
9/11 DDC ▶ 俄罗斯鼓手领衔 Dmitry Strelianny Quartet (RU., Jazz)


Sax: Nat Gao (US)

Piano: Sejin Bae (KR)

Bass: Chenhuai Wang (CN)

Drums: Dmitry Strelianny (RU)

Dmitry Strelianny 四重奏是现代爵士乐界最令人惊叹的乐队之一,该乐队由萨克斯管演奏家 Nat Gao、钢琴家 Sejin Bae、贝斯手王晨淮和鼓手 Dmitry Strelianny 组成。这些音乐家用他们的表演为每个场所都带来了活力和存在感。Dmitry Strelianny曾经在阿姆斯特丹和其他地区的主要场馆以及欧洲主要场馆都进行过精彩的表演。不管是三重奏还是六重奏,器乐或声乐,都将是一个属于爵士乐的愉快夜晚。

Dmitry Strelianny Quartet is one of the more formidable groups to emerge on modern jazz scene, this project is a remarkably empathetic cooperative band featuring saxophonist Nat Gao, pianist Sejin Bae(SouthKorea), bassist Chenhuai Wang and drummer Dmitry Strelianny(Russia).  Together these musicians bring energy and a presence to every room in which they perform. Dmitry Strelianny's performance experience includes a number of Amsterdam’s venues  and many others, as well as various premier venues across Europe. Whether a trio or a sextet, instrumental or vocal, the band promises to make your evening a colourful journey through the sounds of jazz, as well as leave listeners with an experience they will never forget.


Drums: Dmitry Strelianny(RU)

Dmitry Strelianny 擅长观察与学习,喜欢从他人的看法、声音和历史中找到灵感。然后将这些学到的知识,综合传达整理,运用到今后的创作中去。

Dmitry Strelianny tirelessly learns, studies, observes, takes notes, and finds inspiration from the perceptions of others, from their sound and their history. In the future he plans to spend more time writing music that synthesizes and transforms the many influences from which he emerged.


With his band, that provides him the most direct opportunity to explore and expand his own thoughts in music Dmitry relishes a sense of open-mindedness. He has listened to lots of different musical styles as long as he remembers. He continues to absorb all these influences and in doing so create his own voice—by combining their forces into a harmonic whole. He seeks to blend the various styles and sounds he loves into a balanced, tasteful musical language.

Dmitry Strelianny 出生于俄罗斯的托木斯克。他在那里生活了5年,最初的音乐灵感来自他哥哥和姐姐的黑胶唱片,从古典音乐到前卫音乐。14岁生日的前几天他开始玩音,当时就读于高加索南部的高中。与大多数青少年一样,他被摇滚音乐及其所有的形式影响着。所以, 他第一次加入了当地的crossover乐队。

Dmitry Strelianny was born in Tomsk, Russia. Here he spent the first five years of his life inspired by music of his elder brother’s and sister’s LPs, from “classical” to avant-garde. He began playing music just days before his 14th birthday at High School on the south side of Caucasus, where he grew up. Like the most teenagers he was impressed by rock music and all its formations and as a result of it, his first step was local crossover bands.

Dmitry 第一次聆听了来自纽约的由 Max Roach、 Art Blakey、Ray Brown、he Thad Jones - Mel Lewis 管弦乐团、Lee Morgan 等大师的乐队演出,他知道自己将来想去这样的地方发展。 他觉得他需要在这种氛围中生活,这样才能在音乐上成长。接下来,他便开始在莫斯科音乐学院学习。此后,他于2008年进入阿姆斯特丹音乐学院。

After hearing groups from New York led by masters like Max Roach, Art Blakey, Ray Brown, The Thad Jones-Mel Lewis Orchestra, Lee Morgan, Dmitry knew where he wanted to go next. He felt he needed to be around this kind of atmosphere in order to grow musically.

随着求知探索的爆发力,闪电的速度,大师级节奏型和拍子记号,Dmitry 在他的音乐中呈现出来一种罕见的优雅的感觉。他的艺术独创性表现在他无与伦比的能力上。 技巧,挥舞鼓棒的感觉,和非凡的能力,使他的音乐充满庄严和优雅共鸣。

Along with explosive power, blinding speed and mastery of rhythms and time signatures, Dmitry brings a rare sense of elegance, tried-by- fire composure, and a gritty street funk to his music. His artistic ingenuity expresses itself in his technique, sense of swing, and an extraordinary ability to imbue his music with majestic grace and elegant repose.

Sax: Nat Gao(US)

Nat Gao 2006年以来活跃在北京爵士乐界的的萨克斯演奏家和作曲家。作为“红手”五重奏乐队的成员之一和他的四重奏和三重奏乐队的主导者,他为北京爵士音乐做出了重要贡献。他参与的乐队还包括“夏佳四重奏”,“Bad Monk”, “大卫”,“北京 Blue Note 乐队”,“Three Sergeants Syndrome”,“北京城市大乐队”,“Afrokoko Roots”和“不一定”。他参与了“九门爵士音乐节”,“海龟岛爵士音乐节”,“新泻爵士音乐节”,“广州爵士音乐节”,“迷笛爵士音节”和“地坛音乐节”。高太行毕业于2006年获得美国北艾奥瓦大学音乐表演学士学位,于2011年获得纽约城市学院爵士演奏硕士学位。

Nathaniel Gao is a saxophonist and composer who has been based in Beijing since 2006. He has been a key contributor to the local jazz scene as both a co-leader of the quintet Red Hand as well as a leader of his own quartet and trio. Additionally, Gao has been active in an eclectic range of other musical projects including Three Sergeants Syndrome, The Beijing City Big Band, Afrokoko Roots and Bu Yiding. He has performed at the Ninegates Jazz Festival, the MIDI Jazz Festival, the Chongqing Jazz Festival, and the Ditan Park Music Festival, Jarasum International Jazz Festival and at major venues in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing and Guangzhou. Gao graduated from UNI in 2006 with BA in music performance and in 2011 completed an MA in jazz performance at the City College of New York.

