
7/10 DDC ▶ 德国知名萨克斯演奏家 Peter Ehwald Quartet (DE, Jazz)


Sax: Peter Ehwald (DE)

Guitar: Satoshi Kataoka (JP)

Bass: Charlie Wang (CN)

Drums: Antonio Fusco (IT)

Sax: Peter Ehwald (DE)

Peter Ehwald is an outstanding German saxophonist, who has already been successful on both sides of the Atlantic. The tangency of the separate worlds of Jazz and Classical Music / contemporary music is part of daily life of Peter. From these separate musical worlds he draws the inspiration for this energetic and yet elegiac improvisations.

Peter Ehwal来自德国柏林,是一名在大西洋两岸取得了成功的杰出萨克斯管演奏家。爵士乐和古典音乐/当代音乐这两个不同世界的融合是Peter日常生活的一部分。他从这些不同的音乐世界中汲取灵感,创作了这些充满活力但又伤感的即兴曲。


Peter Ehwald studied Saxophone at the music academies in Weimar and Köln, at the Royal Academy of Music in London and at City College New York. He took lessons with Claudius Valk, John Patitucci, Rich Perry, Mike Holober, Julian Argüelles, Stan Sulzman and Ian Ballemy. 

Peter Ehwald 曾在 Weimar and Köln 音乐学院、伦敦皇家音乐学院和纽约城市学院学习萨克斯。他师从Claudius Valk, John Patitucci, Rich Perry, Mike Holober, Julian Argüelles, Stan Sulzman 和 Ian Ballemy。


Rewarded with a prestigious DAAD scholarship he taught Jazz-Combo and Big Band from 2007 to 2009 as a graduate assistant at the City College, New York. His composition Alanis was performed at Carnegie Hall in spring 2007. Since returning to Berlin in 2007 Peter became an active part of the Berlin Jazz Scene. From there he leads various own projects, including the two Double Bass quartet Double Trouble, the Septuor de Grand Matin, the Anglo- German Quartet Paragon as well as a trio with pianist Stefan Schultze and New York based drummer Tom Rainey. Peter has a deep interest in music cultures that differ from the western form and Jazz. He writes for and performs regulary with the berlin based Korean percussion Ensemble ~su. Following this involvement he was invited to South Korea as Artist in Residence to Gwanju and Seoul. 

作为他2007年至2009年在纽约城市学院担任研究生助理,教授爵士组合和大型乐队的奖赏,他获得了DAAD奖学金。2007年春天,他的作品《Alanis》在卡内基音乐厅演出。自从2007年回到柏林后,Peter成为柏林爵士乐坛的活跃分子。在那里,他领导着自己的各种项目,包括两个低音提琴四重奏,七重奏,德国四重奏,以及钢琴演奏家 Stefan Schultze 和纽约鼓手 Tom Rainey 的三重奏。

Peter 对不同于西方形式和爵士乐的音乐文化有着浓厚的兴趣。他为柏林的韩国打击乐乐团—-su 写歌并定期演出。在此之后,他作为常驻艺术家被邀请到韩国光州和首尔。

From 2011-2014 he was artistic director of the Backyard Jazz Orchestra, a project of Goethe Institut in South Eastern Europe. Currently he teaches Jazz at the Hochschule für Musik Frantz Liszt“ in Weimar. 

Peter music is released on around thirty CDs, he is an intensely touring musician, who performs with many bands in countries like UK, France, Poland, Spain, Finland, USA, Peru and Costa Rica, South Korea, Mexico.

2011年至2014年,他担任 Goethe Institut 在东南欧的一个项目 Backyard Jazz Orchestra 的艺术总监。目前他在 Weimar 的 Hochschule für Musik Frantz Liszt 学院教授爵士乐。Peter 的音乐发行了大约30张 cd,他是一个活跃的巡回音乐家,和 UK, France, Poland, Spain, Finland, USA, Peru and Costa Rica, South Korea, Mexico 等国家的许多乐队一起演出过。

Guitar: Satoshi Kataoka (JP)

Satoshi Kataoka is a guitarist, composer and arranger living in New York City. He attended the Jazz Performance program at The City College of New York where he studied with world acknowledged musicians like, John Patittuci, Mike Holober, Scott Reeves and many others.

