杜梦堂荣幸与塔拉基金会合作呈现将于明日开幕的展览“DEEP BLUE - 致敬塔拉号”。本次展览是塔拉海洋基金会在中国举行的首个展览,将展出大小岛真木(Maki Ohkojima)、雨果·德维切尔(Hugo Deverchère)、欧若尔·德·拉·莫里奈里(Aurorede la Morinerie)、米歇尔·特曼(Michel Temman)和弗朗索瓦·奥拉(François Aurat)五位艺术家的作品。
Galerie Dumonteil is honored to collaborate with Fondation Tara Océan to present DEEP BLUE - a Tribute to Tara. This is the first exhibition that Fondation TARA Océan participates in China, featuring works by Maki Ohkojima, Hugo Deverchère, Aurore de la Morinerie, Michel Temman, and François Aurat. The exhibition opens tomorrow.
Tara: 15 Years of Artist Residences on Board
Tara voiles, ©F. Latreille, Tara Expeditions, Tara Oceans Polar Circle
在组成塔拉(Tara)这个名字的四个字母中,出现艺术一词的三个字母。这绝不是巧合。法国设计师阿涅斯·B 和他的儿子埃蒂安·布尔古瓦(Etienne Bourgois)在2003年创立了塔拉号科考队,他们打从心底里想看到科学艺术的宇宙与塔拉号(前身是画家皮帕·布莱克的伴侣——彼得·布莱克爵士的海神号)紧紧联系在一起。塔拉是一艘长36米,宽10米的法国帆船,船体是用铝制材料打造的,可抵抗极端恶劣天气,15年来在海上各处环游,开展了许多高级科学活动。
In the four letters composing the name Tara, appear the three letters of the word art. This is hardly a mere coincidence. The French stylist agnès b. and her son Etienne Bourgois, who launched the Tara Expeditions in 2003, have always been keen to see the universes of science and art intimately linked aboard Tara – the ex-Seamaster of the late Sir Peter Blake, wife of the painter Pippa Blake. Tara is the name of a French schooner, 36 meters long and 10 meters wide, built with an aluminum hull for extreme conditions and leading for the last 15 years scientific missions of very high level on all the seas of the world.
Coral Sampling, © David Hannan, Ocean Ark Alliance
Committed to the knowledge and the common interest, the Tara Ocean Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Paris and working for the ocean, the environment and research, informs and educates the younger generations – but also leaders from all continents, especially as Tara Ocean Foundation is « Special observer » at the United Nations. Tara has so far, with all her partners, conducted 11 expeditions including four major ones: Tara Arctic between 2006 and 2008, during which Tara drifted in the North Pole for 507 days; Tara Oceans, a plankton study mission between 2009 and 2013 during which Tara discovered 100,000 new marine species and more than 150 million genes, or Tara Pacific between 2016 and 2018, a mission to study coral reefs in Asia-Pacific, which led Tara to China, Hainan, Xiamen, Hong Kong and Shanghai between February and April 2018.
Coral team processing samples from the morning dive, ©Sarah Fretwell, Tara Expeditions Foundation
The goal is always the same: to study and understand the impacts of climate change and the ecological crisis on the ocean, with concrete results. These results have been published in prestigious scientific publications such as Science or Nature. The Tara Oceans mission led to a special issue of Science in Spring 2015 and is the subject of more than 70 scientific publications, some of them in China. Because the Tara Ocean Foundation also collaborates with Chinese scientists and institutions. The Tara Foundation has entered into a partnership with Xiamen University under the authority of Dr. Minhan Dai, Academician, and Director of the State Laboratory of Marine Environmental Sciences.
Onomichi, Japan, ©Noëlie-Pansiot, Tara Expeditions Foundation
The Ocean, a Universe of Inspiration and Creation在塔拉家族的信念里,科学永远要与艺术同行。在年复一年的积累下,塔拉海洋基金会与许多艺术家建立了联系,以此引以为豪-——这几十位艺术家或名声在外,或鲜为人知,如皮埃尔·休伊格(Pierre Huyghe)、塞巴斯蒂奥·萨尔加多(Sebastiao Salgado)、卢卢·毕加索(Loulou Picasso)、马利克·内米(Malik Nejmi)、哈维尔·维尔汉(Xavier Veilhan)、弗朗西斯·拉泰耶(FrancisLatreille)、尼科拉斯·弗洛克(Nicolas Floc'h)、马廷·斯托克(Marteen Stok)、克里斯蒂安·凯莱奥(Christian Cailleaux)、伊曼纽尔·黑尚(Emmanuel Regent)、阿里亚·米歇尔(Ariane Michel)、本杰明·弗拉奥(Benjamin Flao)、何銳安(Ho Rui An)和其他许多人——都来到了这艘艺术家的栖所之船,从而拥有在海上创造的场所,向着海洋进发,领略不同次元的世界。
But in the spirit of Tara’s entire family, science never goes without art. And the Tara Ocean Foundation is proud, today, of its relationship woven with so many artists from year to year – dozens of them, well-known or less known, such as Pierre Huyghe, Sebastião Salgado, Loulou Picasso, Malik Nejmi, Xavier Veilhan, Francis Latreille, Nicolas Floc’h, Marteen Stok, Christian Cailleaux, Emmanuel Regent, Ariane Michel, Benjamin Flao, Ho Rui An and many others – all boarded during artist residencies during which the marine environment has become for them a place of creation, an encounter of different worlds, towards the ocean.
