

顾颖琼博士说天下 2018-07-08




According to the report, more Americans died from drug overdoses in 2016 than the number of American lives lost in the entirety of the Vietnam War, which totaled 58,200.



The group says it is focusing its efforts on the opioid epidemic because "despite the groundbreaking work that police and other agencies are doing, the epidemic is continuing to worsen."

The report also showed that the year's 64,070 drug fatalities outnumbered:

  • The 35,092 motor vehicle deaths in 2015.

  • AIDS-related deaths in the worst year of the AIDS crisis, when 50,628 people died in 1995.

  • The peak year for homicides in the U.S., when 24,703 people were murdered in 1991.

  • Suicides, which have been rising in the U.S. for nearly 30 years and totaled 44,193 in 2015.









Seriously, do you live in a fucking cave? You haven't seen the impact of shifting jobs and money to China? You don't realize that the power elite have FUCKED the working man? Take a look around in these small towns out here. Rundown cars, boarded up businesses, schools that need paint jobs. The Detroit Syndrome has slithered its way across the United States and pounded
the shit out of ruralites.

【说真的,你住在一个他妈的洞穴里吗? 你还没有看到把工作和金钱转移到中国的影响? 你没有意识到权力精英们怎么操工人阶级的吗? 在这里的小城镇环顾四周。 破旧的汽车,登上企业,学校需要油漆工作。 底特律综合症已经在美国横扫并辗压农村地区的垃圾。】

Greedy high-end corporatists have shifted not just jobs, but the technology that fosters those jobs, to China and elsewhere in the Third World. And, no,don't hand me that horseshit that it was inevitable, that it's just "economic progress." It's because America's elite, notably the quislings in the Democratic Party, have sold patriotism and the working class on the cheap.

【贪婪的高端社团主义者不仅将工作转移给了中国和第三世界其他地方, 而且,不,不要给我那种不可避免的麻烦,那只是“经济进步”。 这是因为美国的精英阶层,特别是民主党中的爱国主义者,以廉价卖掉了爱国主义和工人阶级。】

It has nothing to do with "low population density, boring places." It has everything to do with the death of hope. While sleazy Democrats work on behalf of the "Dreamers," the real American dream has evaporated for millions, especially the young.

【它与“人口密度低,无聊的地方”无关。 它与希望的死亡有关。 虽然低劣的民主党人代表“梦想家”工作,但真正的美国梦已经蒸发了数百万人,特别是年轻人。】

For now, all the blood is flowing from the victims. Suicide, opioids, beatings, killings. People don't do that because they're bored. They do it because they're at the end of their rope.

【现在,所有的血液都从受害者身上流出。 自杀,阿片类药物,殴打,杀戮。 人们不这样做,因为他们很无聊。 他们这样做是因为他们在绳子的尽头。】

Wake up, man. Understand that violent revolutions aren't just accidents. They are spawned by the relentless selfishness and ruthless avarice of ruling elites. Revolutions are spawned by pain, rage, and sense of futility.

【醒来,人民们。 了解暴力革命不仅仅是事故。 他们是由统治精英的无情的自私和无情的贪婪所产生的。 革命产生于痛苦,愤怒和无用感。】

So you don't like "deplorables" having guns? Who's in the military, do you suppose? Who's getting their limbs blown off so you can put cheap gas in your new SUV? Yep, it's them same ole deplorables. Kids from small towns. Brothers and sisters of the very ones committing suicide and overdosing on opioids, heroin, and cocaine. You think they haven't noticed the desperate situation the Beltway and Wall Street has created? You think just because they wear uniforms they don't feel the pain?

【所以你不喜欢拥有枪支的“底层人民”? 谁在军中服役,你可知道? 谁的四肢被炸掉了,所以你可以把便宜的汽油放进你的新SUV中? 是的,这是他们相同的底层人民。 来自小城镇的孩子们。 这些人的兄弟姐妹们自杀和滥用阿片类药物,海洛因和可卡因。 你认为他们没有注意到Beltway和华尔街创造的绝望情况? 你认为仅仅因为他们穿着制服他们不觉得痛苦?】

The ethnic and cultural divisiveness that the Democrats - especially Obama -and the MSM have manufactured obscures the obvious. Namely, that the dispossessed, the powerless, the hopeless have deep common interests that transcend color, ethnicity, and geography. If and when they realize that, a 
political tsunami will begin.

【民主党人 - 尤其是奥巴马 - 和主流媒体所制造的种族和文化上的分化使得这种明显的局面变得模糊。 也就是说,被剥夺的,无能为力的,无望的人们拥有超越颜色,种族和地理的深厚的共同利益。 如果当他们意识到这一点时,政治海啸将开始。】

This country is in far, far deeper shit than most people realize. That bothers me, but what bothers me even more are the cheap shots at people in profound pain.

【这个国家远比大多数人意识到的要糟得多。 这让我感到困扰,但更令我困扰的是,对于那些深深痛苦的人来说,吸毒只是一笔便宜的投注。】






J. D. Vance写了一部了不起的书,叫做:Hillbilly elegie (乡下人的悲歌);书上讲述了川普革命的社会基础,美国的劳动阶层和底层人民的生活在过去几十年的倒退。J.D. Vance给我们指出,数个由MIT(麻省理工)和哈佛大学完成的研究指出了工厂搬去中国,工作转移到中国导致了在美国的阿片危机。我们现在看到发生在美国的工业区域发生的是文化的坍塌,社区的解体解体。随着好工作机会的失去,造成的是作为家庭支柱的人只能找到的不足以养活家庭的工作,这样的危机是美国最大的危机之一。


我以前对吸毒的认识也是这样。想来我们很多人都是以为,那是自找,活该,被”不良少年“带坏了……但在美国重灾区Ohio Valley的调查表明,很多人只是源于肌肉疼痛,去了合法的医院、诊所。其实是由于体力劳动,或是运动不当引发,当以物理治疗、瑜迦这样的保守方法对待。可是,没有保险可以帮助支付这些,他们有的,Medicare等最基本福利,仅仅允许他们得到——止痛片!以前的我何曾想到,医院,就是毒瘾的开始。


据西弗吉尼亚Charleston的报纸调查,点名三家药厂McKesson, CardinalHealth, AmerisourceBergen在2007到2012年间向西弗吉尼亚售出处方止痛药超过4亿片!赚取170亿美元!这个州的人口?仅仅183万呀






1.  “改良版黑人!” 美国白人是这么看中国人的!

2. 我看见美国的两个世界 : 要自由?还是要安全?这是个问题。

3.  🔥中国准备和美国分道扬镳了!



2、 万元每小时犹太律师助周立波脱罪  | 深入谈美国程序正义

3、 趣谈美国初中教育,印度二代是拼写冠军,那么中国二代是什么冠军?

4.   新鸦片战争?美国总统命令中情局准备针对中国各银行高层管理人员的制裁计划(附带名单)



2、 我同学面试了一个复旦硕士毕业,50岁的国企党员工程师

3、 美国政府重金通缉两中国人,卖成吨毒品给美国,暴利1亿美金

4、 我发现 | 世界已经进入了快餐化的社会

顾颖琼博士说天下 我眼里的世界 长按,识别二维码,关注我

