
4/03 8PM ▶ 瑞士流行电子摇滚新星 Sophie de Quay & The WaveGuards

“They didn’t know it was impossible so they did it”


Sophie de Quay & The WaveGuards - Au Café des Délices

“Sophie de Quay & the WaveGuards” consider Mark Twain’s quotation as their motto. For two years, they have indeed performed more than 100 concerts throughout the world: Switzerland, France, Belgium, Romania, Spain, Lebanon, New York.  And soon, they will be playing in South-East Asia.

“Sophie de Quay & the WaveGuards” 这支瑞士乐队把马克吐温的这句名言当成了他们的座右铭。在过去的两年中,她们已经有了上百场的演出经验,足迹遍布了瑞士、法国、比利时、罗马尼亚、西班牙、黎巴嫩和纽约,很快,她们将会第一次来到亚洲。

Thanks to their audacity, sensitivity, enthusiasm, spontaneity and openness on the world, Sophie, Simon and Tim manage to convert every new encounter and every new experience into a simple and moving story.

得益于他们的胆大心细,热情奔放,独立自主,开拓创新,这支由 Sophie、Simon 和 Tim 组成的 “Sophie de Quay & the WaveGuards“ 乐队可以将他们每一次的经历与全新的体验转换成一首首动人的歌曲。

They are not alone in this venture. Pascal Auberson, their godfather and mentor, “experiments” their music with them. Patrick Bruel who has been following Sophie since the beginning of her musical career recently invited her to join him on stage for a duet during the Caribana Festival. Lionel Capouillez, the biggest sound engineer of French-speaking music productions (Stromae, Patrick Bruel, Big Flo et Oli, Maître Gims), sublimates the trio’s music. And last but not least, their faithful fan club follows them on their every move.

在这场音乐之旅中,还有很多知名艺术家为她们保驾护航,瑞士著名老歌唱家 Pascal Auberson 成为了他们的音乐教父,与他们一起做音乐。法国著名歌手 Patrick Bruel 更是从一开始就被 Sophie 的音乐所吸引,通过各种方式在各种场合毫不吝惜的表达对 Sophie 的欣赏并将 Sophie 带到了瑞士著名的 Caribana Festival 与他同台演出。Lionel Capouillez,瑞士法语区最有名的音响师也为她们的音乐做出了声音上的提升。当然,这其中更少不了一路共同渡过的,支持他们歌迷们。

Pop melodies, electro beats and rich structures of the WaveGuard’s productions blend to create a generous sound enabling Sophie to uncover her powerful and moving voice. Her warm and intense tone of voice is particularly revealed in an EP and in their first album “Drop The Mask” in which the lyrics in French, English and Chinese evoke the dilemma and the duality between being and appearing.

流畅的旋律,电子的节奏以及丰富的编曲,均来自于 Sophie 背后这支名叫 “the WaveGuard’s “ 的乐队,他们的超高乐曲天赋加上 Sophie 那副”老天赏饭吃“的好嗓子,没有不红的道理。Sophie 的声音特质在她们的第一张EP和首张专辑里体现的淋漓尽致。他们的首张专辑《Drop The Mask》尝试了用法语、英语以及中文进行创作,探讨了生活的困境以及生命的二元性。

The authenticity of the group is revealed on stage by the performance of the two multi-instrumentalists WaveGuards and by Sophie who, by her radiant personality, leads their public into one of their numerous journeys.

两个可以演奏多种乐器的演奏家组成的 WaveGuards 和 Sophie 的表演在舞台上展现了整个乐队的魅力,而 Sophie 本人则以她光芒四射的个性,引领着乐队走向更多的旅程。

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2019年4月3日 20:00 
门票/Ticket: 60(ADV)/80(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District
电话/Tel: 010-64078969
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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