
Legislative Updates (11.15-11.21) | 法宝双语新闻



1. 最高法发布审理兴奋剂刑事案件司法解释

SPC Issues Judicial Interpretation on Doping-related Criminal Cases

2. 最高法发布《全国法院民商事审判工作会议纪要》

SPC Issues Minutes of the National Court Work Conference on Civil and Commercial Trials

3. 最高法印发关于依法妥善审理高空抛物、坠物案件的意见

SPC Issues Opinions on Legally and Properly Trying Cases Involving Objects Thrown from or Dropped off High-Rise Buildings

4. 中国证监会全面推开H股“全流通”改革

CSRC Comprehensively Promotes the Reform of H-Share “Full Circulation”


1. 最高法发布审理兴奋剂刑事案件司法解释

SPC Issues Judicial Interpretation on Doping-related Criminal Cases


On November 18, 2019, the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) issued the Judicial Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in Handling Criminal Cases Regarding the Smuggling, Illegal Operation, and Illegal Use of Doping, effective from January 1, 2020.


With a total of nine articles, the Interpretation is aimed at cracking down on crimes of smuggling, illegal operation, and illegal use of doping.


The Interpretation stipulates that whoever that has the duty to ward or nurse a minor or a disabled person organizes, compels, lures, or deceives the minor or the disabled person under his or her guardianship or nursing into illegally using doping in sports, to the detriment of their physical and mental health, should be convicted of and punished for the crime of ill-treating the persons under guardianship or care; and whoever organizes examinees to illegally use doping in athletic or physical fitness tests involved in the college entrance examination, the civil servant examination, or other national-level examinations as stipulated by laws should be convicted of and punished for the crime of cheating on exams.


The Interpretation clarifies that where state employees or employees of anti-doping agencies that are entrusted or legally required to exercise anti-doping administration functions abuse power or neglect duties in performing anti-doping administration functions, which engenders serious doping violations resulting in serious damage to the national reputation or social influence, they should be convicted of and punished for the crime of abuse of power or dereliction of duty.

2. 最高法发布《全国法院民商事审判工作会议纪要》

SPC Issues Minutes of the National Court Work Conference on Civil and Commercial Trials


Lately, the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) issued the Minutes of the National Court Work Conference on Civil and Commercial Trials.


With 130 issues in 12 parts, the Minutes cover most fields of civil and commercial trials such as companies, contracts, guarantees, finance, and bankruptcy, face up to the frontiers as well as difficult and disputed issues in civil and commercial trials, pay close attention to the latest developments of such laws as the Civil Code, the Company Law, the Securities Law, and the Bankruptcy Law being in the process of formulation or revision, and closely follow the newest regulatory policies in the financial field and the most cutting-edge theoretical research achievements in civil and commercial law.


The Minutes respond to such disputed issues as the valuation adjustment mechanisms, acceleration of the maturity of shareholders' capital contributions, limitation of rights to vote, liabilities of liquidation obligors of limited liability companies, denial of corporate personality, and external guarantees of companies in cases involving company disputes, and specify the contract validity, contract performance and relief, and certain disputed issues in loan contracts in contractual dispute cases.


In addition, the Minutes provide in detail for disputed issues concerning the handling of cases involving the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests, securities, business trust, property insurance, and negotiable instruments in the financial field.

3. 最高法印发关于依法妥善审理高空抛物、坠物案件的意见

SPC Issues Opinions on Legally and Properly Trying Cases Involving Objects Thrown from or Dropped off High-Rise Buildings


Recently, the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) issued the Opinions on Legally and Properly Trying Cases Involving Objects Thrown from or Dropped off High-Rise Buildings.


According to the Opinions, whoever commits an act of intentionally throwing objects from high buildings without serious consequences caused but sufficient to endanger public safety should be convicted of and published for the crime of endangering public security by dangerous means under Article 114 of the Criminal Law; and if such act has inflicted any serious injury or death on others or caused heavy losses of public or private property, the offender should be punished in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 115 of the Criminal Law. Anyone who intentionally throws objects from heights in order to injure or kill a specific person should be convicted of and punished for the crime of intentional injury or the crime of intentional homicide.


The Opinions clarify that where anyone causes objects to fall from heights due to negligence, resulting in serious injury or death of others, he or she should be convicted of and punished for the crime of manslaughter or the crime of negligently causing serious injury to another person if the provisions of Article 233 or 235 of the Criminal Law have been met. Where anyone violates the safety management provisions in the process of production or operation and causes objects to fall from heights, as a result of which major casualties or other serious consequences occur, he or she should be convicted of and punished for the crime of a major accident arising from negligence in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 134 of the Criminal Law.


4. 中国证监会全面推开H股“全流通”改革

CSRC Comprehensively Promotes the Reform of H-Share “Full Circulation”


On November 14, 2019, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) issued the Guidelines for the Application for the “Full Circulation” of the Domestic Unlisted Shares of H-Share Companies, effective from the date of issuance.


According to the Guidelines, an H-share company refers to a domestic joint stock limited company listed on the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX). The H-share “Full Circulation” applies to A- shares held by domestic shareholders before overseas listing, A-shares offered additionally within China after overseas listing, and unlisted shares held by foreign shareholders. The aforesaid shares should be listed and traded on the HKEX for the time being.


It is learned that the comprehensive promotion of the H-share “full circulation” sees the following changes: First, good practices are summarized during the period of the pilot program in an effort to develop rules and systems as business guidelines. Second, instead of restrictions placed on a company's scale or industry, in the case that such administrative provisions as the access of foreign investment are met, a company and its shareholders may decide to apply for implementing the “Full Circulation” according to laws and regulations of their own accord. Third, without limits set on the number of companies and the time limit for completion thereof, the reform should be advanced in an orderly manner under the principle that no listed company may carry out such reform until it has met the requirements.

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Legislative Up dates(11.01-11.07) 
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