
共同推进南美洲多领域投资项目!南美洲Hector Villagran先生到访京师律所探讨密切合作

品牌宣传部 京师律所

2023年7月6日,委内瑞拉HARTMANN HARTMANN律师事务所和厄瓜多尔VILLAGRAN LARA ATTORNEYS律师事务所代表人Hector Villagran先生莅临京师律所洽谈多领域项目合作事宜。京师律所万佳星律师、刘成律师、康亚兰律师助理、林雨静律师助理出席了本次会议。
委内瑞拉HARTMANN HARTMANN律师事务所和厄瓜多尔VILLAGRAN LARA ATTORNEYS律师事务所代表人Hector Villagran先生





Hector Villagran先生是委内瑞拉HARTMANN HARTMANN律所的代表人,同时是厄瓜多尔VILLAGRAN LARA ATTORNEYS律所的高级合伙人,毕业于厄瓜多尔瓜亚基尔大学、持有中国清华大学中国法学硕士认证,曾任厄瓜多尔交通部长、厄瓜多尔驻华大使馆商务部主任,现任北京语言大学名誉教授及国际合作交流部拉美中心副主任。

万佳星律师为Hector Villagran先生介绍了京师律所的历史发展及近三年的国际化进程,Hector先生对京师律所已取得的成就表示肯定。会议中,Hector Villagran先生对厄瓜多尔、委内瑞拉当前的投资机会及政策进行了讲解,双方对各领域的合作进行了深入探讨。


Hector Villagran先生表示,近年来中国政府的“一带一路”倡议得到了国际社会的广泛关注和支持。Hector先生特别提到在中国政府文件中号召中国与南美洲各国“深挖双边贸易潜力,促进中国与拉美和加勒比国家特色优势商品、高附加值产品和技术密集型产品等贸易,加强服务贸易和电子商务合作。商讨包括自贸协定在内的各类贸易便利化安排,妥善处理贸易摩擦,促进中拉贸易健康平衡发展和结构多元化”。在“一带一路”的倡议下,Hector先生致力于深化南美洲国家与中国的友好关系,拓宽发展领域。Hector先生详细介绍了委内瑞拉及厄瓜多尔的资源优越性、美丽的地理环境、善良淳朴的风土人情、极具前景的特色产业情况,并阐述了政府对投资的相关政策问题。Hector先生提出,两国政府长期致力于构建政治环境稳定,经济持续发展,合作机制完善的良好投资环境。特别是其本人对于“一带一路”政策积极参与,为加强多领域多层级合作贡献力量。

刘成律师对Hector Villagran先生的努力表达了赞叹及认同,并向Hector先生转达了京师律所管理委员会主任林才红律师的亲切问候。京师律所在全球法律服务网络布局过程中尊重专业化发展理念,通过与资深的本土律所增强互信、拓展深入合作使京师律所的国际服务体系达到更高的专业服务水平。在京师律所各海外办公室的共同努力下,京师律所已得到客户广泛的赞誉和认可,国际服务体系的蓬勃发展,激励着每一位涉外律师不断奋进。

随后,双方就石油产业、采矿业、房地产、旅游业投资等有关项目合作进行了富有建设性的探讨,并交换了相关领域资源。Hector Villagran先生表示,希望双方可以就相关问题、法律资源、投资项目等方面进行密切的战略合作与交流。双方对开展持续合作达成共识,京师律所也将持续助力为两国广泛合作提供更加优质高效的法律服务。

Mr. Hector Villagran from Latin America Visits Beijing Jingsh Law Firm to Discuss Close Cooperation and Jointly Promote Multidisciplinary Investment Projects in South America

On July 6, 2023, Mr. Hector Villagran, the representative of HARTMANN HARTMANN law firm in Venezuela and VILLAGRAN LARA ATTORNEYS law firm in Ecuador, visited Beijing Jingsh Law Firm to discuss cooperation in multiple fields of projects. Lawyers Wan Jiaxing, Liu Cheng, Kang Yalan, and Lin Yujing from Jingsh Law Firm attended the meeting.

Mr. Hector Villagran is the representative of the HARTMANN HARTMANN Venezuela law firm and senior partner at the law firm VILLAGRAN LARA ATTORNEYS in Ecuador. He holds legal qualifications as Lawyer graduated from Universidad de Guayaquil in Ecuador and LLM in Chinese Law from Tsinghua University in China and had served as the Minister of Transportation of Ecuador and Director of the Commerce Department of the Ecuadorian Embassy in China. He is currently an Honorary Professor at Beijing Language and Culture University and Deputy Director of the Latin American Center at International Cooperation and Exchange Department.

Lawyer Wan Jiaxing introduced the historical development and internationalization process of Jingsh Law Firm in the past three years for Mr. Hector Villagran. Mr. Hector affirmed the achievements of Jingsh Law Firm. During the meeting, Mr. Hector Villagran explained the current investment opportunities and policies in Ecuador and Venezuela, and both sides conducted in-depth discussions on cooperation in various fields.

Mr. Hector Villagran said that the "the Belt and Road" initiative of the Chinese government has received extensive attention and support from the international community in recent years. Mr. Hector specifically mentioned the call in Chinese government documents for China to cooperate with South American countries “Deeply tap the potential of bilateral trade, promote trade between China and Latin American and Caribbean countries in characteristic advantageous goods, high value-added products, and technology intensive products, strengthen cooperation in service trade and e-commerce. Negotiate various trade facilitation arrangements, including free trade agreements, responsibly manage trade frictions, and promote the healthy and balanced development and structural diversification of China Latin American trade.” Under the initiative of the "the Belt and Road", Mr. Hector is committed to deepening the friendly relations between South American countries and China and broadening the development field. Mr. Hector gave a detailed introduction to Venezuela and Ecuador's superior resources, beautiful geographical environment, kind-hearted and simple customs, and highly promising characteristic industries. He also elaborated on the government's policy issues related to investment. Mr. Hector proposed that the two governments have long been committed to building a stable political environment, sustainable economic development, and a sound investment environment for cooperation mechanisms. In particular, he himself actively participated in the "the Belt and Road" policy and contributed to strengthening multi-field and multi-level cooperation.

Lawyer Liu Cheng expressed admiration and recognition for Mr. Hector Villagran's efforts, and conveyed to Mr. Hector the cordial greetings of Lawyer Lin Caihong, Director of the Management Committee of Beijing Jingsh Law Firm. Jingsh Law Firm respects the concept of professional development in the global legal service network layout process. By enhancing mutual trust and expanding in-depth cooperation with experienced local law firms, the international service system of Jingsh Law Firm has reached a higher level of professional service. With the joint efforts of various international branches in Beijing, the law firm has received widespread praise and recognition from its clients. The vigorous development of the Jingsh International Service System inspires every foreign-related lawyer to constantly strive forward.

The two sides then conducted constructive discussions on the cooperation of projects related to petroleum industry, mining industry, real estate, tourism investment and exchanged resources in related fields. Mr. Hector Villagran expressed the hope that both parties can engage in close strategic cooperation and exchange on relevant issues, legal resources, investment projects, and other aspects. Both sides have reached a consensus on continuing cooperation, and Jingsh Law Firm will continue to assist in providing more high-quality and efficient legal services for extensive cooperation between the two countries.

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