

2016-10-18 甲申同文翻译





▌That makes me smart.

(不交税)显得我聪明啊。(by 川普)

▌I call it trumped-up trickle-down.

川普上,经济倒。(by 希拉里)

▌Why not?

不怪你怪谁?(by 川普)

▌I know you live in your own reality.

你活在自己的现实中。(by 希拉里)

▌I have a winning temperament.

我有获胜的性格。(by 川普)

▌She doesn't have the look. She doesn't have the stamina.

她没有总统相,她没有精力。(by 川普)

trumped-up trickle-down

第一场辩论一开始,两人有关就业和税收等经济政策的辩论中,希拉里表示,特朗普提出的为富人减税政策是trumped-up trickle-down。这里先说这个trickle-down,是一种经济理论,也叫trickle-down economics,翻译为“垂滴经济学”,说的是“一个体制中给予上层人的利益会传递给较低阶层的人”。Trumped-up是个固定表达,表示“伪造的,捏造的,莫须有的”。希拉里在这里用trumped-up来修饰trickle-down可谓一语双关,既表明这种理论是虚假的,同时提到了特朗普的名字Trump,说明这样不靠谱的政策是特朗普提出来的。姜果然是老的辣。


“We also, though, need to have a tax system that rewards work and not just financial transactions. And the kind of plan that Donald has put forth would be trickle-down economics all over again. In fact, it would be the most extreme version, the biggest tax cuts for the top percent of the people in this country than we've ever had.


I call it trumped-up trickle-down, because that's exactly what it would be. That is not how we grow the economy.


Cut regulations
还是在第一场辩论两人聊经济政策的时候,特朗普表示在减税的同时,他还要精简各类规章制度。这个跟咱们国家这几年提出的“简政”streamline administration)好像有点类似?不过,由于特朗普一向用词简单明了,所以cut自然是首选啦。希拉里在后面的回应中果然用到了streamline这个更加高级的词。

“You have regulations on top of regulations, and new companies cannot form and old companies are going out of business. And you want to increase the regulations and make them even worse.


I'm going to cut regulations. I'm going to cut taxes big league, and you're going to raise taxes big league, end of story.


All talk, no action.
在谈到如何达到共同繁荣的话题时,希拉里表示要鼓励中产阶级的发展,为大学生提供低息贷款,实现包容性经济增长。特朗普直接来一句:典型的政客。只说不做。其实,中文里表达这个意思的说法也不少,比如,李克强总理曾经说过的“喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子”(Talking the talk is not as good as walking the walk),“说起来容易做起来难”(it’s easier said than done),“光说不练”(all talk and no action),等等。
“Typical politician. All talk, no action. Sounds good, doesn't work. Never going to happen. Our country is suffering because people like Secretary Clinton have made such bad decisions in terms of our jobs and in terms of what's going on.


这个词可能是特朗普用的词里面比较高级别的,读音是[bræɡəˈdəuʃiəuz],是braggadocio的复数形式,表示“自我吹嘘,吹牛大王”等意,英语中意思相近的词还有,brag,boast,blow one's trumpet等。

“I have a great company. I have a tremendous income. And the reason I say that is not in a braggadocios way. It's because it's about time that this country had somebody running it that has an idea about money.

Watch list

在第一场辩论的第二部分,两人就美国的方向展开辩论,主要是关于种族歧视问题。特朗普表示,被列在watch list和no fly list上的人应该被密切监视和关注。Watch list就是国际刑警组织列出的有恐怖分子嫌疑的人员名单,no fly list大家都知道,就是“禁飞名单”,也是因为有恐怖分子嫌疑而被禁止搭乘飞机的人员名单。我们的生活中充斥着各种各样的list,手机上可以设blacklist,把某些人的电话给屏蔽了,与之对应的自然就是whitelist,白名单上的人和事都是畅行无阻,获得准许的。近几年咱们国家搞自贸区,还出现了一个negative list(负面清单),也就是说,列在这个单子上的事情不能做,不在这个单子上的都可以做。

“First of all, I agree, and a lot of people even within my own party want to give certain rights to people on watch lists and no fly lists. I agree with you, when a person is on a watch list or a no fly list -- and I have the endorsement of the NRA, which I'm very proud of, these are very very good people, and they are protecting the Second Amendment -- but I think we have to look very strongly at no fly lists and watch lists, and when people are on there, even if they shouldn't be on there, we'll help them, we'll help them legally, we'll help them get off. But I tend to agree with that, quite strongly.

