防控新冠肺炎,珠海德威在行动丨DHZH in action — coronavirus prevention
响应国家及政府号召与要求,结合现实情况,我校做到“早觉察、早计划、早安排、早行动”, 先后执行和部署了以下工作:一、思想高度重视
1月24日,学校启动课传染病应急预案,成立应急领导小组。校长Andrew Macdonald-Brown领导全校师生员工全面开展新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情防控工作,向全体员工通过邮件发布《关于新型冠状病毒的防控工作安排》。
1. 对于本校学生:2月10日起开展“停学不停课”活动,通过网络的形式为学生提供线上授课。向家长和学生发送相关邮件和通知。
2. 对于原定于2月13日举行的学校开放日和2月22日举行的第一次招生说明会及入学考试已决定延期。详情将通过公众微信号发布。
3. 语言部及时向考生发布了关于取消2月份大陆考区的雅思托福考试的通知,并提醒考生尽快申请退款。
(1)在副校长Carol Han的号召与领导下,组织员工、家长进行爱心筹款,共筹款5万余元,合计购买了医用口罩、防护服等送到武汉中南医院。
DHZH in action
January 2020 was supposed to be a time for Chinese families to reunite with joy. However, a severe test for China came quietly—the coronavirus broke out across the country. Even though Dulwich International High School Zhuhai (DHZH) is on the winter break during the continued escalation of the coronavirus situation, we have taken instant actions on coronavirus prevention:
On 24th January, DHZH launched an emergency plan for coronavirus and built an emergency leadership team. Director Andrew Macdonald-Brown sent an email on "Arrangement for Prevention of Coronavirus" to all DHZH staff, and led staff and students together to carry out necessary actions according to the arrangement.
On 25th January, our logistics department began to purchase epidemic prevention supplies. By far, supplies such as medical masks, thermometers, disinfection powders, hand sanitizers, and hand-free alcohol hand sanitizers were prepared with sufficient reserves.
On 26th January , we began to collect all staff and students’ location information. Now we are keeping track of those that had traveled to / across Hubei province, or had contact with people from Wuhan. Luckily, no member from DHZH family has suffered any discomfort so far.
On 28th January, we send out following notices regarding to student’s learning before school reopens, admission calendar and IELTS & TOEFL exam updates:
1. For safety concern, DHZH will move to online learning from 10th February until school can reopen with government’s approval.
2. The original Admission Open Day (13th February) and the 1st Admission Presentation and Examination (22nd February) will be rescheduled. Further notices will be sent out via DHZH Official WeChat.
3. The February IELTS and TOEFL test in mainland China had been canceled. Students that had signed up should apply for the refund as soon as possible.
Since the outbreak of Coronavirus, we have been keeping in touch with our Chinese and foreign staff and parents to promote how to prevent coronavirus infection. We follow the guidance from government authorities, Dulwich College International Group and Huafa Education, and carry out daily
inspection and report.
Our school is closed to visitors including teachers and students. We require all DHZH members to keep track of their daily health condition and stay at home before returning to school in order to prevent the potential spread of the coronavirus.
Before school reopens, we will finish all necessary disinfection work and keep sufficient reserves of epidemic prevention supplies such as such as medical masks, hand sanitizer, sulfur soap, disinfection sprays, and disinfection alcohol. We will make arrangements for in-depth cleaning and disinfection of the entire school, and strictly implement disinfection measures in public places.
Fighting against Coronavirus it’s a “war” for all of us. Although we are not at the front-line like hospital medical staff, DHZH family members had taken action to help those that suffered.
Under the leadership of Deputy Director Carol Han, our staff and parents had raised over RMB 50,000 yuan to purchase medical masks, medical protective clothing for Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University. Meanwhile, our students initiated a donation event for The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University in Zhuhai. Together they had raised a total number of RMB 17,411.05 yuan. All the money was used in purchasing disposable medical gloves, which were mailed to the Department of Hygiene Materials of The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University already.
Thanks to our students, parents and staff, we are reaching out our hands to help people in need. We also want to extend our thanks to our parents and students for their continued support and understanding during this period.