
广告之争,不只凉茶!——虚假宣传案例要旨汇编 | 法宝双语案例


Case Summaries of False Publicity Cases

指导性案例 Guiding Case


Chengdu Tongdefu Hechuan Peach Slices Co., Ltd. v. Chongqing Municipality Hechuan District Tongdefu Peach Slices Co., Ltd. and Yu Xiaohua (case concerning dispute over infringement upon trademark right and unfair competition)


[Key Words] civil; infringement upon trademark right; unfair competition; time-honored brand; false publicity


[Judgment's Reasoning] The history and honors of peach slices with the brand of  “Tongdefu” published on the website of ChengduTongdefu Company were consistent with the history and honors of Tongdefu Fast Shop in historical records. Chengdu Tongdefu Company marked the source of such historical data, but it failed to prove the connection between it and Tongdefu Fast Shop. In addition, on the outer packaging of its products, ChengduTongdefu Company marked such characters as “Century-old Brand,” “Time-honored Brand,” and “Originated in the Period of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty”; however, the registration of the trademark “同德福TONGDEFU and Device” was approved in 1998. ChengduTongdefu Company did not prove the basis for committing the act of marking the aforesaid characters, either. The aforesaid acts of Chengdu Tongdefu Company did not conform to facts and easily caused consumers misunderstanding of the origin of its brand, history, and relationship with Tongdefu Fast Shop, so as to gain advantage in competition. Such acts constituted false publicity and Chengdu Tongdefu Company should assume the corresponding civil liability of ceasing infringement and eliminating adverse effects.

【法宝引证码】CLI.C.8334774[CLI Code] CLI.C.8334774(EN)

典型案例 Model Case


KDF Distribution (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. v. Aquatherm Pipe System (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. et al. (appellate case regarding dispute over infringement upon trademark right and false publicity)

[Key Words] trademark right;false publicity;confusion


[Judgment's Reasoning] After a trial of second instance, the Intellectual Property Court of Shanghai Municipality held that: Based on the fact that the trademark “洁水” was once used for popularizing products of Aquatherm GmbH, it was necessary for Aquatherm (Shanghai) Company and Ousu Company to inform consumers in publicity activities that the products with the trademark “洁水” have changed. The two companies were benign in using the trademark “洁水,” the use pattern did not exceed the rational limit and would not cause consumers' confusion in the product sources, and it was proper use of the trademark. The publicity expressions used by Aquatherm(Shanghai) Company and Ousu Company were actually inaccurate in terms of literal expressions; however, it did not generate any misleading effect and did not constitute false publicity under the Unfair Competition Law. Therefore, the Intellectual Property Court of Shanghai Municipality dismissed the appeal and affirmed the judgment of first instance.

【法宝引证码】CLI.C.6995216 [CLI Code] CLI.C.6995216(EN)

经典案例 Classic Case


Yan Li v. Nongfu Spring Co., Ltd. (case of dispute over false publicity)

[Key Terms] advertising; absolute wording; false publicity


[Disputed Issues] Where the producer uses the advertising slogan of “supreme tea drink” on its product, does such slogan constitute false publicity?


[Case Summary] False publicity refers to the situation where the operator sends false information about its products or services, which is not in conformity with the fact, through advertising or other means in commercial activities which misleads clients or consumers. Article 3 of the Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China provides that the contents of an advertisement shall be true, lawful and conforming to the requirements in the building of a socialist spiritual civilization. Article 4 provides that an advertisement shall neither contain false content nor deceive or mislead consumers. In addition, Article 7 provides that an advertisement shall not use absolute wordings such as supreme or best. Nonetheless, the slogan of “supreme tea drink” put on the package of the tea drink by the producer reflects the pursuit and aspiration of the mankind for healthy life and is a healthy drinking method as well. Such slogan is not absolute, specific, unique or exclusive. It is not an absolute wording banned by relevant laws. It does not mean that the product is the best among products of the same category. Hence, the use of the slogan by the producer on the package of the product does not constitute false publicity.

【法宝引证码】CLI.C.2109230[CLI Code] CLI.C.2109230(EN)