wreak havoc

在第一场辩论的最后一部分,两人就如何保障美国的安全展开辩论,话题围绕网络安全。希拉里谴责俄罗斯实施网络攻击(cyber attack),窃取政府、企业和个人信息,以及对民主党全国委员会的网络攻击。希拉里表示,俄罗斯更愿意采用网络攻击的方式对美国造成损害,同时收集信息。Wreak havoc是一个固定搭配,wreak是动词,表示“造成(混乱或破坏); 实施(报复)”,havoc则表示“大动乱,浩劫”等严重受损的局面,常用的搭配是wreak havoc on somebody/something,比如:Their policies would wreak havoc on the economy. 如果要表示“实施报复”可以用wreak vengeance on表示。

“There's no doubt now that Russia has used cyberattacks against all kinds of organizations in our country, and I am deeply concerned about this. I know Donald is very praise -- praiseworthy of Vladimir Putin. But Putin is playing a very tough, long game here. And one of the things he's done is to let loose cyber attackers to hack into government files, to hack into personal files, hack into the Democratic National Committee. And we recently have learned that this is one of their preferred methods of trying to wreak havoc and collect information.


说到伊朗问题时,希拉里表示自己在担任国务卿期间,对伊朗实施了制裁,还把俄罗斯、中国等联合国安理会国家召集到一起商讨伊朗无核化协议,最终在克里担任国务卿时期不费一枪一弹达成协议。而她指出,特朗普曾经表示,一艘伊朗船上的士兵在嘲笑旁边美国船上的士兵,如果他听到伊朗士兵嘲笑自己国家的士兵(there were some Iranian sailors on a ship in the waters off of Iran, and they were taunting American sailors who were on a nearby ship),他会把那艘船炸了,然后对他们宣战。Taunt是个多功能的词,可用作名词、形容词和动词,表示“嘲笑,奚落,讥讽,笑柄”等意。这里想介绍几个结尾字母与其相近的几个词:flaunt,炫耀/夸耀,我们原来说的“炫富”就可以用flaunt wealth表示;haunt,经常光顾/时常萦绕心头,比如:this café is the haunt of office workers in the building;vaunt,吹嘘/自夸,比如,empty vaunt/he is a real vaunter等。这个vaunt可以补充进前面第4条braggadocios的近义词当中。

“I spent a year and a half putting together a coalition that included Russia and China, to impose the toughest sanctions on Iran, and we did drive them to the negotiating table. And my successor, John Kerry and President Obama got a deal that put a lid on Iran's nuclear program. Without firing a single shot. That's diplomacy. That's coalition building. That's working with other nations. The other day, I saw Donald saying that there were some Iranian sailors on a ship in the waters off of Iran, and they were taunting American sailors who were on a nearby ship. He said, you know, if they taunted our sailors, I'd blow them out of the water and start another war. 




▌I have great respect for women. Nobody has more respect for women than I do.

我特别尊重女性。我比任何人都尊重女性。(by 川普)

▌Because you’d be in jail.

因为那时你已经进监狱了。(by 川普)

▌Hillary Clinton is raising your taxes, folks. You can look at me.

乡亲们,希拉里要提高税收,你们就指望我吧。(by 川普)

▌Believe me, she has tremendous hate in her heart.

相信我,她内心充满了巨大的仇恨。(by 川普)

▌First, let me say so much of what he just said is not right, but he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses. 

我不得不说他说得大部分根本就不对,不过他得想办法把竞选搞下去啊。(by 希拉里)

▌Donald always takes care of Donald.

川普总是为川普操心。(by 希拉里)

Town hall debate

到了第二场,辩论的形式灵活了一些,两人可以在场内自由走动,提问的主角是现场观众,这些观众都是在圣路易斯地区选出来明确表示对任何一位候选人都没有倾向性的普通选民(undecided voters)。观众提问,两位候选人回答,主持人会适时跟进一些问题(ask follow-up questions)。因为这种形式很像某个小镇开会议事,居民提问,镇长回答,所以被称为town hall debate,现场观众就被称为town hall participants

“Tonight's debate is a town hall format which gives voters the chance to directly ask the candidates questions. Martha and I will ask follow-up questions but the night really belongs to the people in this room and to people across the country who committed questions online. The people you see on this stage were chosen by the Gallup organization, are all from the St. Louis area and told Gallup they have not committed to a candidate. Each of them came here with questions they wanted to ask and we saw the questions for the first time this morning.
(主持人Anderson Cooper)今晚的辩论采用市政厅会议的形式,选民有机会直接向两位候选人提问。Martha和我会跟进一些问题,但提问权属于今天在场的观众以及在线提交问题的全国民众。今天在场的观众是有盖乐普公司在圣路易斯地区挑选出来的,他们都表明对任何一位候选人没有倾向性。每一位观众都带来了自己想问的问题,我们也是今天早晨才看到这些问题。”

