
中国企业如何应对世界银行合规调查 ——世界银行制裁程序与处罚裁量情节解析

刘相文 等 中伦视界 2022-03-20

作者:刘相文  王德昌  Graham·Adria


On June 12, 2019, the World Bank announced that a Chinese company has been debarred with a conditional release. Due to “fraudulent practices” that occurred during a bid for a power project in Liberia, the electrical engineering firm will be unable to participate in World Bank-financed projects for 15 months. The project, worth USD 60 million, was to increase access to electricity and strengthen institutional capacity in Liberia’s electricity sector. The electrical engineering firm had falsified two letters asserting that the manufacturer of a type of equipment had authorized the electrical engineering firm to supply and install the equipment. The electrical engineering firm entered into a settlement agreement with the World Bank and committed to establishing an integrity compliance program consistent with the principles set out in the World Bank Group Integrity Compliance Guidelines[1]as a condition for release from its debarment.


As the World Bank debarment is longer than one year, the electrical engineering firm qualifies for automatic cross-debarment by other multilateral development banks (MDBs) under the Agreement for Mutual Enforcement of Debarment Decisions. The company will be unable to participate in projects funded by the Asian Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the African Development Bank.


The World Bank Has Been Busy Debarring Chinese Companies


This is the latest in a line of World Bank debarment cases involving Chinese companies. In addition to the electrical engineering firm, the World Bank has announced three other settlement agreements with Chinese companies recently:

  1. 2019年6月6日,世行宣布对某中国企业、该企业的两家子公司及其下属公司进行制裁,制裁原因是其在某格鲁吉亚建筑工程项目的投标过程中存在“欺诈行为”,具体包括对子公司的相关经验、人员配备、设备情况进行虚假陈述。由于制裁期限不满一年,该公司未触发其他多边开发性金融机构的联合制裁。

    A Chinese company, two of its subsidiaries, and their affiliated companies were debarred for nine months on June 6, 2019, for “fraudulent practices” in the procurement process for a highway construction contract in Georgia. These practices included misrepresenting a subsidiary’s experience and the personnel and equipment to be used in the project. As the debarment is for less than a year, the companies do not face cross-debarment by other MDBs.


    The companies and their affiliates may face an additional conditional non-debarment for 24 months. During the non-debarment period, the companies and their affiliates will be able to participate in World Bank projects. However, if they fail to meet the conditions of the settlement agreement, including enhancing their integrating compliance program, they may be debarred for those 24 months.

  2. 2019年5月22日,世行宣布对中国某公司进行为期20个月的制裁,制裁理由是其在赞比亚的某输变电项目中存在欺诈行为,包括提交虚假文件谎报该公司的过往业绩。该制裁同样将建立合规体系作为解禁的一项条件。由于制裁期限超过了12个月,该制裁同时触发了其他多边开发性金融机构的联合制裁。

    A Chinese company was debarred for 20 months on May 22, 2019 for "fraudulent practices" in a bid for improving part of an electricity transmission and distribution system in Zambia. These practices include misrepresenting the company’s past contract experience by submitting falsified documents. The debarment comes with a conditional release which requires the development of an integrity compliance program. The company qualifies for automatic cross-debarment by other MDBs.

  3. 2019年5月14日,世行宣布对中国某公司进行15个月的制裁,制裁理由是其在西非的跨境输变电项目的投标中存在欺诈行为,具体表现为虚构过往业绩以满足项目要求。制裁要求该公司在制裁期间继续全面配合世行廉政局。该制裁同时触发了其他多边开发性金融机构的联合制裁。

    A Chinese company was debarred for 15 months on May 14, 2019, for “fraudulent practices” in a bid for a cross-border electricity transmission project in West Africa. These practices included falsifying its past experience to meet the requirements of the contract. The debarment comes with a conditional release that requires the company to continue full cooperation with the World Bank Group Integrity Vice Presidency. The company qualifies for automatic cross-debarment by other MDBs.


Three of the settlement agreements include reduced debarment periods for the Chinese companies due to their cooperation with the World Bank and for undertaking voluntary remedial actions. Cooperation with authorities and voluntary remedial action is always recommended when compliance lapses come to light. As discussed below, cooperation can result in significantly shorter debarment periods. Some non-Chinese firms received World Bank debarments in excess of 10 years in 2018. As the World Bank and other MDBs hand out billions of dollars in contracts each year for projects across much of the world, the sooner Chinese companies can get back to participating in these projects, the better.


Three of the settlement agreements also included a conditional requirement to establish an integrity compliance system or enhance an existing one. This should actually be beneficial for the Chinese companies - not only will they be better positioned to meet their legal and regulatory obligations, whether domestic, foreign, or international, but they will also have the opportunity to improve their business performance. It’s been shown time and time again that strong compliance systems contribute to improved business outcomes. The improved economic outcomes combined with new Chinese laws on compliance systems has contributed to a China-wide trend for large enterprises to establish or improve their compliance system. If you’re looking for a place to start, please check out two of our recent articles on establishing compliance systems:


Developing comprehensive domestic compliance systems in China.


Tailoring a compliance system for the specific requirements of the World Bank.


For those looking to find out what they can except if their company is under investigation by the World Bank or will soon be under investigation, we have included an overview of the World Bank’s sanction process below.


