

2015-08-13 vigilant 后现代邮报


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阅读:3872015-04-09 16:32


The magazine The Economist published an issue named “The World in 2015〃. On the cover are odd images : A mushroom cloud, the Federal Reserve in a game called “Panic” and much more.


I wouldn’t normally dedicate an entire article analyzing the cover of a publication, but this isn’t any publication. It is The Economist and it is directly related to the world elite. It is partly owned by the Rothschild banking family of England and its editor-in-chief, John Micklethwait, attended several times to the BilderbergConference – the secretive meeting where the world’s most powerful figures from the world of politics, finance business and media discuss global policies. The outcome of those meetings is totally secret. It is therefore safe to say that the people at The Economist know things that most people don’t. For this reason, its “2015 prediction” cover is rather puzzling.
我通常不會寫一整篇文章來分析一種刊物的封面, 但這不是普通的刊物。它是家喻戶曉的《經濟學人》,而且它和世界的精英是有直接聯繫的。其(股東結構)部分由英格蘭的羅思柴爾德銀行家族和其書刊主編:約翰·麥克列威特所持有。約翰參加了數次的彼爾德伯格會議(由來自全世界政治圈,金融業和傳媒最有權勢的人物)討論全球政策的秘密會議。這些會議的成果是完全保密的。 所以可以肯定地說《經濟學人》內部的人知道的事情是大多數人所不知道的。因此,其“2015年之預言”的封面是相當有值得思考和挖掘的。
The bleak and sinister cover features political figures, fictional characters and pop culture icons that will surely make the news in 2015. However, most importantly, it also includes several drawings that are extremely symbolic and allude to important elements of the elite’s Agenda. Here’s the cover :


1536*2048 pixes

At first glance, we see political figures like Obama and Putin, references to the Rugby cup and the new Spider-Man movie. But a closer look reveals a plethora of disturbing elements. Here are some of them.
Two-Faced Globe雙面地球

One side of the globe gazes stoically towards the West while the other side appears irate. Does this represent a confrontation between the East and the West? The cover features a few other symbols referring to the “rise of the East”. What’s more unsettling is that, immediately under thatangry globe, are pictured a mushroom cloud (the kind that happens after a nuclear bomb goes off) and a spy satellite launching into space.

High tech surveillance and nuclear warfare. The Economist is not very optimistic.
The Color of the Faces臉的顏色
Take a closer look at the faces of the personalities featured on the cover. Some of them are in full color while others are in black and white. Why is that?

Among those in black in white are Putin, Merkel, Obama, Hilary Clinton and David Cameron. Among those in color are David Blaine, a young person holding a “Singapore” banner (Singapore is the host of the 2015 SEA games) and a random guy wearing virtual reality equipment. A quick compilation of this data reveals that those in black and white appear to be part of the elite (including the ISIS guy who probably works for them) and those in color are “outsiders”. Is this how the elite perceives the world?
其中黑白色的臉為普京,梅克爾,奧巴馬,希拉蕊.克林頓和大衛.卡梅倫。而當中全彩的是大衛.布萊恩,還有一位拿著“新加坡”旗幟的年輕人(新加坡是 2015年東南亞運動會的主辦國)以及一位戴著虛擬實境裝備的路人甲。快速總結這些訊息,可見似乎這些黑白色的臉就是精英的一部分(包括那位伊斯蘭國的戰士都有可能是為他們效力的),而那些全彩的臉就是“局外人”了。 這就是精英所感知的世界嗎?
Pied Piper翰姆林魔笛手

The presence of the Pied Piper on this 2015-themed cover is downright unsettling. The Pied Piper of Hamelin is a German legend about a man who used his magical flute to lure away the children of the city of Hamelin, never to be seen again.

(后现代注:看过美剧《硅谷》的人知道,Pied Piper是讽刺硅谷创投疯狂现象里的一家创业公司的名字,做P2P音乐下载的……)

The Pied Piper leads the children out of Hamelin. Illustration from Robert Browning’s “The Pied Piper of Hamelin”
This folkloric figure dating from the Middle-Ages is said to represent either massive death by plague or catastrophe, or a movement of massive immigration. It also perfectly represents today’s youth being “lured” and mystified by the “music” of mass media. Conveniently enough, there’s a small boy right under the Piper’s flute.
Clueless Boy懵懂的男孩

Right under the Pied Piper we see a young boy with dumbfounded look on his face. He is watching a game called “Panic”. The words “Federal Reserve” and “Chi” (which probably stands for China) are on top while the words “Green light!” and “sis!” (which probably stands for “Isis!” or “Crisis!”) are at the bottom. The little boy watches as this twisted game of Plinko unfolds the same way the clueless masses watch powerlessly while various events unfold on mass media. As the name of the game states, the ultimate goal is to cause Panic around the world as crises are almost randomly generated by those who control the game. And that’s on a magazine cover owned by the Rothschilds.
就在翰姆林魔笛手下方,我們可見一個表情目癡口呆的年輕小男孩。他正看著一個名叫“恐慌”的遊戲。“美聯儲”和 “Chi”(其有可能是代表中國的意思)這兩個詞就在其頂部,而“綠燈”和“sis”(其有可能是代表“伊斯蘭國”或是“危機”的意思)這兩個詞就在其底 部。就像各種新聞事件呈現在大眾媒體時懵懂大眾無力地看著那樣,這個小男孩也如他們一樣無力地看著定價博弈(Plinko)的變態遊戲呈現在眼前。如遊戲名字所示,其最終目標就是要在全世界引起恐慌,以至於危機差不多是由這些操控遊戲的人隨機輸出的。而這些就畫在一本由羅思柴爾德家族所擁有的雜誌的封面上

In front of Putin is a small aircraft on which is written Crop-O-Dust. This refers to the concept of crop dusting which is “the process of spraying crops with powdered insecticides orfungicides from an aircraft.” Right under the helicopter is a kid … eating something. Unsettling.

