
文化 | 英文版《你好中国》100集选(39-40)

英语学习 2023-03-09

2019暑假已至!本号试图利用假期时间,每天分享Hello China 英文版《你好,中国》,每期2集,从不同角度用英语阐释中华文化。为英语,尤其是高中英语学习中华文化铺路。

需要说明的是Hello China 英文版《你好,中国》是由中国国家广电总局主办、中国国际广播电台、高等教育出版社联合策划实施的大型多媒体系列文化项目。本分享视频来自腾讯视频,版权归原作者所有。本分享旨在学生英语学习。

#39 Chinese Lion Dance

The lion dance is a traditional Chinese dance performed on big occasions, such as the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) for good luck, as it is believed that the lion is an auspicious animal.

What Lion Dances Symbolize

In Chinese culture, the lion symbolizes power, wisdom, and superiority. People perform lion dances at Chinese festivals or big occasions to bring good fortune and chase away evil spirits.

The lion dance is one of the most important traditions at Chinese New Year. It is performed to bring prosperity and good luck for the upcoming year. The lion dance is also a way to create a festive atmosphere and bring happiness. 

Performed in a lion costume, accompanied by the music of beating drums, clashing cymbals, and resounding gongs, lion dances imitate a lion's various movements or demonstrate martial arts agility, depending on the style.

Lion Dance Costumes

Chinese lion dances are performed by two "dancers" in a lion costume, rather like a pantomime horse. The performers become the body of the lion: the one in front is the head and front limbs, the one behind is the back and hind legs. Performers' legs are dressed the same color as the lion's body, and sometimes the costume extends to shoes the shape and color of the lion's paws.
The lion head is usually over-sized and dragon-like, like many stone lions in China.

Lion Dance Styles in China

Though lion dances all use similar costumes, during its long development, the lion dance has divided into two styles: southern and northern.

The Southern Lion Dance

The southern lion dance originated in Guangdong, and it is the style popular in Hong Kong, Macau, and the hometowns of overseas Chinese.

The southern lion dance is a performance based on the study of a lion's behavior, with an emphasis on actions like scratching, shaking of the body, and licking of fur.

Performances are vivid and entertaining, even comical. There are also skillful performances, such as playing with a ball, which includes swallowing it.

The best place to see a southern Chinese lion dance is the Hong Kong Chinese New Year Performance Night.

The Northern Lion Dance

The northern lion dance has close relations to kungfu — Chinese martial arts. A young lion is performed by a single person and an adult lion is performed by a duo. Costumes are more robust, and less decorative, to allow for more movement.

In the adult lion dance, the performer in front holding the lion's head is often lifted by the other to make the lion stand up. Northern lion dances are more gymnastic, involving rolling, wrestling, leaping, jumping, climbing, or kowtowing.

The best places to see northern Chinese lion dances are China's martial arts theaters, like the Red Theater in Beijing, or even at the Shaolin Temple.

# 40 Door Gods

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文化 | Hello China 英文版《你好中国》(31-32)
文化 | Hello China 英文版《你好中国》(33-34)
文化 | Hello China 英文版《你好中国》(35-36)
文化 | 英文版《你好中国》100集选(37-38)

