
Zhenming Zhai: Virtual World Constitution Initiative

Zhenming Zhai 法国理论 2023-03-23


We, members of the Virtual World, in order to promote a safe, reliable, and enjoyable experience and create a safe and fair environment, hereby propose this initiative because we recognize that certain technologies may pose a threat to our physical and mental health, as well as to our privacy and autonomy. Through our collective efforts, we will do our utmost to protect citizens of the Virtual World from any harm that may be caused by improper use of technology.

Article 1: Purpose

This initiative of Virtual World Constitution is proposed to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals and ensure a better future for the Virtual World.

  Responsibilities of the governing body:  

  Section 1:

The governing body should ensure that all Virtual Worlds comply with electronic standards for the security of digital currency and digital assets.

  Section 2:

The governing body should also establish guidelines to ensure that all Virtual World currencies are legal and secure.

  Section 3:

The governing body shall consist of an elected board of directors, appointed executive directors, and other appointed members. The board of directors is composed of representatives elected by members of the Virtual World community. The Executive Director is appointed by the Board of Directors.

  Section 4:

The governing body has the right to formulate and adopt laws and regulations governing the Virtual World. Such laws and regulations may include content restrictions, user rights, in game property rights, and in game commerce.

  Section 5:

The governing body should undergo regular audits to ensure that their activities comply with the laws and regulations they establish. Such audits should be conducted by independent third-party auditors.

Article 2: Safety

  Section 1:

Regulatory agencies should develop and implement security measures to protect citizens of the Virtual World from malicious actors, including botnets and other forms of cybercrime.

  Section 2:

Regulatory agencies should also develop and implement guidelines and protocols to ensure that Virtual Worlds comply with laws and regulations related to online activities.

Article 3: Infrastructure

  Section 1:

Regulatory agencies should ensure that all Virtual Worlds have access to a reliable network infrastructure, including sufficient bandwidth and speed.

  Section 2:

The governing body should also ensure that the Virtual World has access to sufficient server resources, such as processing power, data storage, and virtual memory.

Article 4: Currency

  Section 1:

Regulatory agencies should ensure that all Virtual Worlds comply with electronic standards for the security of the digital currencies and digital assets.

  Section 2:

Regulatory agencies should also develop guidelines to ensure that all Virtual World currencies are legal and secure.

Article 5: Taxation

  Section 1:

Regulatory agencies should establish regulations to ensure that Virtual World citizens comply with applicable tax laws.

  Section 2:

Regulatory agencies should also develop guidelines to ensure that citizens and operators of the Virtual World pay fair taxes.

  Section 3:

Taxes shall not be used to infringe upon personal rights.

Article 6: Execution

  Section 1:

Regulatory agencies should establish law enforcement systems to ensure that Virtual World citizens comply with the laws and regulations established by regulatory agencies.

  Section 2:

Regulatory agencies should also establish agreements and procedures to ensure that Virtual World operations comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Article 7: Fundamental Rights

Every citizen of the Virtual World has the right to:

1) Freedom of expression, expression, and assembly
2) Privacy and Security
3) Equal access to quality education
4) Obtaining legal counsel
5) The right to be free from physical, mental, and emotional harm
6) The right to non-discrimination
7) Right to reject the invasive brain computer interface technology

Article 8: Restrictions

The rights provided for in this initiative should be limited in the following ways:

1) Citizens of the virtual or physical world do not allow any form of invasive brain computer interface technology to be applied to humans, as it may threaten the privacy, security, and well-being of citizens.

2) People in the Virtual World are not allowed to discriminate in any form based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristics.
3) Any force in the Virtual World does not allow any form of exploitation and abuse of citizens or the environment.

Article 9: Execution

After adoption, this initiative should be implemented by the Virtual World Council, the governing body of the Virtual World. The Council should be responsible for ensuring respect for the rights of citizens and protecting the environment and citizens from harm.

Article 10: Obligations of Citizens

1. Virtual World participants must verify their identity before entering the Virtual World.

2. All Virtual World transactions must be conducted with accurate and validated information.

3. Illegal Virtual World activities such as hacking are strictly prohibited.

4. Virtual World users who engage in inappropriate behaviors such as bullying and harassment will be punished.

5. Users must comply with the service terms and any additional rules specified in the Virtual World. If they violate the law in the Virtual World, they should make a decision based on their identity in the Virtual World.

6. Users must respect the intellectual property rights of others, including copyright and trademark laws, NFT laws, and laws enacted to protect open source code and software sharing.

