
跨学科语言研究系列报告预告丨The Language that Children Hear and Read



The Language that Children Hear and Read: Implications for Language and Literacy Development

● 主讲人:

Dr. Yaling Hsiao, University of Oxford

● 时间:2021年10月25日(周一) 15:00

● 形式:ZOOM会议

● 会议ID:841 248 12733

● 参会密码:537071


Language and literacy outcome is highly associated with language experience, in particular print exposure. Children’s books may provide a unique source for rich and complex language that children cannot otherwise encounter in everyday life. To understand how print exposure supports children’s language and literacy development, we identified linguistic features at the lexical, morphological and syntactic levels and compared the differences in corpora of children’s books and child-directed speech. We found that children’s books, including those targeted at pre-literate children for the purpose of shared reading and those written for children who can independently read, were lexically denser and more diverse, contained more abstract and later acquired words, as well as being more morphologically and syntactically complex than everyday speech that children hear. Written language provides unique linguistic input even in the pre-school years, well before children can read for themselves.


Dr. Yaling Hsiao is currently a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at Department of Experimental Psychology and a Junior Research Fellow at Wolfson College in University of Oxford.  Her research focuses on how experience gained through reading and speech shapes the way people learn and process words and grammar. She has published in many important journals such as JML, JEP: LMC, Child Development, Language Development Research, Scientific Studies of Reading.



