

2016-08-02 百度翻译

今天我们来聊一聊一个老生常谈的话题:拖延症(procrastination),现代社会的一些病症诸如选择困难症啊,拖延症啊,好像每个人都多多少少有一些,其实细想,这些个东西真不是病,但犯起来还真要命啊ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ
Procrastination is a dream killer. The goals, desires, and dreams we have can become reality once we overcome our procrastination. We'll share 4 simple ways you can to stop procrastinating for good.拖延症是梦想杀手。只有克服拖延的陋习,我们的目标、心愿和梦想才能变为现实。我们将和大家分享4个简单方法,助你彻底克服拖延症。
1. Forgive yourself原谅自己As humans, we can't expect ourselves to be perfect all the time. There will be times when we slip and fall, and instead of letting one moment bring us down, we should forgive ourselves and move on.作为人类,我们不能总是期望自己保持完美。我们会跌倒,也会失败,而此时我们不应该在一时的失意面前低头,而是要宽恕自我,继续前进。
The language we use is often key here, and most of us are harder on ourselves than we think. While it's important to have high expectations for ourselves, it can also be damaging.在这种情形下,安慰自己的话语十分关键,但大多数人对自我的要求比自己想象中严格得多。尽管一个人对自己“高标准严要求”很重要,但这也可能会带来毁灭性的恶果。Instead of saying "I'm so lazy…", try saying "I'm just human, and even the most successful people have bad days."
Instead of "I'm probably not going to succeed…", try saying "I'm going to give it my best shot, and in the worst case scenario, I'll still be fine."不要说“我可能无法取得成功了”,应该鼓励自己:“我会全力以赴,即使处境糟糕透顶,我依然可以应对。”
2.  Prepare the night before提前做好准备Studies have shown that humans have a finite amount of willpower, and procrastination usually comes from lack of motivation.研究表明,人类的意志力是有限的,而拖延症通常是由缺乏动力造成的。
Preparing for our day the night before allows us to take action from the moment we wake up, instead of being in reaction mode. This is because planning can take up a significant amount of energy that should be used to get important tasks done instead.在前一天晚上为第二天做好准备能激励自己起床后立即展开行动,而不是陷入反应模式。这是因为任务规划会消耗大量的精力,而这些精力本应该用来完成重要的事情。The method of preparing will vary from person to person, but my personal favorite is to schedule my day using a digital calendar, like Google Calendar.
For others, it could be creating a to-do list or simply working on the most important task for the day. Whatever your method, it's important that you have some level of structure to your day planning.对其他人来说,他们也许会创建一个任务清单,或是专攻一天中最重要的任务。不论用什么方法,你的每日计划一定要结构清晰,这一点尤为重要。
3. Say "No" more经常说“不”What we say "No" to in our life will determine the quality of the work we do. It's impossible to take on every opportunity that comes at us, and it's critical that we have a framework for prioritizing our everyday decisions.在生活中,我们拒绝去做的事会影响我们所处理任务的质量。我们无法把握住每个悄然降临的机会,所以我们急需一个框架系统来为每个决定的重要性排序。 We use a framework called the Eisenhower Matrix to make many of our decisions.可以利用“艾森豪威尔矩阵”(时间管理优先矩阵)帮助我们做决定。Here's a plan of action for each quadrant:
1. Urgent & Important: Do it immediately.紧急又重要:立刻处理
2. Non-Urgent & Important: Decide when you’ll do it.不紧急但重要:决定何时去做3. Urgent & Non-Important: Delegate to someone else.紧急但不重要:交给他人去做4. Non-Urgent & Non-Important: Do it later.不紧急且不重要:搁置一边,之后再去做
4. Discover your "ONE Thing"找到自己“最重要的一件事”Most activities that we do during our day, week, or month, have little impact on our end result.我们在一天、一周或者一个月内做的大多数事情并不会对最终结果造成什么影响。
I've been personally guilty of this, trying to fill up my schedule with "busy" work instead of work that matters. The result was that I eventually burned out with very few results to show at the end of the day.我的日程表里全是一堆繁琐但无关紧要的事情,对此我一直很自责。这样做的后果就是:一天下来,我的收获少得可怜。Then I discovered the "ONE Thing," which was introduced by the bestselling author Gary Keller. The "ONE Thing" is described as the one activity or task that will make everything else easier or unnecessary.
If you want to get in shape, you can go for a run every morning instead of trying out every different diet system that is advertised on TV.如果你想减肥,就坚持每天晨跑,不要去尝试电视广告里推荐的各种节食计划。 If you want to grow your business, you can increase your prices and focus your efforts on the 20% of clients bringing you 80% of sales instead of pleasing everyone.如果你想拓展业务,就提高售价,并且集中精力去服务能贡献80%销量但数量仅占20%的客户,而非试图讨好每个人。 If you want to learn a new language, you can find a professional teacher who can work with you one-on-one instead of learning from books, YouTube videos, mobile apps, etc.如果你想学习一门语言,就去请一位能“一对一”指导自己的专业老师,而不是通过课本、YouTube视频网站或手机软件等渠道来学习。

