即将开幕 NEW EXHIBITION | Charles HASCOËT「我想去大海深处静一静 The Deep」
The Deep
2021.09.17 > 11.17
—— 儒勒·凡尔纳,《海底两万里》(1870),曾觉之译
The Deep, a Poetic Dwelling
The sea is everything. It covers seven-tenths of the terrestrial globe. …… It is an immense desert, where man is never lonely, for he feels life stirring on all sides. The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence.
—— Verne, Jules, 20,000 Leagues Under the Seas (1870), Translated by F. P. Walter
Oceans and seas have always played a significant role in arts and literature. Some seek its excitement and mystery, whereas Hascoët looks for a reclusive haven where there is only silence and peace — “While there is a storm at the surface, turmoil and trouble, there is always quietness deep below.” Coping with the loss of his father due to cancer and the separation with his wife because of the pandemic, the artist has faced more overwhelming and difficult situations than he ever wanted. This series of paintings compile a vast self-portrait that reveals who he is and what troubles him during those months.
Just like Freud believed that studying dreams provided the easiest road to understanding the unconscious activities of the mind, Hascoët has initiated a search quest on canvas with puzzles that uncover more secrets about him than even he can access.
Charles Hascoët | 螃蟹 Crabs | 2021 | 布面油画 Oil on canvas | 180 x 170 cm
这番梦境与现实交织的水下航行在某种程度上与海德格尔的“安居(dwelling)”概念不谋而合:“一旦人致思于他的无家可归,…… 它将会成为惟一的召唤,召唤人们进入他的安居。…… 从而使安居的本质被充分发挥。[1]”从这个角度,“栖居于大海深处”触及了某些非常深刻的哲学问题,关于归属感的概念以及我们如何与之产生联系。
Charles Hascoët | 贝壳 Shell | 2021 | 布面油画 Oil on canvas | 180 x 170 cm
Charles Hascoët | 温泉 Spring | 2021 | 布面油画 Oil on canvas | 193 x 130 cm
In the paintings portraying the octopuses, the mimicry and camouflage ability of this magical creature is matched by the rhythmic colors of the picture, while the eye-catching tennis balls complete a playful "duet". Famous for their rounded bodies, bulging eyes, and eight long arms, octopuses are often considered “monsters of the deep”. In Hascoët’s works, however, their eyes are full of stories and filled with a sense of caring and benevolence, and even a hint of warmth through their supposedly cold blue veins.
Besides a touch of optimism in the darkness, some of the works also carry a sense of melancholic humor through the juxtaposition of seemingly unrelated and yet morphologically similar animals and objects — a spider crab crawling on spider webs, an octopus carrying a human skull, plants growing from human hands, etc. Again, these intriguing analogies leave as much room for viewer’s interpretations as they do for artistic creations.
Charles Hascoët | 大型蓝色章鱼 Large Blue Octopus | 2021 | 布面油画 Oil on canvas | 130 x 160 cm
“The Deep” is a diary in which the artist recollects what has been given to him and what he has lost. Holding the octopus in hand and knowing that it might escape at any moment, the diver has attempted to keep something that he cannot truly hold onto, but like the tennis ball that is bound to float up to the surface, eventually, our diver shall set off on a new journey that bears the memory of this one.
The opening reception of Charles HASCOËT's solo exhibition "The Deep" at DUMONTEIL Shanghai is scheduled for Friday, September 17th from 4 pm to 7 pm. You are more than welcome to visit this exhibition.
Charles Hascoët | 潜水员 2 Scuba Diver 2 | 2021 | 布面油画 Oil on canvas | 193 x 130 cm
查尔斯·哈斯科埃特 (Charles HASCOËT,1985年出生) 是一位在纽约和巴黎两地生活和工作的艺术家。他于2014年毕业于巴黎美术学院(Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Paris)。在读期间,他和自己的老师(其中包括J.Rielly和J.Michel Alberola)一起探究他最喜欢的媒介——绘画。
从学生时代起,哈斯科埃特的绘画作品已在许多国家展出。他参与的群展在布鲁塞尔(BE)、迈阿密(美国)以及法国本土的艺术机构和创意空间展出。近期,哈斯科埃特在Super Zoom画廊(巴黎)举办了个展 “Je longe mon soufle (跟随我的呼吸)”。此次展览所呈现的一系列人物肖像和静物描绘意在“描绘忧郁和困倦的人性”。哈斯科埃特的作品总是带有些许讽刺,又充满仁爱,以各种方式向我们展示和分享艺术家对当代世界的看法。除了此次在杜梦堂(上海)的个展,他将于巴黎的New Galerie和纽约的Jose Bienvenue画廊展出其近期创作。
Charles Hascoët (b.1985) is an artist who lives and works between New York City and Paris. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Paris and graduated in 2014. During his student years, and along with his teachers (J.Rielly or J.Michel Alberola among them), he had the occasion to continue and deepen his favorite medium, painting.
Since then, his pictorial creations have been exhibited in many countries. Navigating between institutional and alternative venues, he participated in several group shows in Brussels (BE), Miami (US), and France countryside. He recently had his last solo show in Paris, under ‘Super Zoom Art’ curation, ‘Je longe mon souffle’, where he exhibited a series of characters and objects, as described where he ‘‘draws the portrait of a melancholic and sleepy humanity’’. Always with a certain sarcasm and benevolence, his paintings found various ways of showing and sharing with us Hascoët’s vision from our contemporary world. Besides this solo at Dumonteil Shanghai, he will soon be exhibiting his paintings at the New Galerie in Paris and at Jose Bienvenue gallery in NYC.
He is at the same time known for years for his DJ practice, playing his massive and eclectic Vinyl collection in clubs, bars, concert halls, in Europe and worldwide, as numerous radio broadcasts.