Zhao Gang 赵刚,Cocksucker Blues《杂种布鲁斯》
2014–2015,Oil on canvas 布面油画,400 x 600 cm
Zhao Gang: History Painting
Peréz Art Museum Miami, USA
2019.5.24 - 2020.1.5
About Peréz Art Museum Miami
The Jorge M. Pérez Art Museum of Miami-Dade County (PAMM) has been the flagship museum for Miami-Dade for almost 35 years. At its founding in 1984, the Museum was dedicated to international art of the 20th and 21st centuries, aiming to fill a void in a young city where no contemporary art museum existed.
Zhao Gang 赵刚,Basket of Assholes,2017
Oil on canvas 布面油画,200 x 160 cm
About the exhibition
Zhao Gang (b. 1961, Beijing) is a key figure in the development of Chinese contemporary art. The youngest member of the Stars Group—China’s first modern art movement—Gang left China in 1983 to study, live, and work in Europe and the United States. After returning to China twenty-four years later, in 2007, Gang developed a dynamic, provocative painting practice that freely combines Western and Eastern influences while reflecting on the profound changes affecting his native country. Before Gang left, there was no such thing as “Chinese contemporary art.” By the time he returned, globalization had ushered in not just multiple styles and forms of art, but also an entire art economy.
“Zhao Gang: History Painting” consists of fourteen paintings that bring together the radically multicultural aspects of Gang’s art and identity. Though the artist is fully Chinese and American, he is considered (and considers himself) an insider’s outsider in both cultures. As both native and newcomer, Gang has developed a darkly ironic, often crude approach to depicting Chinese history. His paintings elide centuries-old tropes with images from the Cultural Revolution, images drawn from memories of his childhood, and images of China as an economic and cultural powerhouse in the new millennium.
A number of works in the exhibition will be displayed salon style in a 130-square-foot “apartment” built inside the exhibition space. The room mimics the 1980s phenomenon of “apartment art,” the exhibition format adopted by the era’s artists in response to their distrust in official government venues. At PAMM, Gang’s apartment show will materialize the challenges faced by artists of his generation while drawing parallels between instances of censorship in both the East and West as well as highlighting artists’ responses to the curtailing of freedom of expression.
Zhao Gang 赵刚,Defigured Buddha
Oil on canvas 布面油画,2015,260 x 220 cm
“Zhao Gang: History Painting” is organized by Guest Curator Christian Viveros-Fauné and coordinated at Pérez Art Museum Miami by Assistant Curator Jennifer Inacio. The exhibition will start from May 24, 2019 and run through the year till January 5, 2020.
赵刚重要个展包括:“购买的身份”(长征空间,北京,2018);“通往奴役之路 II”(圣地亚哥当代艺术博物馆,智利,2016); “偶园:赵刚个人作品展”(苏州博物馆,苏州,2015)”;“通往奴役之路”(尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京,2015);“病夫”(今日美术馆,北京,2011)。重要群展包括:“1989后的艺术与中国:世界剧场”(所罗门.R.古根海姆美术馆,纽约,2017);“门”(PS1, 艺术机构 / Blum Helman 画廊,纽约,1990)。他曾参加2005年横滨三年展、2007年纽约表演艺术双年展、2008年广州三年展等重要双/三年展。
About the artist
Zhao Gang (b. 1961, Beijing) currently lives and works in New York and Beijing. He made his artistic debut as a member of the Stars Group, one of the first avant-garde artist groups to open the era of contemporary art in China, when he was just 18 years old. Shortly thereafter he pursued formal art education in Europe and then New York, studying at the State Academy of Fine Art, Maastricht, Holland; Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, USA; MFA, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, USA. Afterwards, Zhao Gang lived overseas for over two decades, developing a diverse body of work as his perspective became distinctively international. Since returning to Beijing in 2006, Zhao Gang has turned his ever-expanding focus toward the entanglement of his personal past with Chinese history and his unique position, at once a native and a newcomer, in China today.
His selected solo exhibitions include: "Acquiring Identity" (Long March Space, Beijing, 2018)," The Road to Serfdom II” (Museo de ArteContemporáneo, Santiago, Chile, 2016), “Paramour’s Garden” (Suzhou Museum, Suzhou, China, 2015), “The Road to Serfdom” (Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China, 2015), “Sick Man: Zhao Gang” (Today Art Museum, Beijing, China, 2011). His selected group exhibitions include “Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World ” (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA, 2017), “The Door” (P.S.1 Institute of the Arts/Blum Helman Gallery, New York, USA, 1990). He has participated in important biennial/triennial exhibitions such as PERFORMA 07, Guangzhou Triennial, Yokohama Triennial, etc.