Mimic and mock

从修辞手法的角度来看,字母m开头的两个词连用属于押头韵(alliteration),即若干相邻词的开头或重读音节中对相同字母、辅音或不同元音的重复。这种修辞方式在诗歌中很常见,使得句子读起来押韵合辙,悦耳动听,有时也能增加句子的气势。再举几个例子:I dreamt of a drip-dropping drain in my dream/Your friends will flip-flop fast when facing trouble/Grass grows greener in the graveyard。


这段话是在辩论一开始,难免要提到特朗普玩弄女性的录音,特朗普说那都是过去的“更衣室谈话”(locker room talk),即言语粗俗的私人谈话,他说他很尊重女性。希拉里则表示,他不光不尊重女性,他曾经冒犯过很多人,但是他从来没有向任何人道过歉。

“He never apologized to Mr. And Mrs. Khan, the gold star family whose son, Captain Khan died in the line of duty in Iraq and Donald insulted and attacked them for weeks over their religion. He never apologized to the distinguished federal judge who was born in Indiana, but Donald said he couldn't be trusted to be a judge because his parents were "Mexican." He never apologized to the reporter that he mimicked and mocked on national television and our children were watching. And he never apologized for the racist lie that President Obama was not born in the United States of America. He owes the president an apology and he owes our country an apology and he needs to take responsibility for his actions and his words.



Tarnish算是个常用词,动词名词皆可,指“污点/瑕疵,金属失去光泽,玷污或败坏(某人的名声)”,常见的搭配是tarnish somebody/something with something。与其意思相近的另外一个同级别词是blemish,也是动名词皆可用,表示“污点,玷污”等意,比如:He wasn't about to blemish that pristine record.

“I don't know Putin. I think it would be great if we got along with Russia because we could fight ISIS together, as an example, but I don't know Putin. But I notice, any time anything wrong happens, they like to say the Russians, well she doesn't know if it's the Russians doing the hacking. Maybe there is no hacking, but there is - now Russia - and the reason they blame Russia is they think they’re trying to tarnish me with Russia. I know nothing about Russia - I know about Russia, but I know nothing about the inner workings of Russia. I don’t deal there, I have no businesses there, I have no loans from Russia.


Xenophobic,读音\ˈze-nə-ˌfōbik\, unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin,无端畏惧外国人(或事物)的。这里的xeno-是个前缀,表示alien,strange;phobic是phobia(恐惧症)的形容词形式,如果想表达患有某种恐惧症的人则用后缀phobe。列出一些常见的恐惧症:amaxophobia(乘车恐惧症)、kathisophobia(静坐恐惧症)、claustrophobia(密闭空间恐惧症),以及近几年才出现的nomophobia(无手机恐惧症)。

“Cooper: I want to follow on with something Donald Trump said to you. A comment you made last month. You said half of Donald Trump supporters are quote deplorables. Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic. You later said you regretted saying half. You didn't express regret for using the term deplorables. To Mr. Carter’s question, how can you unite a country if you've written off tens of millions of Americans?


Clinton: Well within hours I said I was sorry about the way I talked about that because my argument is not with his supporters, it's with him and the divisive campaign he has run and the inciting of violence at his rallies and the very brutal kinds of comments about not just women, but all Americans.



Compliment通常都用来表示“恭维、致意、赞美”,常用的搭配为pay/give someone a compliment,表示“赞美或恭维某人”。比如,有人看到你后说:“你走过来的时候,我还以为碰见范冰冰了呢!”这个时候你可以回答说“I’ll take that as a compliment. (我就当你是在夸我吧)”

英语里还有一个词跟这个词发音一样,拼写方式也很接近,很容易搞错,需要大家多留心,这个词就是complement,指“补充,补足,补充剂”,比如,we complement each other(我们互补),Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish(咖喱菜式配米饭最棒)。

“Clinton: Well, I respect his children. His children are incredibly able and devoted and I think that says a lot about Donald. I don't agree with nearly anything else he says or does, but I do respect that and think that is something that as a mother and a grandmother is very important to me.


Trump: Well, I consider her statement about my children to be a very nice compliment. I don't know if it was meant to be a compliment, but it is a great... I'm proud of my children. They have done a wonderful job and they have been wonderful, wonderful kids. So I consider that a compliment. I will say this about Hillary. She doesn't quit and she doesn't give up. I respect that. I tell it like it is. She is a fighter. I disagree with much of what she is fighting for, I do disagree with her judgment in many cases, but she does fights hard and doesn't quit and she doesn’t give up, and I consider that a very good trait.



来源 | 中国日报网、腾讯视频

编辑 | 甲申同文翻译


美国大选 | 联大 | G20 | B20 | 博鳌 | 达沃斯 | 两会 | 政府工作报告 | 术语


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