
Legislative Updates | 法宝双语新闻

2017-08-24 北大法律信息网








1. Working Rules on Categorized Handling of Public Complaints Released

Recently, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls issued the Working Rules on the Categorized Handling of Public Complaints According to the Law.

Under the Rules, appropriate authorities should handle complaints within the scope of duties of administrative agencies based on the specific circumstances in three types of procedures: First, the procedures for performance of duty required by the law. If the complainant requests an administrative agency to investigate any illegal act or perform its statutory duty of protecting personal rights, property rights, or other lawful rights and interests, the administrative agency should perform the duty or provide a response. Second, other statutory procedures. If a complaint is regulated by any law or regulation other than the public complaints regulation, the appropriate rules and procedures should be applied. Third, procedures for public complaints. Complaints not under the aforesaid circumstances should be handled in procedures provided in the public complaints regulation. 




2. SPP Strengthens Case Handling Control at the Source

Recently, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate (SPP) released Measures for the Determination of Primary Prosecutors Handling Cases in the Supreme People’s Procuratorate (for Trial Implementation).

According to the Measures, the primary prosecutor handling a case should be determined under the principle of “facilitating case handling, fair and just, efficient and convenient, and dynamic balance.”All such determinations must be conducted through the unified business application system, except for top-secret cases, to implement online registration, determination, modification and management. The Measures require that the determination be conducted in the way of random assignment with occasional designation. Whoever makes falsification, seeks personal gains, abuses power, or neglects duties in the determination should be held accountable according to the applicable provisions. 




3. SPC Issues Opinions on Enhancing Financial Trials 

Recently, the Supreme People's Court (SPC) issued the Several Opinions on Further Enhancing Financial Trial Work.

The Opinions require that those committing fund-raising frauds in the name of financial innovation be held liable; more efforts be made to research and deal with new types of financial cases; and state-owned enterprises lacking eligibility not engage in financial business in a disguised form. According to the Opinions, "zombie enterprises" should be removed through bankruptcy proceedings to promote economic deleveraging; illegal fund-raising cases should be handled efficiently, and a tough stance should be maintained to crack down on fund-raising crimes; and centralized jurisdiction over financial cases will be explored.




4. Four Departments Issue Notice to Eradicate Pyramid Schemes in the Name of "Job Offering"

Recently, four departments jointly issued the Notice on Launching a Special Campaign against Pyramid Schemes in the Name of "Job Offering or Job Agency."

The special campaign strengthens screening of priority areas for pyramid schemes, and will eradicate pyramid schemes cheating students into the schemes or limiting their personal freedom in the name of "entrepreneurship or employment" or "job offering or job agency." Direct marketing enterprises illegally recruiting students on campus should be investigated and punished according to the law. The special campaign will strengthen screening of major recruitment platforms to require platform operators to tangibly fulfill their responsibilities. Enterprises, organizations and individuals involved in disseminating pyramid scheme information should be seriously dealt with, and education of the members of the public should be strengthened.





5. Three Departments Issue Opinions to Alleviate Poverty with Social Insurance

Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Finance and the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development jointly issued the Opinions on Effectively Conducting Poverty Alleviation through Social Insurance Coverage.

According to the Opinions, registered indigent families, people receiving minimum living allowances, people in extraordinary financial hardship, and other disadvantaged groups and social members should be supported and helped in participating in social insurance, which should basically cover all the persons legally required to be covered.

The Opinions aim to (1) ease the contribution burden on indigent families participating in social insurance; (2) reduce the medical expense burden on indigent families; and (3) improve social insurance benefits in due time.

6. 最高人民法院出台司法责任制实施意见




6. SPC Issues Opinions on Implementing the Judicial Accountability System

Recently, the People's Supreme Court (SPC) issued the Opinions on Implementing the Judicial Accountability System (for Trial Implementation).

The Opinions further specify the duties of trial organizations and judges, comprehensively provide for the basic composition and functional positioning of the collegial panel and organizations such as a trial team, a professional judge meeting, a compensation committee, and a judicial committee, clarify the judicial supervision and management duties of the presidents and divisional chiefs, and further detail the processes of operation of judicial power by providing in detail for the reception, docketing, distribution, trial, and service of process of cases.

In order to further unify adjudicative criteria, the Opinions create a retrieval mechanism for similar and related cases, and clarify that when trying a case, the primary judge should extensively retrieve similar and related cases closed or pending trial by the SPC via the case handling platform, archival system, wenshu.court, faxin, the Intelligent Trial System and other means, produce a retrieval report and make a decision in light of the circumstances of the case.


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