
Life丨An instrumental partnership

CD君 CHINADAILY 2023-11-24
Recalling the collaborative journey between the Global Music Education League and the Philadelphia Orchestra, chairman of the league Wang Liguang spoke fondly about three photos that capture three key moments.

A finals concert and award ceremony is held during the Global Music Education League Violin Competition on Nov 13.CHINA DAILY

In 2019, when the league was signing a strategic partnership with the Philadelphia Orchestra, Wang took a photo with Matias Tarnopolsky, the orchestra's president and chief executive officer.

Earlier this year, he took the photo to a concert given by the Philadelphia Orchestra, which commemorated the 50th anniversary of the ensemble's first visit to China in 1973, making it the first US orchestra to perform in the People's Republic of China. There, Wang met Tarnopolsky again and took another photo, in which the two can be seen holding the original photo.

A third picture, showing the two holding the second photo, was taken recently, as the orchestra collaborated with the league in the Global Music Education League Violin Competition in Beijing between Nov 3 and 13.

Chairman of the league Wang Liguang presents Joshua Brown from the United States with the Gold Medal. CHINA DAILY

"Despite the fact that our collaboration hasn't been very long, our friendship has grown deep. While we may not have achieved perfect integration during our collaboration, I believe that understanding and exchange between our cultures has reached a profound and meaningful level," Wang says.

Joshua Brown from the United States was announced as the winner of the Gold Medal at the competition, and given a three-year touring contract. Elli Choi, also from the US, was presented with the Silver Medal, and China's Luo Chaowen the Jade Medal.

On Nov 13, the medalists performed a finals concert, accompanied by the Philadelphia Orchestra and the China Conservatory Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of conductor Tristan Rais-Sherman. The concert took place at the National Centre for the Performing Arts and was livestreamed on multiple social media platforms.

Each of the medalists performed their rendition of a renowned violin concerto — Luo performed Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto in D Major, Op 35, Choi the Violin Concerto in D Minor, Op 47, by Jean Sibelius, and Brown the Violin Concerto in D Major, Op 77, by Johannes Brahms.

"Many of our contestants have already won international awards or the Chinese Golden Bell Award for Music. They bring with them the glory and accomplishments of their past and gather here on a platform provided by the Global Music Education League, showcasing their individual artistic prowess and presenting a splendid display of global music talent," Wang says.

Wang started the Global Music Education League in 2017 in Beijing. Currently, 91 international music conservatories and colleges are members of the league.

The finals concert takes place at the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing. CHINA DAILY

"Our mission is to foster a vital channel for talent development among music academies from different countries, so as to facilitate cultural exchange and, in the process of nurturing talent, allow young people around the world to have access to high-quality education and bigger stages," Wang says.

In 2019, also in collaboration with the Philadelphia Orchestra, the league launched the China International Music Competition centered on piano skills. Wang believes that the piano and the violin are two vital majors that reflect the teaching qualities of music academies.

These competitions also serve as a platform for music academies to discuss different educational methods, share their experience of talent cultivation, and explore a more effectively developed set of methodologies.

Ryan Fleur, executive director of the Philadelphia Orchestra, says that both the 2019 and the current competitions feature an outstanding jury and strong candidates, and the league's competitions will continue to be a foundation for future collaboration.

"In addition, we've had discussions about having some of the Chinese musicians travel to Philadelphia, so that, whether it's a Lunar New Year concert or some other special event, they can play in our home venue side by side with musicians of the Philadelphia Orchestra," Fleur says.

He adds that the Philadelphia Orchestra would like to provide opportunities to further the growth of musicians who, after returning to China, can help raise the level of Chinese artistry.

According to Wang, the league has reached an agreement with the orchestra that every five years, the pair will co-host concerts celebrating the anniversary of the orchestra's visit to China, which will take place alternately in the US and China.

"I believe that the collaboration between our Global Music Education League and the Philadelphia Orchestra holds great promise in various aspects, including music education, talent cultivation and cultural exchange, and will become more splendid in the future," Wang says.

Reporter: Cheng Yuezhu


