the youngest band on the lineup (as far as I can tell) – OK Beng is the charismatic spunky girl pop punk group whose adolescence shines through their lively, jittery sets – and well they’re working their way through university, we can expect to see a lot more of them in the future. Punk, funk, rock, pop – it’s a grab bag of musical delights this holiday season! 
第一天:最为成熟的两支乐队与现场最新的两支乐队同台竞技。在经历了一个夏天的间歇之后,硬朗的器乐摇滚乐队 Rhonda 重新回到战斗状态,带来了他们的新阵容和前卫摇滚,数学摇滚,旋律和侵略的激烈融合,并且看起来比以前更好。和他们在一起的是丢莱卡,那些在鼓楼里闹得沸沸扬扬的流氓,尽管他们声称自己的声音不属于任何类别,但是一听,你就会知道有些狂躁,在你面对朋克的态度 - 赶在他们明年大展拳脚之前。另一支有丰富经验的乐队 Joker's Belief 多年来一直为观众奉上他们生动活泼的放克,摇滚,新灵魂乐,他们的现场绝对不容错过。最后,这个阵容中最年轻的乐队(据我所知) - OK Beng是一个充满魅力的流行朋克乐队,他们的青春期充满了活力,紧张的气氛,而且他们还在上大学,希望在未来看到更多像他们一样的乐队。朋克,放克,摇滚,流行 - 这是这个假期季节的音乐盛宴!

Rhonda (Prog Rock, Math Rock)https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=y0568uonuxc&width=500&height=375&auto=0Rhonda is a music project started in 201 47 32060 47 15264 0 0 2323 0 0:00:13 0:00:06 0:00:07 28734 in Beijing by 4 friends coming from Italyand USA. Drawing influences from post-rock, post-punk, progressive metal and math rock, they have dedicated themselves to create instrumental music which combines melody and aggression. After a couple line-up changes following the departure of two of their original members, the band now consists of Tommaso (guitar), Nico (bass), Yiyi (drums), Antoine (guitar).

Rhonda 成军于2014年,由来自意大利和美国的4位朋友组成。受后摇滚,后朋克,前卫金属和数学摇滚影响,他们致力于创造器乐音乐,将旋律和攻击性结合在一起,席卷了京城各个音乐现场。在两位原始成员离开后,现在乐队由 Tommaso(吉他),Nico(低音),Yiyi(鼓),Antoine(吉他)组成。

Wasted Laika 丢莱卡 (Punk, Rock)https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=a0517amg3xt&width=500&height=375&auto=0
A clusterfuck of sound and aggression, while Wasted Laika, the new rock band that’s been brewing up a storm in Gulou, have a hard time describing their bombastic sound, they do most definitely fall into the deviant hard edged punk realm. Best believe the hype. 

丢莱卡 (Wasted LAIKA) 乐队,冉冉升起的难听波普乐队,东欧平原知名偶像团体,拥有钢铁般的意志和似火的激情。乐队风格不确定,每首歌听起来都不太一样。还没被标签化是因为实在不够红。不是相机。

Joker’s Belief (Funk, Rock)
https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=s0199w7ot3d&width=500&height=375&auto=0"Joker's Belief were signed by Kun Records in May 2016. Their EP is set to Launch towards the end of September, as well as playing some of the China's top Music festivals of 2016 and 2017"

Jesters and Jokers of medieval times were required to bring levity to the court and to meet the Kings requests. One Jester was required to entertain and amuse his King on demand, and if he failed, he was killed. The Jester lived - we call it "Jokers Belief”5 nationalities with 5 influences bringing you a fusion of funk, rock and Neo soul. 小丑/弄臣,是生活在中世纪宫廷中的既低下又危险的职业。一天帝王要求小丑取悦所有宾客,如果不能满足要求就将其处死。小丑活了下来,“小丑的信仰”诞生了。来自5个不同的国家,5个不同的音乐背景,带来崭新的都市•放克•摇滚•新灵魂乐风格,我们叫它“Jokers Belief”

OK绷 OK Beng (Pop Punk)

Four-piece girl pop punk band that’s slowly been making some noise on the Gulou and university circuit - the ladies of OK Beng have all the bad habits of contemporary girls: laziness, inferiority, sensitivity, love fantasy, nervousness. Drowsy all day, just want men and love. 
Ok绷乐队更名为 就知道你是这样的女孩。四人编少女流行朋克乐队。由于成员均无法自赏,便只能成为一个自卑乐队,shame punk。拥有当代女孩所有的坏习惯:懒惰,自卑,敏感,爱幻想,神经质。整日昏昏欲睡,只想男人和爱情。也不想让生活成为消遣,于是愤怒对自己破口大骂:“就知道你是这样的女孩!”

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年12月22日 21:00 
门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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