
东画廊 | “多云”将于6月20日开幕

东画廊 東画廊Don Gallery 2021-02-05

开幕时间:2020年6月20日 16:00-19:00



东画廊将于2020年夏向观众呈现展览“多云”。展览将通过a.f.art theatre芳翎,常陵,胡子,胡为一,李珊,吕松,刘任,曲丰国,向振华,张如怡,张云垚11位艺术家不同面向的艺术探索,来探讨当代社会事物更为暧昧易变的表象下是否潜藏着人类意识/情感中更为稳定的内核。此次展览还将呈现艺术家关于“疫情”和“症状”的思考,他们在疫情期对艺术和生活有了新的审视,在更广泛的语境中对人类症状作出回应。


Installation view of “Cloudy” | “多云”展览现场



“云”是神性存在的世俗化意象,它让不同的时空与文化毗连,通过可感触的湿度与流动来扫除界域的障碍,“云”从而象征连接。某种意义上,艺术家的身份正如一片“云”,他们始终拓展着有关“真实”的视野。向振华以广告图像为创作对象,呈现了消费社会中“消费”与“消耗”共时发生的景观。刘任在文本与视觉意象中持续着辨析与诗意性的解读,“草纸”这一创作媒介如同始终在场的喜剧演员,在“他”的表现中,日常碎片发展成讽刺的文法和场景。胡子、张云垚等艺术家通过持续的人像描绘来探索在不同文化环境中,人物身份的稳定性和情感爆发的共通点。常陵的《大玄玄社会》系列以“正在创作”的态度将绘画变成一个“险象环生”而堂皇的行为记录。a.f.art theatre芳翎围绕着疏离感与剧场性的并发,探触戏剧化体验的边界以及现实世界中的偶然或意外事件。


Installation view of “Cloudy” | “多云”展览现场


Opening on: 20th June, 2020, 16:00-19:00

Duration: 20th June, 2020 - 23th August, 2020

Address: Don Gallery, Hall D, 2555 Longteng Avenue, West Bund, Shanghai, China

Don Gallery will be presenting the group exhibition, “Cloudy,” to audiences this summer. The show will explore whether the ambiguous and volatile surface of contemporary society obscures a more stable core of human consciousness and emotion through the various facets of work from 11 artists, including a.f.art theatreFangling, CHANG Ling, HU Zi, HU Weiyi, LI Shan, LU Song, LIU Ren, QU Fengguo, XIANG Zhenhua, ZHANG Ruyi, and ZHANG Yunyao.


“Cloudy” is a meteorological state containing rich allusions to human affairs. The symbolism of “Clouds” is multidimensional, and oft-used in literature and art. Frequently seen in landscapes and drama alike, clouds create atmosphere and foreshadow impending narrative twists. 


The history of eastern and western art have taken similar journeys. Since the advent of modernity, artists have been fragmenting within the tradition of creative expression through “expressing emotion through scenery” -- a tradition that is, perhaps, alive and well today. As artistic mediums and contexts transform, “expressing emotion through scenery” has also taken on new meaning, a dual exploration of “art” and “reality.”


QU Fengguo closely interweaves changing seasons and human behavior, intervening between so-called “fleeting moments” and the “natural course of things.” Through his continuous labors, random moments coalesce into “seasons.” While LU Song embarks via “scenery” upon a textual exploration of the story. Plants curtain an entangling, atmospheric space, where “terror” and “fragility” intertwine and loosen. LI Shan’s courtyards, pagodas, and mountains are full of the textures of life, yet they are mostly empty of people. It is as if the individuals who inhabit these spaces have stepped out of frame, resulting in canvases where “absence” and “presence” interplay.

Installation view of “Cloudy” | “多云”展览现场


Clouds -- their smoky, diffuse imagery -- have permeated humanity’s myths and modernity as an ancient yet urgent reminder of time. The lifestyles made possible by information technology have conferred even more functions and contexts to “clouds,” which continue to dot the skies and horizons of humanity’s ideals and dreamscapes.


These new interpretations remain closely intertwined with the material state of clouds -- drifting and changeable, clouds transform in our imaginations, and hold the constructs of our minds. They inhabit an abstract existence, yet we are constantly aware of their potential impact, and attempt to decipher the unknowable through what clouds may hide and display.


Our sensitivity to the weather forms an internal portrayal of our environment. As a contemporary artist in Shanghai, ZHANG Ruyi maintains a sensitivity to the phenomena of urban construction and “migration.” The movement of people and buildings transcends the subject of migration, affecting the individuals and objects comprising the urban network in its entirety. Through a unique method, HU Weiyi transforms a massive unknown object into a “net,” which ingeniously captures “nature” within itself.


“Clouds” are the worldly manifestation of the divine. Within culture, they connect different times and spaces; through tangible moisture and movement, they sweep away barriers between realms, and thus, “clouds” symbolize connection. In a sense, the artist’s identity is like a “cloud,” because artists continually expand the horizons of “truth.” 


XIANG Zhenhua works with images from advertisements to present the “consumption” and “depletion” concurrent in a consumerist society. LIU Ren continues a lyrical and analytical interpretation of textual and visual imagery. Continuing to work with the medium of “toilet paper,” the artist employs the medium like a comedian. Through his expression, fragments of daily life are developed into sarcastic grammar and everyday scenes. HU Zi, ZHANG Yunyao, and other artists continue to seek out the common ground between the stability of identity and emotional outbursts by exploring portraiture within diverse cultural contexts. CHANG Ling’s Illusion Society series transforms painting into a “perilous” yet stately behavioral record through an attitude of “creation in action.” a.f.art theatreFangling's work revolves around the conjectures of alienation and theatricality, the boundaries of dramatic experience, and a response to human contingencies within a broader context.


“Cloudy” is held jointly by Don Gallery and Shanghai Guangqi Culture Industry Investment Development Co., Ltd.

Installation view of “Cloudy” | “多云”展览现场


東画廊 Don Gallery    


Hall D, 2555 Longteng Avenue, West Bund, Shanghai

参观时间:周二-周六 10:00-18:00,周日 13:00-18:00

Visiting hours:Tue-Sat 10:00-18:00, Sun 13:00-18:00

+86 21 6473 1533    


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