
9/14 DDC ▶ 放克周末:Joker's Belief / The Kwizera Jawn (Funk Rock)

乐队 Bands:

Joker's Belief (funk rock)

The Kwizera Jawn (Pop Jazz Instrumental)

Joker's Belief (funk rock)


小丑/弄臣,是生活在中世纪宫廷中的既低下又危险的职业。一天帝王要求小丑取悦所有宾客,如果不能满足要求就将其处死。小丑活了下来,“小丑的信仰”诞生了。来自5个不同的国家,5个不同的音乐背景,带来崭新的都市•放克•摇滚•新灵魂乐风格,我们叫它"Joker's Belief"。

值得一提的是吉他手 Sammy 来自英国,是一个“摇二代”,他爹在七十年代就是各种演出的吉他手!目前 Sammy 定居北京,跟来自英国,德国,中国,阿塞拜疆的四个小伙伴儿玩起了小丑信仰!

The Kwizera Jawn (Pop Jazz Instrumental)

The Kwizera Jawn is a "joint " of two creative composers, Shami and Joel. After several cooperations in different settings they have decided to bring this all together and make a new blend which they call Pop Jazz instrumental. Shami is originally a piano player with a classical background, while Joel is a bass player with a jazz and classical background as well. After years of performing, rearranging and co-composing music from Classical to Jazz, Latin, Pop, gospel, R&B, Hip hop and more they have decided to bring this all together in one joint with a flavor that is more neutral between these genres (which they call Pop) but still strongly reflects to where they musically “come from”.


The Kwizera Jawn 由两位富有创造力的作曲家组成,Shami & Joel。进行了多次不同场合的合作之后,他们一拍即合并决定将彼此的音乐连结在一起,创造一种新的融合,他们称之为流行爵士器乐。Shami 本是一个有着古典背景的钢琴演奏家,而 Joel 则是一个有着爵士和古典背景的贝斯演奏家。结合彼此多年的演出,编曲和创作经验,从古典、爵士、拉丁、流行音乐、福音、R&B、到嘻哈,他们将这些不同音乐风格之间独有的味道融合在一起形成更加中性的音乐流派,即 Pop Jazz Instrumental,让人悦耳之余仍能强烈感受到其音乐的根源性。

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年9月14日 21:00

门票/Ticket: 50(ADV)60(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District

电话/Tel: 010-64078969

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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