7月22日,本周六,我们荣幸地邀请到两位泰国的参展艺术家,瓦桑·西蒂克特(Vasan Sitthiket)与纳罗多姆·卡门赫特维特(Narodom Kamenkhetvit)来到中间美术馆,分别为我们带来一场讲座与工作坊。下午1点,瓦桑将围绕本次“湄公河项目”在泰国生发的过程,以及自己长达四十余年的创作与实践活动展开介绍,就泰国的艺术、文化乃至社会环境等重要议题与我们交流他的思考;下午3点,纳罗多姆将介绍自己的创作观念与经历,带领观众利用生活中废弃的材料制作简易的版画,了解这一具有历史意义的创作形式。
Our current exhibition, The River We Share, From Lancang to Mekong is presenting on-site works created by Chinese and Thai artists along their walks by this cross-border river.
On Saturday, July 22nd, we are honored to invite two participating Thai artists, Vasan Sitthiket and Narodom Kamenkhetvit, to visit the Inside-Out Art Museum. Vasan will deliver a lecture at 1pm, sharing insights into the process of the Mekong project originated in Thailand and talking about his creative and practical experiences spanning over forty years. He will engage in discussions with us about significant issues related to Thai art, culture, and society. Then, Narodom will introduce the concept of his works and his experiences at 3pm. He will teach audiences to do some simple printmaking using discarded materials from daily life, thereby exploring this historically significant artistic form.
Artist talk: In Our Blind Spot
Speaker: Vasan Sitthiket
Workshop: Those Fish Bones
Speaker: Narodom Kamenketwit(本次活动名额有限,报名成功以收到短信为准)
Languages: English, Chinese
Moderator: Yanan Zhu (Curatorial Assistant of Research and Curation Department)
嘉宾介绍 Speakers
Vasan Sitthiket
Born on 7 October in 1957 in Nakhon-Sawan Province, Thailand.
Studied art at the College of Fine Arts, Bangkok, Thailand from 1976 to 1981.
Currently lives and works in Bangkok and Nakhon-Sawan.
Vasan Sitthiket is among Thailand’s most visible and established socially-engaged artists. He graduated from the College of Fine Arts in Bangkok. Working in all media including poetry and music, he is interested in the community and citizens' responsibility as members of Thai society in the 21st century. His concerns include rural/urban tensions, the subversion of Buddhism for political gain, abuses of power, corruption, erased history, ecology, and Thai nationalism. Vasan’s visually seductive works tackle the many ills plaguing contemporary Thai society through expressions ranging from irony and caricature to the subtlest metaphor. His work has been shown at the 1st Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane (1993); Japan Foundation’s touring exhibition Asian Modernism: Diverse Developments in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand (1995-1996); Venice Biennale (2003); the 6th Gwangju Biennale (2006); Making History: How Southeast Asian art reconquers the past to conjure the future (Esplanade, Singapore, 2010); Negotiating Home, History and Nation: Two decades of contemporary art in Southeast Asia (Singapore Art Museum, 2011); and The Roving Eye: contemporary art in Southeast Asia (ARTER/Koc Foundation, Istanbul, 2014), among many others. His works are in numerous institutional collections including Singapore Art Museum, Queensland Art Gallery, Australia, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum.
Narodom Kamenketwit
纳罗多姆生于1973年2月18日;1989年,他于拉卡邦艺术大学(the College of Arts, Ladkrabang)学习艺术,自2003年起从事艺术工作,曾参与过多次个人与群体表演。
2020年,纳罗多姆在岗卡章的村庄(Ban Bang Kloy)与丽贝岛(Koh Lipe)参与社区艺术实践。2021年,纳罗多姆加入了“湄公河项目”,前往清莱府清孔县的艺术创作区工作,当他巡游湄公河之际发现河流上漂浮了许多垃圾。他沿河而下,与身为渔民的村民交谈,了解到他们的生活环境直接受到老挝与中国大型水坝的影响。许多水生动物灭绝,许多渔民失业并破产。于是艺术家捡起那些被冲上河岸的锌片来创作,将它们切成类似湄公河流域中发现的鱼类的不同形状,制作成版画,并将模具悬挂起来展示。正如鱼群游离进入天空,淡水捕鱼业对于湄公河两岸的村民来说也一样逐渐消失了。
Born on February 18 in 1973. Studied art at the College of Arts, Ladkrabang in 1989. Been working on art since 2003. Participated in many solo and group performances.
Narodom participated in community arts both at Ban Bang Kloy and Koh Lipe in 2020. He joined the "Mekong River Project" and went to the art work area in Chiang Khong District, Chiang Rai Province, cruised the Mekong River and found a lot of garbage floating. He went down and talked to villagers along the Mekong River who are fishermen and directly affected by large dams in Laos and China. Many species of aquatic animals have lost their fishing careers and the villages have broken up. So he picked up the zinc that washed up on the beach to work, and cut into different types of fish found in the Mekong River to make block prints. The mold was then hung. Like a fish swimming away in the sky, the same is true for freshwater fishing for villagers on both sides of the Mekong River, which is also disappearing.
翻译:陈静怡 / 李御瑄
正在展出 What's On
Zhao Wenliang & Yang Yushu Art Centre
How Can I Rid My Mind of Her
Inside-Out Art Museum 1-2F
The River We Share, From Lancang to Mekong
Inside-Out Art Museum 3F
Waves and Echoes: Zhang Qiang and Survey Sheets of Painting Groups, 1986