“Ninety percent of Iranian crude oil has been effectively sanctioned and withdrawn from the marketplace,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said. PHOTO: MARVIN RECINOS/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES
The U.S. is imposing new sanctions against a Chinese company for transporting Iranian crude, a move that widens the U.S. campaign of pressure on the Islamic Republic amid weeks of escalating tensions.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told The Wall Street Journal on Monday that Chinese company Zhuhai Zhenrong and one of its executives, knowingly violated U.S. sanctions barring the import of Iranian crude oil.
美国国务卿蓬佩奥(Mike Ponpeo)周一告诉《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal),中国公司珠海振戎公司(Zhuhai Zhenrong)及其一名高管蓄意违反美国禁止进口伊朗原油的法规。
China was one of eight countries initially granted waivers allowing it to temporarily purchase and consume Iranian oil. But those waivers expired May 2 and haven’t been renewed by the U.S.
中国是取得大幅减量豁免(Significant Reduction Exceptions)的最初八个国家/地区之一,但该豁免已于5月2日到期,美国并未延长。
Under the sanctions, the Chinese company and the executive will be barred from engaging in any foreign exchange, banking or property transactions under U.S. jurisdiction.
The company couldn't be immediately located for comment. Chinese officials did not respond to a request for comment.
By Courtney McBride and Ian Talley
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