

2017-03-09 四大新鲜事儿

据毕马威官方消息,毕马威委任William B  Thomas为新任全球主席,自2017年10月1日起生效。61岁的John B Veihmeyer将担任毕马威全球主席至2017年9月底并退休。

新任主席Bill Thomas为毕马威美洲地区主席,自2009年以来一直担任毕马威全球董事会成员,且自2009年至2016年担任毕马威加拿大成员所的高级合伙人兼CEO。

Bill Thomas是职场多元化的倡导者,他曾经号召毕马威员工成为“男同”的支持者。

William B Thomas, 49, has been elected Chairman of KPMG International. He will lead the KPMG global network of professional services firms for a 4-year term, effective October 1, 2017, succeeding John B Veihmeyer, 61, who is completing his term as Chairman and retiring from the firm, at the end of September 2017.

Bill Thomas, who was elected to his new role by KPMG International’s Global Council, has served as Chairman of KPMG’s Americas region since 2014 and has been a member of the Global Board since 2009. He has been a leader in defining KPMG’s global strategy and a champion in promoting an inclusive and high-performing culture throughout the KPMG network.

Bill was CEO and Senior Partner of KPMG in Canada from 2009 to 2016, leading the firm in achieving strong growth in the market, and making strategic investments that contributed to expanding the firm’s capabilities. In his 28 years with KPMG, Bill has also held a number of leadership roles in the Canadian firm and within KPMG International, and has served as an audit partner for prominent clients in a variety of industries. 

John Veihmeyer said: 

"I am extremely proud to announce that Bill Thomas has been elected to succeed me as Chairman of KPMG International. Bill brings an exceptional range of skills and experience that will benefit KPMG and the clients our professionals serve. As leader of KPMG’s Americas region and the Canadian firm, Bill has an outstanding leadership record of quality growth, innovation and collaboration. But what distinguishes Bill most are his qualities of integrity, sincerity, passion and personal commitment. I‘m confident that Bill’s authentic leadership will bring tremendous value to KPMG, our people and to clients." 

Bill Thomas said: 

"It is a great honor to be elected Chairman of KPMG International. John Veihmeyer has been an exceptional leader and role model, who has strengthened KPMG immensely with his commitment to quality and integrity, and his focus on the culture of our global organization. I intend to build on the foundation John has put in place, and help KPMG’s 190,000 professionals around the world to fulfill their potential and bring their best in meeting the rapidly expanding needs of clients. I’m convinced the next few years will be among the most dynamic our profession has ever seen, and I’m excited about the opportunities that are in front of KPMG.”

William B Thomas: Biography

William B Thomas is the Chairman of KPMG’s Americas Region – a position he has held since March 2014. In addition, Bill served as the Chief Executive Officer and Senior Partner of KPMG in Canada from 2009 to 2016.

As a member of KPMG International’s Global Board since 2009, Bill has brought tremendous international experience and perspectives to his Americas role. Bill has also built strong relationships with many Canadian and global clients, bringing key knowledge and insights to help them navigate the increasingly complex markets in which they operate. As CEO of KPMG in Canada, he provided leadership and direction for the firm’s business across the country, working with partners and staff to drive KPMG’s strategy and growth forward.

Bill holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of British Columbia and achieved his Chartered Accountant designation in 1992 from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of British Columbia. He was named a Fellow of the Institute in 2008. Bill is a past recipient of Business in Vancouver’s Forty-under-Forty award, which recognizes British Columbia’s top 40 outstanding young entrepreneurs, executives, managers and professionals. In 2012, he was honored with the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his significant contribution to Canada. In 2015, Bill was named a Catalyst Canada Honours Champion in recognition for his leadership in building a diverse and inclusive culture across the firm.

Bill is married with three children.

Mr Thomas has won an award in Canada for his work promoting greater diversity in the workplace, including posing in a poster, urging KPMG staff to come out as allies of gay people.


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