片冈知志是一位居住在纽约的吉他手、作曲家和编曲家。他在纽约城市大学师从 John Patittuci、Mike Holober、Scott Reeves 等世界著名音乐家,并参加爵士表演项目。


Satoshi has played/recorded with some great players such as John McNeil (Horace Silver, Tom Harrell, Billy Hart, Bob Brookmeyer), Joe Martin (Chris Potter, Brad Mehldau, Fred Hersch, Maria Schneider), Jochen Rueckert (Mark Turner, Marc Copland, Pat Metheny, Sam Yahel), Michael King (Dee Dee Bridgewater, Robin Eubanks, Theo Croker), Mark Whitfield Jr (Orrin Evans, Buster Williams, Joey Alexander) and many more.

片冈知志和 John McNeil (Horace Silver, Tom Harrell, Billy Hart, Bob Brookmeyer), Joe Martin (Chris Potter, Brad Mehldau, Fred Hersch, Maria Schneider), Jochen Rueckert (Mark Turner, Marc Copland, Pat Metheny, Sam Yahel), Michael King (Dee Dee Bridgewater, Robin Eubanks, Theo Croker), Mark Whitfield Jr (Orrin Evans, Buster Williams, Joey Alexander) 等诸多优秀乐手一起表演、录制专辑。

In 2015, he has released his first album, “Fall Into the Place” which consists of all his original pieces from the Surca music. The album recorded with Adam Kolker (Billy Hart, Paul Motian), Pablo Menares (Melissa Aldana, Claudia Acuna) and Allan Mednard (Kurt Rosenwinkel, Aaron Parks).

2015年,他发行了第一张专辑“Fall Into the Place”,其中收录了他来自 Surca music 的全部作品。这张专辑他与 Adam Kolker (Billy Hart, Paul Motian), Pablo Menares (Melissa Aldana, Claudia Acuna) and Allan Mednard (Kurt Rosenwinkel, Aaron Parks) 等合作录制


He has been actively playing in the city since the college years at the venues such as Iridium, Smalls, Fatcat, Cornelia St Cafe, Shape Shifter Lab and many other places. He also has been invited to play some jazz festivals in China such as Hangzhou jazz festival, and given masterclasses in Beijing, Shanghai.

他从上大学期间就开始在 Iridium, Smalls, Fatcat, Cornelia St Café, Shape Shifter La 等场地活跃演出,他也曾受邀参加 Hangzhou jazz 等中国的爵士音乐节,在北京、上海两地举办大师班。


He's been playing in some different groups with musicians such as Allan Mednard, Pablo Menares, Glenn Zaleski (current pianist in Ravi Coltrane’s), Simona Premazzi (current pianist in Greg Osby’s and Jeremy Pelt’) and many more,as well as his own trio, quartet, quintet and larger ensemble.

他在Allan Mednard, Pablo Menares, Glenn Zaleski(current pianist in Ravi Coltrane’s), Simona Premazzi(current pianist in Greg Osby’s and Jeremy Pelt’) 等一些不同的团体和音乐家们合作演出,也自己拥有三重奏、四重奏和大乐队等。

Bass: Charlie Wang (CN)

