

Norbert Schmitt在这一章为大家介绍几个权威的词汇专题网站,大家不要错过哦~~


A number of scholars/institutions host language-based websites which include various material useful to the vocabulary researcher and teacher. Below are some of the most notable.

PaulNation’s LALS Vocabulary website


The leading specialist in second-language vocabulary pedagogy has a personal website well worth visiting.

Paul Meara’s _lognostics Vocabulary website


Meara’s lognostics website includes a variety of material focusing on vocabulary acquisition, and features the VARGA (Vocabulary Acquisition Research Group Archive), which contains annotated bibliographies of most of the research on vocabulary acquisition since 1970.

Batia Laufer’s Vocabulary website


Batia Laufer’s university website contains an impressive personal publications bibliography, but is most notable for the CATSS test (Computer Adaptive Test of Size and Strength) available on-line (see Sections 2.8 and 5.2.3).

Rob Waring’s personal website


Rob Waring’s site has some useful information on vocabulary and reading.

Andy Gillet’s Vocabulary in EAP website

This site includes a range of vocabulary material, including information on selecting which words to learn, using the GSL and AWL word lists.

Sandra Haywood’s AWL website

This website focuses on pedagogical tools for the AWL, demonstrates a number of vocabulary exercises focusing on AWL vocabulary, and features two AWL tools.

Gerry Luton’s Vocabulary website

This site focuses on academic vocabulary, first presenting the AWL and a rationale for using it.

Dave’s ESL Café

This is a wide-ranging ESL website without too much on vocabulary, but it does include useful lists of idioms and phrasal verbs with definitions and examples.