Exhibition poster for a group show featuring artists who have been invited to Tara's residence on board
每一次远行,塔拉都会邀请艺术家(还有作家、哲学家和记者)。自2003年以来,这艘船已经在各大洋行驶了超过45万公里- 我们应该说在海洋中,因为实际上只有一片海洋——包括在北极和南极——来自各界的创作者和艺术家(由名人评审团选出)都有机会在船上生活数周,贴着海面前行,每次中途靠岸后,船员和科学家都会在进行科研活动的同时动员当地群众关注海洋问题、了解生物多样性和气候变化问题。这份坚持从未改变,塔拉号之前在欧洲的不同海域执行研究任务,也曾发起运动呼吁欧洲人民对海洋塑料污染的危害保持关注。一靠岸,船上的艺术家便就地巡展,举办的展览不胜枚举。
At each expedition, artists (but also writers, philosophers, and journalists) have always been invited on board. Since 2003, the schooner has traveled more than 450,000 kilometers in the oceans – in the ocean should we say because in reality there is only one – including in the Arctic and Antarctic. And systematically, creators and artists (selected by a jury of personalities) from all horizons had the chance to live several weeks on board with a crew and scientists eager to carry out their research while raising awareness toward the public on the major issues of our century: from the crisis of biodiversity to climate change. This is still the case these days as Tara navigate the great rivers and seas of Europe for a study mission and an awareness campaign of Europeans on the damage of plastic pollution at sea. Once on the ground, these artist residencies give rise to countless exhibitions that are often itinerant.
Tara in the ice, ©A. Deniaud, Tara Expéditions, Expédition Tara Oceans Polar Circle
Today, Tara is already preparing a new mission in the Arctic and will launch on the ice in 2022, for the beginning of the United Nations Decade of the Sciences of the Sea, a Tara Polar Station, a true international laboratory of the Arctic, which will play a vital role in our understanding of the Arctic. Until the North Pole, art will be invited on board!
Tara Equipe Banquise, ©F. Latreille, Tara Expeditions, Expedition Tara Arctic
对于塔拉号这个大家庭来说,这些艺术家驻留项目是给公众提供了一种认识海洋、了解其蕴藏、感受其脆弱性的方式。这是对19世纪自然主义传奇探险传统的一种传承:水手、科学家和艺术家共同航行,有着共同的经历,带着各自的使命用不同的方式去表达自我。For all of Tara’s family, these artist residencies are a way to educate the general public about the ocean, its immense treasures and its fragility. It is a way to continue the tradition of the legendary naturalistic expeditions of the 19th century, when sailors, scientists and artists began to navigate together to share the same experience, each with their own individual mission and way of expression.
The Tara Ocean Foundation is pleased with the exhibition that pays tribute to its commitment organized in Shanghai by the Galerie Dumonteil and warmly thanks Pierre Dumonteil, Yuxin Zheng, director of the gallery in China and the curator of the exhibition Stanley Qiufan Chan. The works presented by the Galerie Dumonteil in Shanghai bear witness to the same passion that unites us to the ocean.
General Directer of Fondation Tara Océan
Committed to the knowledge and the common good, the Tara Ocean Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Paris, dedicating to the ocean, the environment and research. As a Special Observer at the United Nations, the foundation provides information and education to the younger generations as well as leaders from all continents. Tara has so far, with all her partners, conducted 11 expeditions including four major ones: Tara Arctic (2006-2008), during which Tara drifted in ice around the North Pole for 507 days; Tara Oceans (2009-2013), plankton study mission, during which Tara discovered 100,000 new marine species and more than 150 million genes; Tara Mediterranean (2014), mission to study plastic pollution's effects on the marine ecosystem, and Tara Pacific (2016-2018), mission to study coral reefs in Asia-Pacific, which led to its first visit to China including stopovers in Hainan, Xiamen, Hong Kong and Shanghai between February and April 2018. A series of educational programs about marine protection were organized during its 15-days stay in Shanghai, while joint-research program and other academic activities were held between Tara and Jiagen, the research schooner of Xiamen University, during its stay in Xiamen.
©François Aurat
塔拉号建于1989年,36米长、10米宽、载重120吨,是一艘极地考察研究用的双桅帆船。塔拉号在全球各地展开针对气候变化以及全球海洋环境危机的探讨,在过去的15年间,塔拉号帆船已经在全世界范围内组织了十一次科考活动,累计航程45万公里,途径60多个国家。通过与75 家实验室和科研机构的合作,塔拉科考队在 21个不同的领域展开了科学研究,在世界各地科研人员的帮助下,搜集了数以万计的样本和观测数据,为人们更好地理解气候变化对于海洋的影响提供了珍贵资料。自2005年起,塔拉基金会建立了艺术家海上驻留项目,已邀请了几十位来自不同领域的艺术家登船同行。
Built in 1989, Tara is a 36-meter long, 10-meter wide research schooner with a load capacity of 120 tons, operating under the mission of better anticipating climate changes and global environmental crisis. Over the past 15 years, Tara has organized 11 expeditions around the world, reaching more than 60 countries with a cumulative range of 450,000 kilometers. Tara's research team comes from 75 laboratories and research institutions around the world, covering 21 research fields. To understand the true state of the ocean, they have collected numerous samples and valuable data. Since 2005, Tara has been welcoming aboard artists-in-residence. Dozens of artists from various backgrounds have participated in this initiating program.
致敬塔拉号 | A Tribute to Tara
In Collaboration with Fondation TARA Océan
策展人 Curator | 陈楸帆 Stanley Qiufan Chen
参展艺术家 | Participating Artists
大小岛真木 Maki Ohkojima
雨果·德维切尔 Hugo Deverchère
欧若尔·德拉莫里奈里 Aurore de la Morinerie
米歇尔·特曼 Michel Temman
弗朗索瓦·奥拉 François Aurat
Bldg 105, Yong Ping Lane, 199 Hengshan Road, Shanghai