
CEO话创新 | SISRAM MED,创新科技让生活更美好

2018-01-11 复星医药


        复星医药旗下SISRAM MED是首家在香港上市的以色列公司,也是中国最大的能量源医疗美容器械供应商。2018新年伊始,我们采访了SISRAM MED CEO Mr. Lior Moshe Dayan,旨在从企业CEO的角度探索企业的科技创新之路、人才团队建设理念及国际化布局,让更多员工与公众了解SISRAM MED以及公司未来的发展规划。

SISRAM MED CEO Mr. Lior Moshe Dayan


SISRAM MED is the largest provider of energy-based medical aesthetic treatment systems in the PRC market, and innovation is very important to a technology-driven company. As the CEO of SISRAM MED, what does innovation mean to you and how do you harness innovation as driving force for business growth?

SISRAM MED是中国最大的能量源医疗美容器械供应商,科技创新对于公司非常重要。作为企业的CEO,您如何看待科技创新?在公司发展过程中,您如何使创新这一源动力不断助力企业发展?

Mr. Lior: Human life expectancy is constantly rising. Men and women live longer, want to look better, feel better – and live better lives. This is the context of our market and this is where we focus – we harness innovation as a theme, facilitating our vision to challenge human aging and inspire a better quality of life using cutting-edge innovative energy based solutions. Innovative thinking, creativity and ingenuity are key elements of our DNA, dating back to our early days. Over the last 18 years, we have developed numerous technologies, solutions and treatment concepts considered the gold standard of the industry. This is more than a statement, it’s the reality – 16% of our employees are research and development specialists, 25% of which holds PhDs and advanced degrees.

Innovation for us means optimizing our solutions to best cater the market needs, we are always looking at how we can do things better, add more value and improve our customers overall experience.




For a company, excellent product and service is a key element of sustainable development. How does SISRAM MED guarantee the excellent and reliable product and service for a diverse global audience to maintain the premium brand image?


Mr.Lior: As a B2B company with a B2C orientation, we make sure to maintain a 360°, holistic view of the market. Safety and efficacy are two consumer oriented core principals, which are rooted in our product life cycle. All products are evaluated based on these two principals and no product is launched unless it demonstrates outstanding scoring on both. On the B2B level, our brand equity is comprised of durable, reliable, serviceable platforms that ensure fast ROI, great reputation effect and peace of mind for the practitioners.

On another note, although we are a global company, it is important for us not to detach ourselves from the ground. We are attentive, open and cooperative in designing and manufacturing custom made products based on specific region’s demands as we acknowledge the deep domestic understanding each distributor holds.  




SISRAM MED was listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong successfully on Sept. 19th, 2017 that marks a new milestone with step into global capital market. Could you tell us the global footprint plan after listed?

2017年9月19日, SISRAM MED正式于香港联合交易所上市,标志着SISRAM MED进入国际资本市场,迈入一个新的里程碑。请您谈谈公司在香港上市后的国际化布局。

Mr.Lior: SISRAM MED is the first ever Israeli firm listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange! This IPO marks the latest achievement of our company and the beginning of a new era for us. We intend to leverage our position as the leading provider of energy-based solutions for the Medical Aesthetic device industry in the People's Republic of China, as well as strengthen our North America and Indian operations. Our 2018 planning is based on strong organic growth, both R&D and sales based, as well as M&A ventures that will complete and enhance our global offering. 

SISRAM MED是首家在港交所上市的以色列公司!这次IPO标志着我们公司的最新成就,也标志着我们新时代的开始。在国际化布局方面,我们打算利用在中国市场上激光医疗美容器械的领先供应商的地位,并加强我们的北美地区和印度的业务。我们的2018年计划是建立在强劲的内生增长基础上的,包括研发和销售,以及未来通过并购整合来夯实和提升我们的全球供应能力。


The building of an international employee’s team will be more important after SISRAM MED step into global capital market. So how do you manage talents development and team building?


Mr.Lior: Running a global operation such as SISRAM MED is a challenging task and one we are handling for over 18 years now. The base of our pyramid is the strong and agile sales and marketing teams, covering the globe on a high-level operation. The second layer of this structure is comprised of our subsidiaries, enabling us to focus on specific regions from a local perspective. At the top of the pyramid is our unique global sales model, comprised of 36% direct sales and 64% distribution channels allowing us to maximize our global presence while benefiting from a localized experience tailored to each country’s specific characteristics. This is only one example of our creative thinking in team building methodology.

经营像SISRAM MED这样的全球业务型公司是一项具有挑战性的任务。18年以来,我们金字塔的基础是强大而敏捷的营销团队,并通过高效运营覆盖全球。结构的第二层由我们的子公司组成,使我们能够从局部的角度关注特定的区域。金字塔的顶端是我们独特的全球销售模式,由36%的直销和64%的分销渠道组成,使我们能够最大化我们的全球业务,同时受益于针对每个国家特有特点的本地化经验。这是我们在团队建设方法中创造性思维的一个例子。


In your opinion, how could SISRAM MED strengthen resources integration for better development?

您觉得, SISRAM MED如何进一步加强资源整合与协作,助力公司未来更好发展?

Mr.Lior: Fosun Pharma’s comprehensive and multi-layered presence in the PRC and the global healthcare market is a huge benefit for us, providing numerous joint ventures opportunities for SISRAM MED, such as new distribution channels, new operation models and new products and services. We intend to leverage our business relationships to create mutual value for all related firms in this eco-system.

复星医药在中国和全球医疗健康市场的全面、多层次的业务对我们来说有着巨大的价值,它为SISRAM MED提供了大量的合作机会,如新的分销渠道、新的运营模式和新的产品服务。我们希望通过我们的商业合作关系,为这一生态系统中的所有相关公司创造共同价值。

