用创新理论照亮青春之路 党的二十大报告总结历史性成就、深化理论性认识、作出战略性部署,对全面建设社会主义现代化国家、全面推进中华民族伟大复兴进行了新的擘画,也对进一步做好青年工作提出了明确要求。二十大报告强调,全党要把青年工作作为战略性工作来抓,用党的科学理论武装青年,用党的初心使命感召青年,做青年朋友的知心人、青年工作的热心人、青年群众的引路人。 作为一名青年教育工作者,我将继续聚焦主责主业,面向广大团干部和团员青年做好二十大精神的宣传阐释工作,推动二十大精神和中国化时代化的马克思主义最新成果进团校、进课堂、进头脑,引领广大团员青年站稳政治立场、担当时代使命,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦贡献青春力量。
20th CPC National Congress: Delegate: Report provides a broad stage for young people
Delegates from the Communist Party of China have launched heated discussions on the report given at the opening session of the 20th CPC National Congress. Some found youth development a highlight of the report. Our reporter Liu Jiaxin spoke with delegate Wang Dongmei, an educator at China Youth University of Political Studies.LIU JIAXIN Beijing "It's really nice to have you here, Ms. Wang. What's your overall feeling after listening to the report of the 20th CPC National Congress? Which part impressed you the most?"WANG DONGMEI Director, Dept. of CPC History and Youth Movement History, China Youth University of Political Studies "As a frontline Party delegate to attend this grand congress, I feel very excited! The Central Committee's report has a clear theme, comprehensive content, and rich connotation. It sets forth a series of new ideas, and makes a series of new arrangements. It further sounds the call of building a modern socialist country and promoting national rejuvenation in an all-around way."In his report, Xi Jinping stressed that today's young people are born at the right time. They have a very broad stage to display their talents and a very bright prospect to realize their dreams."LIU JIAXIN Beijing "As you just mentioned, the report says when the youth are strong, the country is strong. As an educator of young people, what's your take on the report's directive as it relates to youth?"WANG DONGMEI Director, Dept. of CPC History and Youth Movement History, China Youth University of Political Studies "I have noticed that many of the contents of the report are closely related to youth development. For example, we should provide education to the satisfaction of the people and train socialist builders and successors who are well developed morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically, and in labor education. We should develop quality education and promote educational equity. For example, policies and measures on youth employment and housing are aimed at creating favorable conditions for youth development."