
Dining out for the Center | Next Saturday Evening

2017-01-11 北京同志中心 北京同志中心

Hope you’ve had an exciting Christmas and New Year! We’re now in the quiet period in between the New Year and the Spring Festival, but we’re planning an activity to shake things up.

On Saturday, January 21, you have the opportunity to get together with oldfriends and make many new ones, all in support of the Beijing LGBT Center! This dinner will be hosted at RAMO, a wonderful restaurant in FangJia HuTong. RAMO, short for the words Ragazza Moderna (which is also the restaurant’s wifipassword), which is Italian for fashionable girl. The restaurant has a distinct style which combines classic and modern flavors, giving it an original reputation within Beijing. This restaurant has always treated LGBT customers with warmth, and we are happy to be teaming up with them for this special event!

As before, RAMO will donate 20% of all proceeds from event participants to the Beijing LGBT Center. After dinner, we will migrate to Mimi e Coco (a bar just behind RAMO) for a happy hour, where 20% of cocktail sales will also be donated.


Are you interested in coming? Please scan the QR Code below to sign up. Wehope you’ll come out to make friends, eat delicious food, and support the workof the Beijing LGBT Center!


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