王晨淮,爵士贝斯手,从14岁起接触音乐,并于17岁考入北京现代音乐学院,随后音乐生涯的发展转向爵士乐并开始学习低音提琴,作为北京新一代低音提琴手,为乐坛注入了新的活力,带来新气象。2008年王晨淮被荷兰格罗宁根州的克劳斯王子音乐学院特招开始攻读爵士乐学士,2013年以全额奖学金毕业。 2015年赴美国纽约皇后学院攻读演奏专业硕士,学习美国正统的音乐知识,提升自身创作才能,2017年以优异成绩毕业。随后并加入了全中国最赋有天分与才能的爵士乐手的行列,与我们在很长的时间里见到的东西都不一样,他以演奏原创音乐为主, 强调即兴创作和乐手间的乐思交流。音乐的风格涉及多种领域,如比波普,自由爵士,摇滚,说唱,电子,中国传统音乐等等,对不同的音乐风格驾驭自如,完美呈现,不仅解放出音乐本身的自由精神,更不断变化出更多姿多采的面貌,独特的创作能力加上充沛的情感,让他的作品总是充满惊喜。

Wang Chenhuai, a jazz bassist, has been in contact with music since the age of 14, and was admitted to the Beijing Contemporary Music Academy at his age of 17. After that, his musical career turned to jazz and began to learn the double bass. As a new generation of double bass players in Beijing, he injected new music into the music scene. The vitality brings a new look. In 2008, Wang Chenhuai began his jazz bachelor's degree at the Prince Claus Music Academy in Groningen, the Netherlands. In 2013, he graduated with a full scholarship. In 2015, he went to Queen's College in New York to study for a master's degree in music. He studied American orthodox music knowledge and improved his creative ability. He graduated with honors in 2017. Then he joined the ranks of the most talented and talented jazz musicians in China, which is different from what we have seen in a long time. He focuses on playing original music, emphasizing improvisation and musicians. Music exchange. The style of music involves many fields, such as Popper, Free Jazz, Rock, Rap, Electronics, Chinese Traditional Music, etc. It is easy to control different music styles, perfect not only liberating the free spirit of music itself, but also constantly His work is always full of surprises, with his unique creative ability and rich emotions.

Drums: Antonio Fusco (IT)

Antonio Fusco 是欧洲最早期也是最核心的爵士鼓手之一,不仅一直在圈内非常活跃,同样为爵士乐的新潮流贡献了很多心血,目前他是许多欧洲乐队的成员之一,包括:Giovanni Falzone Contemporary Orchestra, Tino Tracanna Acrobats, Reem Kelani Band, Henrik Jensen Followed By Thirteen。


2011年,他成立了乐队 Antonio Fusco Sextet - Suite for Motian, 并与2014年在意大利的音乐唱片厂牌 Auditorium Parco Della Musica 旗下正式发行,同时受到了国内的一致好评。同样在2014年,他与两位来自英国的优秀爵士音乐家建立了三重奏乐队NS3: 钢琴手 Bruno Heinen 和丹麦籍低音提琴手 Henrik Jensen。


他创作了Esarmonia 发行的鼓手指南书籍 LA COORDINAZIONE (The Coordination), 并曾经接受过很多国内知名报纸媒体的采访,包括 Musikateneo, Drums and Percussion, Senza Barcode (Web magazine) 和 JAZZIT, Jazzespresso. 在2014年,他被 Flavio Caprera 创作并由 Feltrinelli 发行的新版 "New Italian Jazz Dictionary" 提名。


Antonio Fusco is one of the most important and original drummers of the European Jazz scene. Always supportive and focused on new trends in jazz and music in general, he’s currently involved in various European project, including: Giovanni Falzone Contemporary Orchestra, Tino Tracanna Acrobats, Reem Kelani Band, Henrik Jensen Followed By Thirteen. In 2011 he founded the project - Antonio Fusco Sextet- Suite for Motian and in 2014 it was released with the Italian label Auditorium Parco Della Musica Records, getting great approval from the national critic. The 2014 is also the beginning of a new trio NS3 project with two brilliant musicians of the UK jazz scene: the pianist Bruno Heinen and the Danish bassist Henrik Jensen.

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2019年7月10日 21:00

门票/Ticket: 50(ADV)/60(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District
电话/Tel: 010-64078969
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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