
1月30日 DDC ▶ 以色列顶级手碟大师Liron Man (Israel, handpan, world music)

2018-01-19 黄昏黎明俱乐部

来自以色列的手碟 (handpan) 大师 Liron Man, 将在本月进行两场演奏会:

1月28日 19:00 山谷居民空间  

1月30日 21:00 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)

来自以色列的 Liron Man 是当今全球 Handpan (手碟)演奏家中的翘楚,拥有一套独特的手碟弹奏方法,他让 handpan 呈现干净、 悦耳的音色,其快速且精准的演奏、配上多变的音乐性,影响了全球无数的手碟乐手。他被公认为全世界手速最快的手碟演奏家,在中国甚至拥有绰号"鬼手"。 https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=z0540d769sv&width=500&height=375&auto=0除了手碟,一直以来 Liron 总是在不断尝试不同的乐器和音乐风格,并试图创新及融合各种不同的音乐。他擅长吉他、曼陀铃、布祖基琴、单簧管、Nay Flute,及多种打击乐;风格上擅长弗拉门戈、吉普赛音乐、东方音乐、巴萨诺瓦、森巴、克莱兹默犹太音乐、雷鬼等。  

Liron 还是一位优秀的制作人,从艺十多年与以色列及全球众多一流艺术家合作演出,包括以色列歌手 Shlomo Gronich, 以色列小提琴演奏家 Sanya Kroitor, 以色列手鼓演奏家 Zohar Fresco, 巴西吉他弹唱作曲家Badi Assad, 西班牙获奖弗拉明戈/爵士横笛演奏家 Jorge Pardo, 印度西塔琴大师 Govind Goswami 等。 
Liron Man 
Music always remained the main passion and purpose in Liron's life. From a very young age, playing music always felt like home. 

At the age of 19 Liron started producing events and performing alongside Israeli finest artists such as Shlomo Gronich, a famous composer and song writer, Sanya Kroitor, top violin player in Israel and more, Liron's collaborations with artists always made him feel he wanted to go with his own truth and find his personal path in the music world. 

Liron's musical path took two different directions, HandPan playing and Flamenco guitar. 
Liron's connection to the Handpan was immediate and from the very beginning he already showed high skills and started performing. He quickly got the title of the fastest HandPan player in the world which brought him to work with musicians such as Zohar Fresco, one of world's leading percussionists (Israel), Badi Assad, famous singer/guitarist songwriter (Brazil), Jorge Pardo, award winning Flamenco/Jazz flautist (Spain), Govinda Goswami, sitar master (India). 

Liron performed in theaters and festivals over the past 10 years in more than 20 countries in Europe, Asia, Middle East, North and South America. 
Liron mainly performs in projects that he self produce or collaborate. 

Liron is experienced with a large variety of musics from around the world such as, Middle East, Indian, Jewish, Eastern European, Brazilian, Moroccan, Spanish......


委内瑞拉的专业打击乐器演奏者和DJ, 从1984年到2003年在委内瑞拉跟有名音乐家和银乐队工作。例如委内瑞拉音乐家 Oscar De Leon, 波多黎各音乐家 India 和许多乐队:<<Erick Franchesky y su Orquesta>>, <<Grupo Kaffe>>, <<Dimension de Siempre>>等。曾在中 49 30175 49 14939 0 0 1400 0 0:00:21 0:00:10 0:00:11 3025,俄罗斯,菲律宾等地演出。

Gilberto Ali Romero Aguilar

Gilberto participated in different contests and festivals singing and created a large crowd following. In October 2003 he had the opportunity to come to china to sing with the latin band "MAKORE" in a latin bar called "LATINOS". 

Gilberto 他参加了不同的比赛和节日歌唱,并圈粉无数。2003年10月,他来到中国跟拉丁乐队"MAKORE"一起在一个名为"LATINOS"的拉丁酒吧唱歌。

活动详情 Event Info: 


时间/Time: 2018年1月30日 21:00 
门票/Ticket: 80(presale)/100(door)(票务:购票链接)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 


时间/Time: 2018年1月28日 19:00 

门票/Ticket: 180(presale)/200(door)(票务:购票链接)

地点/Venue: 山谷居民空间

地址/ADD: 北京市通州区芙蓉西路月亮河城堡公寓503号楼6号底商“山谷居民”

电话/Tel: 010-89586700 / 18201038298

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