
Newsletter丨What has the center done in July?

2017-08-01 北京同志中心 北京同志中心
1.Please be professional, don't discriminate 

The “Psychological Consultation about Gender Minority” forum was held by Chinese Psychological Society successfully on July 1 , 2017.This forum was organized by Beijing LGBT Center. 

Professor Ilan H. Meyer, from UCLA’s School of Law, Zhang Zhen, and Jiang Lan, two senior LGBT affirming psychologists, were invited to discuss issues on mental health of gender minority with over 60 psychological practitioners nationwide. 

A group photo of Prof. Ilan H Meyer (in the middle of the first row) and some of the participants

2.The conference on depathologization held by UNDP

On July 5, 2017, Beijing LGBT Center collaborated with UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) to hold the conference on the professional development of the psychological services in the perspective of gender diversity. 

A professor of psychology at Yale University, a psychology scholar at UCLA, experts on psychology and psychiatry, practitioners, lawyers and teachers were invited to discuss how to promote depathologization and how to convey the idea of gender diversity in the sex education curricula in the context of psychology industry in current China.

A group photo of part of the participants

3.The conference on redesigning Beijing LGBT Center logo

On July 15, 2017, the Executive Director Xin Ying, the Development Officer Cai Ming and the Design Manager Kongqi invited volunteers in the Design Department and persons in charge of other departments to discuss how to redesign the logo of Beijing LGBT Center. 

They plan to improve the design in the second half of the year and create more cultural products of the center.

A group photo of the conference

4. Three film screenings on transgender 

There were three films on transgender screened in Beijing LGBT Center in July: A Fun Cut on July 7, Escape on July 21, Soldier’s Girl on July 23. Karen, the lead in A Fun Cut, and the film crew of Escape attended the screenings and talked with the audiences. 

It was worth a mention that Escape was filmed by ICC (International Curriculum Center) students, from High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China (also known as RDFZ). The film attracted widespread attention after the screening.

Film stills on transgender

5. Two transgender assistance cases 

Kelly, the Transgender Program Manager of Beijing LGBT Center, received helping calls from two transgender teenagers. 

Siyue, the Mental Health Manager gave psychological consultations. Xiaoyao, the Program Manager, called social workers for help. Xiaotie, the Executive Manager rendered help with safeguarding legal rights and interests. 

Until now, one of the cases has been basically solved, while the other would be followed by Kelly and social worker trainees from Beijing Normal University.

Transgender hotline

6. “Mother, do you see me?”

“Mother, do you see me?”, an article read by 6340 WeChat users, was released by the official WeChat public platform of Beijing LGBT Center on July 1st, 2017. 

The day before, China Netcasting Services Association issued General Rules for Network Audiovisual Programs that regards homosexuality as “abnormal sexual relationship”. But how many times do we need to repeat that homosexuality is not disease? Under the label of homosexuality are thousands of normal persons and fresh lives. 

So it’s time for gay people to stand up with no fear to speak for themselves. Gay people and sexual minorities, we are right here for you!

Link to article:母亲,你看见我了吗?

7. Mental health counselors participated in training

Thirteen counsellors from the center’s Mental Health Department participated in the training of American professor John Pachankis at the Psychological Services Center of Beijing Normal University on July 7th. 

During the training, Professor Pachankis mainly introduced how to use cognitive-behavioral therapy to solve the mental health problem of LGB group. The counselors learned a lot from the lively discussion in the training.

John was giving the lecture

8. “Your existence makes me love this world a little bit.”

“Your existence makes me love this world a little bit”, an article read by 2860 WeChat users, was released by the official WeChat public platform of Beijing LGBT Center on July 14th, 2017.

If not by chance that day, I would not stand out to share my experience, and I would not meet the father of this transgender friend, then I would never know such a real and heartbreaking story. 

Thankfully, I stood out that day, for which the father released his suppressed suffering and had a shoulder to cry on. It was my first time to realize that standing out is the best way to support to our community.

Link to article:你的存在,让我有点喜欢这个世界

9. Friendly Map optimization meeting

On July 9th, after Uncover Friendly Map being operated for more than a year, Beijing LGBT Center’s Director, with volunteers from Mental Health Department, and Project Department discussed how to further improve Uncover Map so that it can better serve LGBT community and LGBT affirming counselor groups. 

Participants all gave their own views on the future development of Uncover Map.

Uncover Map

10. Donation from individuals in July

From June 23 to July 25, Beijing LGBT center received 2925 yuan from individuals, including 25 yuan from Aiyomayaxiaoyanzi, 1500 yuan from Ilan Meyer of Yale University, 50 yuan from Tascioni, 600 yuan from Suzhou lesbian, 100 yuan from the center staff Echo, and 650 yuan from the donation box, with additional 225 yuan through sales.



The story and experience of each MSM (man having sex with man) is different

But they all worth a deep and comprehensive understanding

Because of the lack of understanding towards MSM around the world

We now sincerely send out our invitation

If you are a MSM

Please participate in our investigation of China’s MSM physical and mental health condition and its influential factors

Your participation means a lot to us and our community


For each completed questionnaire

We will donate 10 yuan to China transgender hotline

We hope that at least 30,000 yuan could be donated through every individual’s participation


All your answers and participation are anonymous and the research is completely confidential

We sincerely appreciate your participation

Scan QR code

Or click the read the original text into the questionnaire

Thank you for your participation and reposting.



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