

34万粉丝关注 建筑结构 2022-07-11

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Wang Xin, Zhang Zhen, He Haiqiang, et al. Experimental study on seismic behavior of assembled special-shaped column joints[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):1-7.

[引用本文]赵考重,王鲁泉,刘延昭. 四边简支现浇混凝土空心楼盖二次抗火性能试验研究[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):8-14.

Zhao Kaozhong, Wang Luquan, Liu Yanzhao. Experimental study on second fire-resistance performance of simply supported on four sides of cast-in-place concrete hollow floor[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):8-14.


Li Ying, Lü Junli, Cai Yongyuan, et al. Experimental study and numerical simulation on fire-resistance performance of cast-in-place composite beams[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):15-20.

[引用本文]周广强,张鑫,王顺,等. 预应力混凝土钢管桁架叠合板施工阶段短期刚度研究[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):21-24.

Zhou Guangqiang, Zhang Xin, Wang Shun, et al. Study on short-term stiffness of prestressed concrete composite slab with grouted steel pipe trusses during construction[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):21-24.

[引用本文]周广强,张芳,陈国斌,等. 某近现代历史建筑的鉴定与加固[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):25-28.

Zhou Guangqiang, Zhang Fang, Chen Guobin, et al. Appraisal and reinforcement for a modern historical building[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):25-28.


Xia Fengmin, Tan Tianle, Jia Liudong, et al. Integral displacement design for Wenchang Luneng Qishuiwan Resort complex[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):29-33.

[引用本文]赵考重,许洁,王永强. H型钢加固混凝土板共同工作性能试验研究[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):34-38.

Zhao Kaozhong, Xu Jie, Wang Yongqiang. Experimental study on common working performance of H-steel reinforced concrete slabs[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):34-38.

[引用本文]李安起,张国强,张瑞,等. 后置腹板柱托换钢筋混凝土框架柱的试验研究[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):39-45.

Li Anqi, Zhang Guoqiang, Zhang Rui, et al. Experimental study on reinforced concrete frame columns underpinned with post-installed web columns[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):39-45.

[引用本文]张玉明,郭冬晖,房晓鹏,等. 钢-砌体组合墙梁结构在砌体结构房屋改造托换中的应用研究[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):46-50.

Zhang Yuming, Guo Donghui, Fang Xiaopeng, et al. Study on application of steel-masonry composite wall beam structure in transformation underpinning of masonry structure buildings[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):46-50.

[引用本文]王 欣,王 菲,卜凡洋. MRPC不同加固方式下砌体墙抗震性能试验研究[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):51-56.

Wang Xin, Wang Fei, Bu Fanyang. Experimental study on seismic performance of masonry wall under different reinforcement methods of MRPC[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):51-56.

[引用本文]高翔,孙剑平,夏风敏. 多桩型长短桩复合桩基在高层建筑桩基加固中的应用[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):57-60.

Gao Xiang, Sun Jianping, Xia Fengmin. Application of multi-type & long-short pile composite foundation in pile foundation reinforcement of high-rise building[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):57-60.

[引用本文]孙剑平,唐超,王军,等. 堆载致桥梁桩基偏移机理分析与纠偏技术研究[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):61-67.

Sun Jianping, Tang Chao, Wang Jun, et al. Analysis of deviation mechanism and deviation-rectification technology for pile foundation of bridge due to abutment loading[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):61-67.

[引用本文]池祥. 某行政办公楼新增外挂电梯的改造设计[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):68-72.

Chi Xiang. Reconstruction design of a newly added external elevator in an administrative office building[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):68-72.

[引用本文]安贵仓,魏常宝,何忠茂,等. 某地铁车库火灾后受损板检测鉴定与加固维修研究[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):73-80.

An Guicang, Wei Changbao, He Zhongmao, et al. Study on the inspection and repair of damaged panels after a subway carbarn fire[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):73-80.

[引用本文]何媛媛,董江峰,王清远. 高温后中空夹层钢管再生混凝土短柱的加固性能研究与分析[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):81-85.

He Yuanyuan, Dong Jiangfeng, Wang Qingyuan. Research and analysis on the reinforcement performance of recycled concrete filled hollowinterlayer steel tubular short columns after high temperature[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):81-85.

[引用本文]林启辉,王龙辉. 反拱法粘贴碳纤维加固混凝土梁试验研究[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):86-89.

Lin Qihui, Wang Longhui. Experimental study on concrete beams strengthened with CFRP using reverse arch method[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):86-89.

[引用本文]宁宝宽,胡海涛,徐永泽,等. 预应力碳纤维布加固钢筋混凝土梁力学性能试验[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):90-94.

Ning Baokuan, Hu Haitao, Xu Yongze, et al. Experimental study on mechanical behavior of reinforced concrete beam strengthened with prestressed CFRP sheets[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):90-94.

[引用本文]苏子威,李敏生,严斌,等. 新型构件并联法加固角钢输电塔试验研究及设计建议[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):95-98.

Su Ziwei, Li Minsheng, Yan Bin, et al. Tests and design suggestion on a new type of paralleling component method in reinforcing angle steel transmission tower[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):95-98.

[引用本文]胡庆生,常军,刘卓. 一种特殊构造复合型铅黏弹性阻尼器在高烈度区框架结构中的应用[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):99-102.

Hu Qingsheng, Chang Jun, Liu Zhuo. Application of a special composite lead viscoelastic damper in frame structure in high seismic fortification intensity area[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):99-102.

[引用本文]安海玉,赵志欣,刘畅. 软土场地大底盘多塔楼隔震结构分析研究[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):103-108.

An Haiyu, Zhao Zhixin, Liu Chang. Analysis and research of multi-tower isolated structure with enlarged base in soft soil site[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):103-108.

[引用本文]高杰,薛彦涛,肖从真,等. 串联型变刚度叠层橡胶隔震支座试验研究[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):109-113.

Gao Jie, Xue Yantao, Xiao Congzhen, et al. Experimental study on variable stiffness laminated rubber isolation bearing of series connection type[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):109-113.

[引用本文]王伟明,刘廷滨,张家玮,等. 嵌缝加固砖砌体沿通缝抗剪性能研究[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):114-117.

Wang Weiming, Liu Tingbin, Zhang Jiawei, et al. Research on shear performance of reinforced brick masonry by embedded mortar along horizontal bed joint[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):114-117.

[引用本文]王毅红,蒋子腾,兰官奇,等. 生土基块材砌筑泥浆力学性能试验研究[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):118-121.

Wang Yihong, Jiang Ziteng, Lan Guanqi, et al. Experimental study on mechanical properties of masonry mortar for raw-soil blocks[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):118-121.

[引用本文]倪汉根,潘志宏,孙可,等. 爆破地震动作用下砌体结构动力响应的现场实测与数值模拟研究[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):122-126.

Ni Hangen, Pan Zhihong, Sun Ke, et al. Field measurement and numerical simulation of dynamic response of masonry structure under blasting ground motion[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):122-126.

[引用本文]曹胜昔,张玉芬, 高嘉岐,等. 河北省第一届园林博览会主展馆性能化建造分析[J].建筑结构,2020,50(6):127-132.

Cao Shengxi, Zhang Yufen, Gao Jiaqi, et al. Analysis on performance-based construction of main exhibition hall of the first Hebei Garden Expo[J]. Building Structure,2020,50(6):127-132.































