

本周的“新书速递”为大家介绍了Norbert Schmitt《词汇研究》的主要内容,这一期摘录了书中的“检索器/工具”章节,让大家了解到更多语言研究的语料库检索工具及其相关软件网站。还在等什么,先睹为快吧~~


There is now a large and diverse array of language analysis tools available. David Lee’s website has perhaps the most comprehensive listing of these resources. I have selected some of the better-known and more widely-used tools for comment below, but see his website for a much, much widerrange of possibilities.

Concordancing packages

WordSmith Tools


This is the concordancing package of choice among most of the corpus linguists that I know. It does most of what you want, and more recent versions have been better able to handle the larger corpora, like the BNC. The most recent 5.0 version also has ConcGrams, which allows the investigation of ‘open slot’ formulaic sequences (see below). It is available for download for £50. If you are serious about vocabulary research, it is well worth the money.



David Lee considers this the best free concordancer available. It does most of the things that commercial concordancers do, including frequencies, concordances, collocations,and clusters/N-Grams.




Wmatrix is a suite of tools developed by Paul Rayson for corpus annotation and analysis. It is a web-based environment which is accessed via a web browser through a password (after a one-month trial period has expired, a yearly fee of around £50 applies).

Word Neighbors


Word Neighbors is a basic pedagogically-oriented web concordancer which might be useful to researchers asa quick reference source.

Concorcordancers for identifying ‘open slot’ patterns



Michael Barlow’s Collocate program ($45) does similar things to the above two programs, and includes frequency and statistical information about collocations and N-Grams found.



The Berkeley FrameNet project has developed a very interesting alternative way at looking at the patterning in language based on Charles Filmore’s ideas on frame semantics.

Compleat Lexical Tutor (Lextutor)


This website is so good it deserves a category of its own. Created and continuously updated and improved by Tom Cobb in Montreal, Lextutor is the most essential tool in the vocabulary researcher’s toolbox.

Tools for showing semantic associations



WordNet is a freely-downloadable program which provides a range of information about queried words.

Experiment generator packages



This is one of the mainstream commercial programs which facilitates the design, administration, and analysis of psycholinguistic research designs, such as word recognition, reaction time, and a multitude of others.


