Synth MATLAB Code (11/07/2006) written for MATLAB 7.0
by Alberto Abadie, Alexis Diamond, and Jens Hainmueller (all Harvard University)
Contact: jhainm@harvard.edu
39 by 39 data matrix to run the example:
First row contains state numbers:Alabama 1; Arkansas 2; Colorado 4; Connecticut 5; Delaware 6;Georgia 7; Idaho 8; Illinois 9; Indiana 10; Iowa 11; Kansas 12;Kentucky 13; Louisiana 14; Maine 15; Minnesota 16; Mississippi 17; Missouri 18; Montana 19; Nebraska 20; Nevada 21; New Hampshire 22; New Mexico 23; North Carolina 24; North Dakota 25; Ohio 26; Oklahoma 27;Pennsylvania 28; Rhode Island 29; South Carolina 30; South Dakota 31; Tennessee 32; Texas 33; Utah 34; Vermont 35; Virginia 36; West Virginia 37; Wisconsin 38; Wyoming 39; California
Predictors are stored in rows 2 to 8:
row 2: income, row 3: retail price, row 4: percent_15-19; row 5: beer
consumption (all averaged 1980 to 1988);row 6: smoking 1988, row 7: smoking 1980; row 8: smoking 1975;
Outcome Data (smoking consumption in packs per capita) is stored in
rows 9 to 39 for the years 1970, 1971,...,2000
load MLAB_data.txt;
data = MLAB_data;
% California is state no 3, stored in the last column no 39
index_tr = [39];
% 38 Control states are 1,2 & 4,5,...,38, stored in columns 1 to 38
index_co = [1:38];
% Predcitors are stored in rows 2 to 8
index_predict = [2:8];
% Outcome Data is stored in rows 9 to 39; for 1970, 1971,...,2000
index_Y = [9:39];
% X0 : 7 X 38 matrix (7 smoking predictors for 38 control states)
X0 = data(index_predict,index_co);
% X1 : 10 X 1 matrix (10 crime predictors for 1 treated states)
X1 = data(index_predict,index_tr);
% Normalization (probably could be done more elegantly)
bigdata = [X0,X1];
divisor = std(bigdata');
scamatrix = (bigdata' * diag(( 1./(divisor) * eye(size(bigdata,1))) ))';
X0sca = scamatrix([1:size(X0,1)],[1:size(X0,2)]);
X1sca = scamatrix(1:size(X1,1),[size(scamatrix,2)]);
X0 = X0sca;
X1 = X1sca;
clear divisor X0sca X1sca scamatrix bigdata;
% Y0 : 31 X 38 matrix (31 years of smoking data for 38 control states)
Y0 = data(index_Y,index_co);
% Y1 : 31 X 1 matrix (31 years of smoking data for 1 treated state)
Y1 = data(index_Y,index_tr);
% Now pick Z matrices, i.e. the pretreatment period
% over which the loss function should be minmized
% Here we pick Z to go from 1970 to 1988
% Z0 : 19 X 38 matrix (31 years of pre-treatment smoking data for 38 control states)
Z0 = Y0([1:19],1:38);
% Z1 : 19 X 1 matrix (31 years of pre-treatment smoking data for 1 treated state)
Z1 = Y1([1:19],1);
% Check and maybe adjust optimization settings if necessary
options = optimset('fmincon')
% Get Starting Values
s = std([X1 X0]')';
s2 = s; s2(1)=[];
s1 = s(1);
v20 =((s1./s2).^2);
[v2,fminv,exitflag] = fmincon('loss_function',v20,[],[],[],[],...
v = [1;v2];
% V-weights
% Now recover W-weights
D = diag(v);
H = X0'*D*X0;
f = - X1'*D*X0;
options = optimset('quadprog')
w = abs(w);
% W-weights
Y0_plot = Y0*w;
years = [1970:2000]';
plot(years,Y1,'-', years,Y0_plot,'--');
axis([1970 2000 0 150]);
ylabel('smoking consumtion per capita (in packs)');
legend('Solid Real California','Dashed Synthetic California',4);