Overview of the World Bank’s Sanction Process


The World Bank’s sanction regime exists to uphold the World Bank’s fiduciary duty under its Article of Agreement to ensure that the funds entrusted to it are used for the purposes intended. The World Bank primarily accomplishes this through (1) debarment, which excludes offending companies and individuals ( “respondents”) from World Bank projects funds and (2) deterrence, which reduces future risk to the World Bank’s funds by “disincentivizing” companies from engaging in sanctionable practices in the future. These disincentives are the price for misconduct, including meeting the conditions of release from debarment or non-debarment, restitution, or other remedies.


Sanctionable Practices


The World Bank categorizes five sanctionable practices: corruption, fraud, coercion, collusion, and obstruction. Fraudulent practice is the most common allegation that leads to investigations and is the cause of all four of the aforementioned Chinese companies’ debarment.


Types of Sanctions


The World Bank has a wide range of sanctions available to fulfil its fiduciary duty to protect its funds. This includes Debarment; Debarment with Conditional Release; Conditional Non-Debarment; Letter of Reprimand; Permanent Debarment; and Restitution and other Remedies. We will discuss these in order.


When there is cumulative misconduct, each separate incidence of misconduct may be considered separately and sanctioned on a cumulative basis. To be considered separately, there must be distinct incidents of misconduct, either misconduct on different projects or on the same project at significantly different times.



Debarment with Conditional Release


The base sanction for all misconduct is a three-year debarment with conditional release. This is normally applied if there is no other consideration for other sanctions described below. Conditional release is to encourage the offending company’s rehabilitation and mitigate further risk to World Bank activities. Respondents will only be released from debarment after the debarment period lapses and they demonstrate they have met the release conditions set for them. Respondents cannot be released from debarment earlier even if they meet the release conditions. However, compliance with specified conditions, such as cooperation or remedial measures, may result in a reduction in the debarment period. As we mentioned before, it is highly recommended that companies cooperate with World Bank authorities if compliance lapses are found for.


An exception exists for companies with a defined debarment period of over 10 years- they may petition for a reduction of the debarment period after 10 years if they meet the release conditions.


Conditions imposed may include:

  1. 实施或改进诚信合规计划;以及 

    Implementation or improvement of an integrity compliance program; and            

  2. 采取补救措施来解决违规行为,包括纪律处分或解雇相关负责人。

    Remedial measures to address the misconduct for which the respondent was sanctioned, including disciplinary action or termination of those responsible for the misconduct.





Sometimes the World Bank will debar respondents with no conditions if there is no reasonable purpose served by imposing conditions. This may occur if a sanctioned firm has a robust corporate compliance practice, the misconduct involved isolated acts of an employee or employees who have already been terminated, and the proposed debarment is for a relatively short period of time, usually one year or less.






Generally, conditional non-debarment is applied to companies in two circumstances. The first circumstance involves a company that is not directly involved in the misconduct of an affiliate company that is a respondent, but the company still bears some responsibility for the respondents actions. An example would be a parent company’s systematic lack of oversight of a subsidiary. The second circumstance is when a respondent has demonstrated that it has taken “comprehensive corrective measures” and that such other mitigating factors (listed below) justify non-debarment.


The conditions imposed will likely be similar to those imposed under debarment with conditional release. In the event that the sanctioned party fails to demonstrate compliance with the conditions within the established time periods, the non-debarment period automatically becomes a debarment period.



Letter of Reprimand


A Letter of Reprimand is most often be used to sanction an affiliate of a respondent that was only guilty of an isolated incident due to a lack of oversight.



Permanent Debarment


Permanent debarment is a rarely prescribed sanction that is used when there is “no reasonable grounds” for thinking that a respondent can be rehabilitated through compliance or other conditions. This is most commonly applied to natural persons, closely held companies by natural persons, and shell companies.



Restitution and other Remedies


Restitution, as well as financial and other remedies, can be used in exceptional cases, including when there is fraud that requires a significant amount of money to be restored to the client country or project


Mitigating and Aggravating Factors


One of the most important things a company that finds itself under a World Bank investigation or suspects that it will soon be under investigation, is to consider taking actions that will reduce aggravating factors and increase mitigating factors. Quick and appropriate action can potentially shave years off a debarment period. The tables below list the mitigating and aggravating factors the World Bank considers when deciding on the appropriate sanction for a respondent.

结  语 Conclusion


It’s clear that Chinese firms are finding themselves under the strict watch of World Bank regulators. If your company finds itself or expects to find itself involved in a World Bank investigation, we highly recommend that you launch a comprehensive internal investigation, preferably with outside counsel, to determine the validity of any allegations and, if they are true, determine the most favorable outcome.


Companies that use their compliance lapse as an opportunity to genuinely establish or enhance their compliance systems can reap a number of benefits. Not only will they only regain access to World Bank and other MDB projects quicker but will also be better equipped to mitigate the public relations issues related to the World Bank’s announcements, meet the compliance requirements for the host of other domestic, foreign, and international laws and regulations that large multinational companies find themselves subject to, and set their company on a more profitable and a reduced risk future.




刘相文  律师

北京办公室  合伙人

业务领域:合规/政府监管, 诉讼仲裁, 收购兼并


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《方圆之道 | 如何全面构建符合中央企业特色的合规体系?》





