剑桥郡警方致剑桥学生学者和华人社区成员的一封信 I am contacting you as a Hate Crime Champion for Cambridgeshire Police who covers South Cambs area.在此,我作为剑桥郡—南剑桥地区预防仇恨犯罪小组的警官,负责与您取得联系。 As we are in unprecedented times, we are aware that the Chinese community are being targeted for what is going on in the world in relation to Covid-19.众所周知,在这个前所未有的特殊时期,海外华人社区都因为全球COVID-19疫情的爆发而受到牵连。 I wanted to let you and the community members know that we do not tolerate any act of behaviour related to Hate crimes or any other crime for that matter and we shall investigate every incident relating to this issue.我希望让您和社区成员知晓,我们绝不容忍任何形式的仇恨犯罪或与此有关的犯罪行为,并且我们会对该类问题所涉及的相关事件展开调查。 We do what we can to identify the suspects, but in some cases, we are unfortunately unable to do so, due to the lack of evidence. Nevertheless, we still urge members of the public to call the Police on 101 if none emergency or 999 if emergency and make us aware of this act of crimes.我们会尽最大努力来锁定嫌疑犯,但由于缺少证据,我们很遗憾在某些情况下无法做到这一点。尽管如此,我们警方仍然呼吁公众与我们取得联系,如果没有紧急情况,请致电101,如果遇到紧急情况,请致电999以确保我们知晓这些犯罪行为。 We, as police, want to make sure that all members of our communities feel safe and reassured. We are here to support you and give you advice if you need it so that we can all act against crimes committed towards you.作为警察,我们将尽力确保社区的所有成员都感到安全和放心。在您需要时,我们也会提供必要的支持和建议,以便于我们有效遏制侵害公民人身安全的犯罪行为。 We monitor the situation and will carry on during these difficult times.在这个困难的时期,我们将密切关注事态的进一步发展。 If you see anyone behaving inappropriately towards you, you can video record them (only if it is safe) or make sure that you are not on your own when you are out there and see who is around you for help.如果遇到任何人对您做出不当的行为,在必要时您可以采集相关的视频证据(仅在安全情况下),或者确保您在外面的时候不是自己一人独行,并查看周围是否有人能够提供帮助。 Stay home, be safe and report any issues to the Police.疫情期间请待在家里,保障自身安全,如遇到任何问题,请联系警方寻求帮助。 Thank you敬上
撰稿 | 王友潮
编辑 | 石汶艳
翻译 | 王友潮 陆倩雨
校对 | 夏俊斐 朱葛赟剑