
【LWK最新动态】研究部主管Erik Amir开启「设计大师校园讲座系列」第一讲

梁黄顾 LWK + PARTNERS 2022-05-17




研究部主管Erik Amir 启第一讲

「Design in Asia」

In collaboration with the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of Chongqing University, LWK’s Head of Research Erik Amir kicked off the “Design Master” campus seminar series last week, with a thought-provoking topic – 

“Design in Asia”


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【关于Erik Amir】

演讲者Erik Amir是法国注册及美国建筑师协会认证建筑师,先後就读于意大利米兰理工大学、巴黎国家高等拉维莱特建筑学院及美国佐治亚理工学院,获得建筑硕士及科学硕士学位。

他曾与麦克尔•阿拉德(Michael Arad)共同设计美国9-11世贸中心纪念馆,并在OMA(大都会建筑事务所)的紐約及北京办公室与库哈斯 (Rem Koolhaas)工作,参与多个国际知名项目。同时,他还担任香港大学建筑系的助理教授及北京清华大学的设计客座教师。

Erik Amir is a DPLG registered architect whose work has also been recognised by the Emerging New York Architects Committee, AIA New York and the French Institute for Architecture.

Erik began his studies at Politecnico di Milano in Italy, then at École Nationale Supérieure D'architecture de Paris La Villette in France, and Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States, receiving a Master of Architecture and Master of Science respectively.

Throughout his career, Erik has played key roles in a number of prestigious international projects. He has worked with Michael Arad on the New York World Trade Center Memorial for the victims of 9/11. And alongside with Rem Koolhaas, he has been involved in various developments in Taipei and Shenzhen while he was with OMA New York and OMA Beijing. Moreover, Erik was an Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture in The University of Hong Kong, as well as one of the Guest Professors at Tsinghua University’s Architecture School.

作为研究部主管,Erik 会检视现时全球设计和科技的发展趋势,进一步提升梁黄顾应对市场需要的能力。除参与实践设计之外,Erik也积极投身研究工作,并定期举办设计工作坊,激发建筑师重新想象设计的可能性。

Leading the Research Department at LWK, Erik conducts extensive research on design trends and technology development to further enhance the company’s responsiveness to the changing market needs. He has been running a diversity of design workshops for LWK’s global studios to stimulate and spark designers’ creativity to re-imagine the many possibilities of design. 

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The “Design Master” campus seminar series was part of LWK’s first steps to establish closely knitted partnerships with highere ducation institutions like Chongqing University. The first seminar was proven to be a huge success, widely welcomed by teachers and students. LWK is anticipating more of such collaborations, and in particular, opportunities to join forces on training, project design and research studies, so as to offer an all-rounded development and showcasing platform for the students.

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梁黄顾是一家国际化的建筑设计公司,专业提供全方位的建筑和室内设计咨询服务。梁黄顾的控股公司 – 思城控股有限公司(股份代号:1486)是香港及中国内地首间于香港联合交易所成功上市的建筑设计服务供应商。





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