Sitting right under the crop-o-dust, this kid is eating a heavily processed package of noodles. Is he ingesting the poison that was spread by the aircraft?
坐在這架“Crop-O-Dust”小飛機正下方的小孩子正吃著深加工過的泡麵。 他正在咽下的是由小飛機噴灑下來的毒物嗎?

A panda bear wearing a China-flag Speedo while flexing its muscles is a rather clear way of portraying the fact that China is gaining power. Next to it is a sumo wrestler holding a big battery on which the polarities (+ and -) are clearly indicated. Are they alluding to a switch in polarity in world power from the West to the East?

Emerging from behind Obama’s leg is a ghost reading a magazine entitled “Holiday”. Why is this ghost, which represents a dead person, planning a vacation? Does it represent the fact that the masses will be so impoverished that the only time they’ll be on a holiday is when they’re dead? Does it relate to the countless people who died while traveling in the past months? Creepy.

Standing in front of everything else, gazing right into our souls is a turtle with emphasis lines around its shell. What does it represent? Will turtles make a huge comeback in 2015? Probably not.
An angry tortoise is the symbol of the Fabian Society, an extremely powerful organization that has been working for over a century towards to formation of a single world government.

The motto of the Fabian Society is“When I strike, I strike hard”.
The philosophy behind Fabian socialism is basically the blueprint of what we call today the New World Order.
The Fabian Society is a very old group originating in England in 1884, with the purpose of forming a single, global socialist state. They get their name from the Roman general Fabius, who used carefully planned strategies to slowly wear down his enemies over a long period of time to obtain victory. “Fabian Socialism” uses incremental change over a long period of time to slowly transform a state as opposed to using violent revolution for change. It is essentially socialism by stealth. Their original emblem was a shield with a wolf in sheep’s clothing holding a flag with the letters F.S. Today the international symbol of the Fabian Society is a turtle, with the motto below: “When I strike, I strike hard.”
– The Fabian Society, The Weather Eye
費邊社是發源於1884年英格蘭的一個非常古老的團體,它的目標是建立一個統一且全球化的社會主義國家。其名取自於羅馬將軍費邊,他曾經用詳細規劃好的策 略,通過長期消耗戰慢慢地消滅他的敵人以取得勝利。“費邊社會主義”通過長期漸進的變革來慢慢地改變一個國家,而不是通過暴力的革命以達之變。它其實本質 上就是社會主義的前身。他們最開始的標識是一隻盾牌,上面有只正拿著一面寫著F.S.(Fabian Society的縮寫,意即費邊社)字母旗幟的,披著羊皮的狼。現今費邊社的國際標識是一隻烏龜,下面跟著座右銘:“讓我出手時,我會下重手”。
The Fabian Society used to openly advocate a scientifically planned society and supported eugenics by way of sterilization. Its original logo was a wolf in sheep’s clothing … But I guess that was not the best way to conceal the wolf from the masses.

The original logo of the Fabian Society費邊社的原始標識
Bringing forth a global system through small incremental changes is exactly what the world elite is currently doing. This is probably why there’s an angry tortoise on the cover of this Bilderberg-connected publication– standing in front of the chaos behind it.
11.3 and 11.5

The lower right side of the cover features some more cryptic symbols. There’s a pile of dirt on the ground and two arrows on which are inscribed 11.5 and 11.3. Are those dates to remember? Why are they next to a pile of dirt? If you look up these figures as coordinates, they point to somewhere in Nigeria. Displaying numbers that can only be truly understood by “those in the know” is one of the occult elite’s favorite hobbies.
Standing in front of the dirt is Alice in Wonderland looking upwards towards the Cheshire Cat.

This iconic cat is known for disappearing entirely, leaving only visible its creepy grin. We therefore see another allusion to a world of fantasy, illusion and deceit as perceived by Alice – a representative of the masses. Along with the somewhat unnecessary inclusion of David Blaine – a magician – the cover mixes real world events with illusions.
Other notable symbols on this cover include a piggy bank flying from James Cameron’s pockets; A model wearing an Alexander McQueen creation (the elite’s favorite designer who died in strange circumstances) and an Asian officer wearing a facemask to protect him from a deadly disease.
其他封面上明顯的符號包括小豬樸滿從詹姆斯‧卡梅隆??導演?英首相??的口袋裡飛走,模特兒穿著Alexander McQueen的設計(亞歷山大&#8231;麥昆是精英們最喜愛的服裝設計師,居然是在上吊自殺的情況下死去)和亞洲官員戴口罩,保護自己不會感染致命的疾病。
2015 seems great, doesn’t it?

In Conclusion
The Economist is not a random newspaper that publishes quirky 2015 predictions to sell a few additional copies. It is directly connected to those who shape global policies and who make sure that they are applied. The publication is partly owned by the Rothschild banking family of England and its editor regularly attends Bilderberg meetings. In other words, The Economist is connected to those who have the means and the power to make “predictions” a reality.
The 2015-themed cover basically reflects the overall Agenda of the elite and is peppered with cryptic symbols that appear to be included for “those in the know”. And the masses, like Alice watching the Cheshire Cat disappear, will focus on illusions while the wolf in sheep’s clothing will strike … and strike hard.



