Stata |Python |Matlab |Eviews |R Geoda |ArcGis |GeodaSpace |SPSS 一文读懂 |数据资源 |回归方法 |网络爬虫 门限回归 |工具变量 |内生性 |空间计量 因果推断 |合成控制法 |倾向匹配得分 |断点回归 |双重差分 面板数据 | 动态面板数据
spm允许估计具有双权重矩阵的平衡空间面板数据模型,参考Atella V., Belotti F., Depalo D., Piano Mortari A., (2014), "Measuring spatial effects in the presence of institutional constraints: The case of Italian Local Health Authority expenditure", Regional Science and Urban Economics, 49, 232–241.
适用于平衡的面板数据,并且可以进行SAR, SEM和Durbin模型
Spatial Autoregressive (SAR) model
spm depvar [indepvars] [if] [in] [weight] [, SAR_options]
Spatial Error (SEM) model
spm depvar [indepvars] [if] [in] [weight] , model(sem) [SEM_options]
Spatial Durbin (SDM) model
spm depvar [indepvars] [if] [in] [weight] , model(durbin) [DURBIN_options]
sarwmat(name)表示 第一个用于空间自回归项的Stata权重矩阵
sarw2mat(name)表示 用于空间自回归项的第二个Stata权重矩阵
type(name) 表示固定效应类型可以是ind表示个体固定效果效果,time表示时间固定效果,或者both表示时间和个体固定效果
detrend quadratic表示去除单位特定的二次趋势
. use "spm_demo.dta"
. summ
Variable | Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
id | 940 94.5 54.29905 1 188
t | 940 3 1.414966 1 5
y | 940 15.24347 9.902384 .3007887 38.66438
x1 | 940 1.374253 1.19882 -2.039139 4.966914
. desc
Contains data from C:\Users\Metrics\Desktop\spm_demo.dta
Observations: 940
Variables: 4 25 Feb 2022 09:17
Variable Storage Display Value
name type format label Variable label
id float %9.0g
t float %9.0g
y float %9.0g
x1 float %9.0g
Sorted by:
其实我们分别调用两个不同的空间权重矩阵来研究x对y的影响 。并且建立面板空间双重矩阵模型。
mata mata matuse "http://www.econometrics.it/stata/data/W1.mmat", replace
mata st_matrix("W1",W1)
mata mata matuse "http://www.econometrics.it/stata/data/W2.mmat", replace
mata st_matrix("W2",W2)
xtset id t
*Durbin model
spm y x1, model(durbin) sarwmat(W1) sarw2mat(W2)
spm y x1, model(sar) sarwmat(W1) sarw2mat(W2)
. mata mata matuse "W1.mmat", replace
(loading W1[188,188])
. mata st_matrix("W1",W1)
. mata mata matuse "W2.mmat", replace
(loading W2[188,188])
. mata st_matrix("W2",W2)
. xtset id t
Panel variable: id (strongly balanced)
Time variable: t, 1 to 5
Delta: 1 unit
. *Durbin model
. spm y x1, model(durbin) sarwmat(W1) sarw2mat(W2)
Warning: All the specified regressors will be spatially lagged.
Iteration 0: Log-likelihood = -1876.7765 (not concave)
Iteration 1: Log-likelihood = -1550.9638
Iteration 2: Log-likelihood = -1377.7573
Iteration 3: Log-likelihood = -1323.3758
Iteration 4: Log-likelihood = -1319.3674
Iteration 5: Log-likelihood = -1319.338
SDM with spatial fixed effects Number of obs = 940
Group variable: id Number of groups = 188
Time variable: t Obs per group: min = 5
avg = 5.0
max = 5
Log-likelihood = -1319.3380
y | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
Main |
x1 | .4114542 .0340437 12.09 0.000 .3446214 .478287
Durbin |
x1 | .6014132 .0629448 9.55 0.000 .4778433 .7249832
Durbin2 |
x1 | .3211209 .0644323 4.98 0.000 .1946306 .4476111
Spatial |
rho | .2369618 .0216003 10.97 0.000 .1945571 .2793665
rho2 | .6739799 .0185239 36.38 0.000 .6376148 .710345
Variance |
sigma2 | 1.016058 .0381732 26.62 0.000 .9411178 1.090997
. *sar模型
. spm y x1, model(sar) sarwmat(W1) sarw2mat(W2)
Iteration 0: Log-likelihood = -2008.1247 (not concave)
Iteration 1: Log-likelihood = -1631.7851
Iteration 2: Log-likelihood = -1608.9731
Iteration 3: Log-likelihood = -1410.6768
Iteration 4: Log-likelihood = -1378.7923
Iteration 5: Log-likelihood = -1378.57
Iteration 6: Log-likelihood = -1378.5699
SLM with spatial fixed effects Number of obs = 940
Group variable: id Number of groups = 188
Time variable: t Obs per group: min = 5
avg = 5.0
max = 5
Log-likelihood = -1378.5699
y | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
Main |
x1 | .4335926 .0355193 12.21 0.000 .3638631 .503322
Spatial |
rho | .3062212 .0201995 15.16 0.000 .2665668 .3458756
rho2 | .6602167 .0177184 37.26 0.000 .625433 .6950004
Variance |
sigma2 | 1.120639 .0423002 26.49 0.000 1.037598 1.20368
Cameron, A.C.,Gelbach, J.B.,Miller, D.L., 2011. Robust inference with multiway clustering. J. Bus. Econ. Stat. 29, 238–249.
LeSage, J.P.,Pace, R.K., 2009. Introduction to Spatial Econometrics. Taylor & Francis.
Rebonato, R., Jackel, P., 1999, The most general methodology to create a valid correlation matrix for risk management and option pricing purposes. Quantitative Research Centre of the NatWest G