Piano: Sejin Bae(KR)

钢琴家、作曲家以及编曲家裴世珍曾在韩国著名的同德女子大学获得爵士表演学士学位。于2010年搬到纽约市在皇后大学上研究生。在皇后大学她师从 David Berkman, Jeb Patton, Michael Mossman, Antonio Hart 以及 Johannes Weidenmuller。在纽约的时候,她经常参加各种演出,音乐会以及大师班。获得了爵士表演的硕士学位,之后搬回韩国并在首尔和大邱里的几所大学开始授课。

Sejin Bae is a Korean based jazz pianist, composer and arranger who received her bachelor’s degree in jazz performance at one of the most famous and competitive colleges in Seoul, The Dongduk Women’s University; there she was awarded many scholarships to attend and graduated with honors. Wanting to further pursue her music education, she moved to New York City in 2010 to attend graduate school at Queens College. At Queens College she had the privilege to study with David Berkman, Jeb Patton, Michael Mossman, Antonio Hart and Johannes Weidenmuller. During her time in New York City, she participated in many gigs, concerts and master classes.

与此同时,她经常在韩国各地最著名的音乐俱乐部和音乐厅演出,另外还参加广播电台、音乐节以及参与很多录音棚的录音工作。除了爵士乐之外,她也参与很多别的音乐风格。她是韩国很有名的拉丁乐队“Pinar Del Rio”的成员,曾经也跟许多韩国爵士-流行明星有过合作。2016年,为著名香港影片“明月几时有”而参加配乐。裴世珍已经在世界各地演出过,包括美国,韩国,中国和日本等。目前住中国北京并跟当地一些最优秀的音乐家一起合作譬如该场地包括 Blue Note,东岸,DDC,Bricks,江湖等并在现代音乐学院任教爵士钢琴。她近期跟Blue Note爵士大乐团和Mark Turner与Michael Mossman同台以及在Jz爵士音乐节于长春音乐节演出。

After completing her Master’s degree at Queens College, she returned to Korea and began teaching music at several colleges in Seoul and Daegu, as well as frequently performing at some of the most well-known venues in Korea; participating in broadcasts, festivals and recording sessions. In addition to jazz, she is also a member of the famous Korean latin band “Pinar Del Rio” and has worked with several famous Korean jazz vocalists. In 2016, Sejin participated on the soundtrack to the Hong Kong film, “Our Time will Come”.  To date, Sejin Bae has performed all of the world including the United States, Korea, Japan and China.

Sejin is currently living in Beijing performing with some of the finest musicians and many others at venues like the Blue Note, East Shore, DDC, Bricks, Jianghu, etc.  and currently holds a teaching position at the Contemporary Music Academy. In addition, She had recently performed with Mark Turner and Michael Mossman with Blue Note Beijing Jazz Orchestra, Jz Festival, and Changchun Jazz Festival etc.

Bass: Chenhuai Wang(CN)

王晨淮,爵士贝斯手,从14岁起接触音乐,并于17岁考入北京现代音乐学院,随后音乐生涯的发展转向爵士乐并开始学习低音提琴,作为北京新一代低音提琴手,为乐坛注入了新的活力,带来新气象。2008年王晨淮被荷兰格罗宁根州的克劳斯王子音乐学院特招开始攻读爵士乐学士,2013年以全额奖学金毕业。 2015年赴美国纽约皇后学院攻读演奏专业硕士,学习美国正统的音乐知识,提升自身创作才能,2017年以优异成绩毕业。随后并加入了全中国最赋有天分与才能的爵士乐手的行列,与我们在很长的时间里见到的东西都不一样,他以演奏原创音乐为主, 强调即兴创作和乐手间的乐思交流。音乐的风格涉及多种领域,如比波普,自由爵士,摇滚,说唱,电子,中国传统音乐等等,对不同的音乐风格驾驭自如,完美呈现,不仅解放出音乐本身的自由精神,更不断变化出更多姿多采的面貌,独特的创作能力加上充沛的情感,让他的作品总是充满惊喜。

Wang Chenhuai, a jazz bassist, has been in contact with music since the age of 14, and was admitted to the Beijing Contemporary Music Academy at his age of 17. After that, his musical career turned to jazz and began to learn the double bass. As a new generation of double bass players in Beijing, he injected new music into the music scene. The vitality brings a new look. In 2008, Wang Chenhuai began his jazz bachelor's degree at the Prince Claus Music Academy in Groningen, the Netherlands. In 2013, he graduated with a full scholarship. In 2015, he went to Queen's College in New York to study for a master's degree in music. He studied American orthodox music knowledge and improved his creative ability. He graduated with honors in 2017. Then he joined the ranks of the most talented and talented jazz musicians in China, which is different from what we have seen in a long time. He focuses on playing original music, emphasizing improvisation and musicians. Music exchange. The style of music involves many fields, such as Popper, Free Jazz, Rock, Rap, Electronics, Chinese Traditional Music, etc. It is easy to control different music styles, perfect not only liberating the free spirit of music itself, but also constantly His work is always full of surprises, with his unique creative ability and rich emotions.

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年9月11日 21:00

门票/Ticket: 50(ADV)/60(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District

电话/Tel: 010-64078969

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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