即将开幕 NEW EXHIBITION |「仲夏夜之梦 A Midsummer Night's Dream 」
Bruno Gadenne 布鲁诺·加丹纳
Tamaris Borrelly 塔玛丽·伯瑞利
2021.07.17 > 09.11
布鲁诺·加丹纳 Bruno Gadenne | 共生 Symbiosis | 2021 | 布面油画 Oil on canvas | 100 x 130 cm
布鲁诺·加丹纳 Bruno Gadenne | 男爵 The Baron | 2021 | 布面油画 Oil on canvas | 200 x 150 cm
Color is a crucial instrument for realizing both artist’s landscape-centered creations. Borrelly gives full play to the dreamlike quality of watercolor through her choice of color and approach to layering— the contrast and integration of colors and carefully formed white spaces, creating an other-worldliness composed of intricate organic forms and the diverse metamorphoses of the living world. From a completely different angle, Gadenne’s use of color emphasis the rendering of light and the deepness of transparent layers, resulting in an enchanted tension between light and dark.
塔玛丽·伯瑞利 Tamaris Borrelly | 叨扰的夜 The Trouble of the Night | 2019 | 水墨和水彩,甘比纸 Ink and watercolor on gampi paper | 118 x 186 cm
Both Bruno Gadenne and Tamaris Borrelly put the viewer at the heart of their creation, transforming the viewing room into a fantasy land as “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” becomes a series of enchanting stories that viewers can only unfold with their imaginations.
The opening reception of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at DUMONTEIL Shanghai is scheduled for Saturday, July 17th from 5 pm to 7 pm. You are more than welcome to visit this exhibition.
法国艺术家布鲁诺·加丹纳(Bruno Gadenne, 1990年出生于法国卡瓦永)现工作、生活于巴黎。在波士顿(波塔夫大学茨大学,SMFA)交流学习后,他于2014年毕业于斯特拉斯堡高等艺术学院(Haute École des Arts du Rhin),师从画家Daniel Schlier。
加丹纳于2014年在斯特拉斯堡迎来了自己的首次个展。此后,他陆续在法国和美国的画廊和艺术中心展出作品。2016年在法国维特里Vitry举办的11月国际绘画奖展览和2017年的巴黎青年艺术家大奖(Icart奖)展览都让人眼前一亮,加丹纳还在2018年获得了Théophile Schuler奖项。2019年,在马西艺术家沙龙驻留后,他在纽约的agnès b.画廊举办了他的第一个在美国的个展。
Bruno Gadenne (b. 1990 in Cavaillon) is an artist who lives and works in Paris. After studying in Paris and Boston (SMFA), he graduated from HEAR (Haute École des Arts du Rhin) in Strasbourg in 2014, under the mentorship of painter Daniel Schlier. His first solo show was in Strasbourg in 2014. Since then, his work has been exhibited in galleries and art centers in France and United States. Highlighted by the November International Painting Prize exhibitions in Vitry in 2016 and then that of the Icart Prize 2017, Bruno Gadenne is the winner of the Théophile Schuler Prize in 2018. In 2019, after being the guest of honor at the Salon des Artistes de Massy, he had his first solo show in the United States, at the agnès b. Gallery in the New York City.
Inspired by his travels around the world, Gadenne’s work relates to landscape and nature. Using oil as a medium, he creates a strangeness by diverting some of the landscape features. He tries to create tension by playing with the rendering of light and the deepness of transparent layers, establishing a double play between wonder and an uncanny feeling. His ambitious intention is to capture the viewer’s attention, to invite the spectator to contemplate while being on the alert of an underlying menace hiding in tranquility.
塔玛丽·伯瑞利(Tamaris Borrelly,1987年生于巴黎)是一位以绘画、动画和装置为创作媒介的法国艺术家,现工作生活于巴黎。她毕业于巴黎国立高等美术学院(École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts),师从朱塞普-佩诺内(Giuseppe Penone)、安·维罗尼卡·詹森斯(Ann Veronica Janssens)和贾梅尔-塔塔赫(Djamel Tatah), 后在纽约视觉艺术学院进一步学习二维动画影像制作。
她曾参与由佩诺内策展、在拉图雷特修道院展出的驻地展览“沉默”(Silence, 2012)。2013年,伯瑞利在亚洲各地旅行,后曾在印度工作和生活,期间参与了在孟买的艺术家驻留项目,还学习了陶土的制作,尝试将其绘画转化为三维作品。2020年,她为舞蹈家Clémentine Vanlerberghe的作品《Gratia Lacrimarum》创作了场景设计和视频制作。
Borrelly participated in “Silence”, a residency exhibition curated by Penone at the Convent of La Tourette by Le Corbusier (2012). In 2013, Borrelly travelled in Asia and stayed in India for several months, during which she participated an artist residency in Mumbai. She also experimented with terracotta as a way to mold forms from her drawing into three-dimensional works. In 2020, she created the set design and videos for dancer-choreographer Clémentine Vanlerberghe's creation, Gratia Lacrimarum.
Tamaris Borrelly’s work revolves around the living world, its metamorphoses, its fragility and its durability. Landscape and dreaming are at the center of Borrelly’s work. She questions the relationships between species and the biological links through her search for the fusion of matter. Like the scientist seeking to contribute to universal knowledge, she seeks to create a space opening onto another world.