

美国根据《外国毒贩认定法案》(Kingpin Act),对一个被控贩卖合成毒品的中国团伙实施了制裁。

美国财政部称,一位名叫Bo Peng的男子自2011年以来通过宣称生产医药及化学品的中国公司Kaikai,向美国和其他国家分销了至少2,000公斤合成大麻和兴奋剂。Bo Peng和Kaikai均受到了制裁,其美国资产已被冻结,美国公民不得与其开展业务。

记者无法联系到Bo Peng和Kaikai就此置评。

美国财政部表示,上述制裁是对美国毒品管制局(Drug Enforcement Administration)以及参与“Project Synergy”计划的其他执法部门之前所采取行动的一种补充;“Project Synergy”是打击合成毒品行业的专项计划。

美国财政部外国资产管理办公室(OFAC)代理主任史密斯(John Smith)在一份声明中指出,生产贩卖合成毒品是一项利润可观的犯罪活动,其势头有愈演愈烈之势,它对美国公民的健康与安全构成了巨大的威胁。

By Samuel Rubenfeld



The U.S. imposed Kingpin Act sanctions on an alleged Chinese synthetic drug trafficking organization.

The U.S. Department of Treasury said Bo Peng used Kaikai, a China-based purported pharmaceutical and chemical products company, to distribute at least 2,000 kilograms of synthetic marijuana and stimulants since 2011 to the U.S. and other countries. Both Mr. Bo and Kaikai were placed under sanctions; as a result, their U.S. assets are frozen and Americans are barred from transacting with them.

Neither Mr. Bo nor Kaikai could be reached.

Treasury said the sanctions designations complemented action taken by the Drug Enforcement Administration and other law enforcement agencies under Project Synergy, an initiative to target the synthetic drug industry.

“The synthetic drug industry is a thriving and lucrative criminal enterprise, and [it] poses an alarming threat to the health and safety of Americans,” said John Smith, acting director of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, in a statement.

Mr. Bo was indicted in Florida in May on charges of importing ethylone and methylone, a controlled substance also known as “Explosion.”

Kaikai is registered in New Zealand. Kaikai’s website, as well as other websites under alternate company names, advertised for sale several controlled synthetic drugs and precursors, including alpha-PVP, which is known colloquially as flakka, Treasury said.

Mr. Bo and other employees at Kaikai, Treasury said, process online orders of synthetic drugs and package them for delivery to customers who consume or redistribute the drugs. Customers use well-known money-service businesses, bitcoins or bank-wire transfers to buy the drugs, Treasury said.

Separately, a Treasury spokeswoman said OFAC lifted sanctions off nine people after they petitioned for their removal.

“The petitioners provided OFAC sufficient information to prove that they have terminated their involvement” with those who led for them to be blacklisted in the first place, the spokeswoman said.

By Samuel Rubenfeld

Dow Jones Newswires

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