

2017-08-23 H妹纸 中国独立动画电影论坛


时间:2017年9月2日(星期六)15:30 - 18 : 30

地点:尤伦斯当代艺术中心 (UCCA)(北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区内)

主办:中国独立动画电影论坛  北京互象动画有限公司  未来橙文化发展中心  尤伦斯当代艺术中心















这次的活动将由易雨潇总监主持,大家可以参看之前易雨潇总监的采访——艺术创作永无终止 |《莫高霞光》导演汤柏华采访节选了解更多汤柏华老师创作幕后的内容哦


即日起至2017年9月1日24:00 时,可以通过以下方式进行预约: 






中国独立动画电影论坛是中国内地首个非营利、由民间机构策划的动画电影艺术项目。2011年起由独立动画导演皮三首次发起。艺术总监易雨潇。2015 年论坛实行策展人制。策展人负责一届论坛主题规划与活动安排,本届论坛主题“染色体”由刘书亮和小简共同策划,将于十月在北京举行。竞赛单元入围作品将在论坛期间进行展映并角逐最后的奖项。

至今论坛成功举办了五届,六年来一直秉承鼓励原创独立动画准则扶持独立动画。截止 2016年10 月,竞赛单元收到来自海内外 50 多所高校的投稿作品 2000 余部,总计入围作品 204 部,获奖人数 21 人。论坛将对入围作品及作者进行专访报道等宣传和推广,并有机会推荐参与国内外知名动画电影节,推荐参加展览和交流,与重要机构、企业进行合作。

"Seeking the Flickers of Memory——the works of Tang Bohua"

In order to promote the development of Chinese independent animation films, the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA) and China Independent Animation Film Forum (CIAFF) collaborate to hold a series of lectures and film screenings. For September, UCCA and CIAFF present “Seeking the Flickers of Memory—the Works ofTang Bohua.” 

Date: 15:30– 18:30, September 2nd, 2017

Venue: Ullens Center for Contempora (UCCA),798Art District, No. 4 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Host:China Independent Animation Film Forum

            Beijing Hutoon Animation Ltd.

            Wei Lai Cheng Cutural Development Center

            Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA)

Chief Planner: Pi San

Artistic Director: Yi Yuxiao 

Curators:Xiao Jian、Liu Shuliang

Host:Yi Yuxiao

Guest:Tang Bohua

Two of Tang Bohua’s films will be screened, followed by a panel discussion with the filmmaker. The Country of Summer Insects (2014) tells a story of a character surpassing the limitations of space and time to find the treasured “Ice.” Mogao Sunlight (2016) is about the pursuit of inner faith achieved by abandoning the dichotomy of life and death.


The Country of Summer Insects

Mogao Sunlight

As part of a younger generation of filmmakers, Tang Bohua has lived through unprecedented social transition and played close witness to the effects of globalization on Chinese social culture. Tang Bohua’s films capture his experience from various perspectives. He utilizes a slow and “unscientific” approach to express his ideas about the possibility for emerging creators to facilitate cultural exchange in the context of rapid globalization.  

Tang Bohua

1986 Born in Liuyang, Hunan Province. 2009 Graduated from Print-making Department of China Academy of Art. 2011 Established Beijing Inkman Cultural Communication Co.Ltd, Take on Director. 2014 Finish Work The Country of Summer Insects. 2016 Finish Work Mogao Sunlight.
Film Festivals:

60th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen

24th International Anmation Festival Zagreb
68th International Film Festival Edinburgh
7th International Animated Film Festival Poland
25th International Short Film Festival Saopaulo
45th Tampere Film Festival

 Yi Yuxiao 

Yi Yuxiao is CIAFF Art Director.  Currently studies doctoral course of New Media Arts at Beijing Film Academy.


Please sent information 「name & profession & e-mail & cellphone number」to CIAFF’s Wechat(our wechat number is ‘ourciaff’ ) before 24:00 August 18th, 2017.


*Admission is FREE. Please no late entry;
*Please keep mobile devices on silent;
*Please no snacks and drinks.

The China Independent Animation Film Forum is the first non-profit animation film art project in mainland China co-sponsored by private agencies. The independent animation director Pi San started it in 2011. Yi Yuxiao serves as the Artistic Director. The CIAFF has implemented the curator system since 2015. Curators are in charge of one session of the forum’s theme planning and activities. The theme of the 6th CIAFF is “Chromosome”, and it is curated by Liu Shuliang and Xiao Jian. The CIAFF will be held in October in Beijing. Finalists will be screened during the forum and be reviewed for the final prize.

To this day, the CIAFF has had 5 annual sessions. For the past six years, the CIAFF has always adhered to its mission of promoting and supporting the production of and communication about original independent animation works. Up to October 2016, the competition has received a total of 2000 works from more than 50 colleges and universities at home and abroad, resulting in 204 finalists and 21 winners. The CIAFF interviews the finalists to promote their animation work and increase their publicity. Further more, CIAFF makes recommendations for finalists to participate in internationally renowned animation festivals, to take part in exhibitions and dialogues around animation, as well as to cooperate with important institutions and enterprises in the animation industry.

小编@H妹纸 期待您的参与o(*≧▽≦)ツ 




— 独立思考,趣味表达 —

