
We should all cherish the kindness of strangers | Chitchat

2018-03-12 CD君 CHINADAILY

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In the hustle and bustle of our day-to-day lives, feeling slighted after doing someone a kindness can seem like an inevitability. Maybe you held the door for someone, but they didn't say thank you. Or perhaps you went out of your way to help a person, only to discover afterward that he or she wasn't very nice after all.

After going through such an experience, you could be forgiven for never wanting to trust a stranger ever again — no matter how much trouble they seemed to be in. But if everyone thought like that, and was indifferent to everyone else, where would our society be?

"As long as everyone contributes a little, the world will become a much better place." Negative experiences should not act as barriers preventing you from thinking about others. As the following video shows, most people are kind-hearted and want to lend a helping hand:

▼ Click here to watch the video 


Have you ever found yourself without any cash, but in need of a subway ticket? Or lost in a strange new place, with no-one to show you the way? We believe that in such moments, almost all of you would accept a stranger's assistance; it could be something as trivial as a hot drink after you've been through an ordeal, or a concerned bystander asking you if you're alright. 

Tell us the most memorable instances of being helped by a stranger that you have experienced — you never know, that person might even get to see how appreciative you are!

- Chitchat topic -

What's your most memorable instances of being helped by a stranger?

Share your stories with us, and we'll publish some of the best next Monday.

Editors: Zhang Xi, Li Lanyan (intern)

Click here for audio and translation of the story

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