
Famous Live Streamer Speaks Out as Domestic Violence Victim

2017-03-01 Charles L. theBeijinger

A popular Beijing live-streamer has again become the center of scrutiny after revealing that she is a victim of domestic violence.

Wang Rui'er, 23, accused her long-term unnamed boyfriend of physically abusing her over the course of their three-year relationship, and announced that she was breaking up with him, telling him to "get lost."

Forwarded almost 32,000 times since it was posted on Saturday, the post also contains a photograph in which Wang is seen suffering from a number of injuries. Wang's right eye is noticeably swollen while her lip and both knees have a number of bruises on them.

Wang uses this opportunity to come clean, confessing that money was initially her motivation for being in the relationship. However, Wang said the abuse has only gotten worse over time, saying: "If it is just money that I am after, how could I have endured these three years (of our relationship)?" Wang explained that despite the abuse, she chose to remain in the relationship even though she had a number of "rich suitors" she could choose from.

Wang said after Friday's abuse, she had had enough. "I could accept just about anything except yesterday when you beat my breasts to the point where they have almost exploded – even if you were willing to pay a lot of money to pay for the surgery," said Wang.

It's not known what role, if any, local police have in the incident.

Wang is well known in China as the sexy model with the "million yuan fake breasts", owing to the cosmetic surgeries she has admitted to having. As part of China's nascent live video streaming trend, Wang has achieved internet fame by hosting her own popularly-received live stream channel.

Despite having many fans that include 270,000 Weibo followers, many of the top comments responding to Wang's post are very unfriendly. Although some are sympathetic, many disregard her claims of domestic abuse as "fake" and accuse her of promoting herself.

Click "Read more" for the rest of this story.

Images: 26200.com, Weibo, hz.edushi.com

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