7. Any user who violates any law or Virtual World service terms will be terminated unless the complaint is successful.

8. Users are not allowed to post offensive content such as hate speech, incitement to violence, etc.

9. Disruptive behaviors such as spam and hacker attacks are not tolerated.

10. All Virtual World items must be obtained through legal channels.

11. Any Virtual World goods or services deemed illegal in the physical world shall not enter the Virtual World.

12. Users must not upload any viruses, Trojans, worms, root toolkits, malware, or malicious code.

13. Users must not obtain Virtual World goods or services through fraudulent means.

14. Users must not attempt to access any private or confidential areas of the Virtual World.

15. All users must comply with the security procedures stipulated by the Virtual World.

16. No user shall disrupt network performance or interfere with other users.

17. Users are not allowed to use the Virtual World to promote any illegal or criminal activities.

18. The Virtual World must ensure the security and privacy of all personal or sensitive data.

19. Users cannot create multiple accounts for the purpose of abusing the Virtual World, but they can create multiple avatar agents.

20. All parties must use the Virtual World responsibly, rather than gain hegemony through manipulation.

21. All Virtual World content must fit the age limit.

22. All users must comply with the rules and regulations of the Virtual World when dealing with Avatars, Avatar Agents, and non-player characters (NPCs).

23. All Virtual World architectures must be built safely and harmlessly.

24. All Virtual World users are not allowed to use the Virtual World to spread spam or implant Trojan horses.

25. All Virtual World users are not allowed to engage in unwanted sexual behavior in the Virtual World.

26. All parties must use Virtual Worlds for the common benefit.

27. All users must use Virtual World services with respect for the dignity of others.

28. All Virtual World users shall not use the Virtual World to disseminate any form of life-threatening religious extremism or fanaticism.

29. All Virtual World users must not attempt to enter any restricted area of the Virtual World.

30. All Virtual World users are not allowed to use the Virtual World to copy any content without authorization.

31. Ensure that people are protected from harm in both the physical and Virtual Worlds, taking into account the different nature of harm in these two worlds and the different penalties.

32. Ensure that virtual offenders are responsible for the reasonably foreseeable consequences of their actions and are held accountable for those consequences.

33. Anyone using Avatar to attack another person's Avatar is absolutely not allowed, and attacks in both the virtual and physical worlds will be punished based on the severity of their consequences in both worlds.

34. The ownership and possession of virtual objects belong to all personnel involved in creating or modifying objects.

35. The image of a public figure in the physical world cannot be used as a tool for obtaining commercial benefits without my consent, otherwise the user will bear the responsibility for punishment.

36. The trust system needs to shift to the electronic field and become an objective and operable system.

37. The financial system needs to be decentralized, and digital currency needs to be promoted.

Article 11: Amendment

The Articles of Association may be amended by a majority vote of the Council. Any amendment must be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the Council.

  The purpose of drafting the charter:

The purpose of drafting the charter is to promote a safe, reliable, and enjoyable Virtual World experience and create a safe and fair environment, as we recognize that certain technologies may pose a threat to our physical and mental health, as well as our privacy and autonomy. Through our collective efforts, we will do our utmost to protect citizens of the Virtual World from any harm that may be caused by improper use of technology.

  Introduction to drafters:

Contact information: Professor Zhai Zhenming


Department of Philosophy, Sun Yat sen University

Zhenming Zhai, Director of the Human-Machine Interconnection Laboratory, Sun Yat-sen University, and Professor of Philosophy. During his teaching career in the philosophy department of American universities in the last century, he wrote an English monograph "Get Real: A Philosophical Adventure in Virtual Reality", which was considered by American commentators to be "potentially a landmark work in both the field of virtual reality technology and philosophy." This book discusses in depth the disruptive impact of information technology on human lifestyles, and predicts and confirms the development trends of Virtual Reality and Expanded Reality through technological iterations; The human-computer interconnection laboratory of Sun Yat-sen University was designed and established, and the "seamless traversal experience system between virtual and reality" has had a wide impact both domestically and internationally. It has obtained 5 relevant patents, and 15 are in the substantive review stage. He is also an early researcher on virtual currency. His recently published paper on the theoretical limits of artificial intelligence and machine thinking has been widely discussed, and his research on issues such as Turing testing has made breakthroughs. He also has considerable attainments in the field of digital art, initiating the concept of VR as reverse art, and making outstanding contributions to the art and humanistic rationality of Virtual Worlds.

