
6/07 ▶ 国际新爵士五重奏 J Kyle and The Gratitude Project (US, New Jazz)

Gratitude is J Kyle Gregory’s international jazz quintet, made up of some of Beijing’s finest creative musicians, seeking to improvise beautiful melody as an expression of thanks for the gift of existence. Either we remain angry in life or we learn to be grateful. In our music we are choosing gratitude.

Gratitude 是 J Kyle Gregory 的国际爵士五重奏项目,由几位北京最具创造力的音乐家组成,寻求将即兴旋律演奏作为对“存在”这一馈赠的感激。我们要么在生活中保持愤怒,要么学会感恩。在我们的音乐里,我们选择感恩。


Borbély Műhely/Mihály Borbély Quartet with Kyle Gregory - Caravan

Flugelhorn: J Kyle Gregory (US)
Guitar: Simone Schirru (IT)
Sax: Nathaniel Gao (US)
Bass: Zhang Ke 张柯 (CN)
Drums: Anthony Vanacore (US)

Dr. J Kyle Gregory was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, and grew up in Bloomington. He currently lives between Verona, Italy and Beijing, China, teaching and performing Jazz all over the world. 
He studied music performance and education at Berklee College of Music, Indiana University, and the University of Northern Colorado, completing his doctorate in 1995. In 1991 he received the prestigious Fulbright Grant for a year of pedagogical research into new methods of teaching improvisation in Hungary. 
J Kyle Gregory 博士出生于美国印第安纳州,目前工作生活于意大利维罗纳和中国北京,并在世界各地教授与表演爵士乐。他毕业于伯克利音乐学院,印第安纳大学音乐表演和教育专业,1995在北科罗拉多大学年完成了博士学位。1991年,他通过教学即兴创新的新教学法研究在匈牙利获得了Fulbright Grant奖。

For the last 25 years Kyle has worked as a professor of Jazz Studies at universities and conservatories in the USA, Italy, and China. He has performed and taught in the United States, Italy, Canada, Sweden, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, England, Spain, Romania, Germany, the Ivory Coast, Tanzania, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Lebanon, Cyprus, Taiwan, and China. 
在过去的25年里,Kyle在美国、意大利和中国的大学音乐学院教爵士乐。作为音乐演奏家和教育家,他曾走访20多个国家和地区进行演奏与授课,包括:美国,意大利,加拿大,瑞典,匈牙利,斯洛伐克,捷克共和国,瑞士,英国,西班牙,罗马尼亚,德国,象牙海岸, 马来西亚,新加坡,泰国,澳大利亚,新西兰,黎巴嫩以及中国。

In past years he performed with numerous internationally-known jazz and commercial artists, including Paul Motian, Vincent Herring, Ted Rosenthal, the Chicago Jazz Ensemble, the Mingus Dynasty Big Band, the touring Broadway show Motown, The Temptations, and Liza Minelli. Kyle has recorded over 50 albums with various artists and independent labels, including his original compositions World Downside Up and Tongues of Fire, which are available on iTunes and Spotify.
他与许多国际知名的爵士音乐演奏家进行过合作,包括 Paul Motian, Bob Mintzer, JJ Johnson, Dianne Reeves, Liza Minelli, The Temptations, the Chicago Jazz Ensemble, the Mingus Dynasty Big Band, the touring Broadway show Motown, The Temptations 和 Liza Minelli. Kyle已经与众多演奏家和许多独立厂牌合作录制了50多张专辑,包括他的原创作品集 World Downside Up 和 Tongues of Fire ,这些专辑都可以在 iTunes 和 Spotify 找到。

Through his work with an international social enterprise, Nexus, Kyle facilitates learning communities where people meet together to find connections between great art and their own life stories.

2015年初,他创立了一个叫“Turn to Beauty”的国际非营利组织,是一个通过审美创造来丰富生活的学习共同体。伴随“Turn to Beauty”这个学习共同体的成长,Kyle组织过家庭音乐会、教育工作坊以及艺术欣赏俱乐部等活动,旨在向全球越来越多的人提供与艺术近距离接触的机会与转变。

Guitar: Simone Schirru (IT)

Sax: Nathaniel Gao (US)

Bass: Zhang Ke 张柯 (CN)

Drums: Anthony Vanacore (US)

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年6月7日 21:00
门票/Ticket: 50(ADV)/60(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District
电话/Tel: 010-64078969
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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