
你是不是社交圈里的“小透明”?Nobody cares about you丨Chitchat

张余 CHINADAILY 2019-05-22

One will probably feel left out or sad when he or she is not included in a group or activity, while everybody else seems to be involved.

Let's say on a rainy day, your colleagues order lunch together and talk about splitting the cost of delivery. 

Nobody cared or even was polite enough to ask whether you would like to join. You had no choice but to eat at your company's canteen, if it has one.

During a morning break, colleagues near you heatedly discuss a recent film with huge box office success. You also watched it and wanted to share your thoughts. 

But nobody asked. You felt left out, but didn't want to lose your pride. So you went out to fetch hot water — even if your bottle was full — to make it seem that you had other things to do.

Being left out is not just a thing for grownups.

Do you remember when you were at school and your classmates played or studied together while you were by yourself? You had a lonely and solitary school life.

As a gregarious human being, you must feel sad and even depressed for always being ignored as if you are "transparent". So you tried your best to integrate into groups around you, hoping to become a sociable and outgoing person.

Some succeed and become part of a group, even one who has the opportunity to leave out others.

But some fail, maybe due to personality clashes. It doesn't mean he or she is a bad person or has defects.

More and more such "failures" choose to let it be and enjoy being left out.

They would rather come home earlier and enjoy their own time than being dragged into boring after-work parties.

They would rather make their own decisions rather than compromising with colleagues on trivial things.

So what about you?

Here is this week's Chitchat topic:

- Chitchat topic -

Are you always left out by others? How does it make you feel?

Share your stories and we'll publish some of the best next Monday!

Click here for audio and translation of the story

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