
东画廊艺术家|曹再飞 CAO Zaifei

The Republic 理想国, CAO Zaifei 曹再飞, 2022. Oil on canvas 布面油画, 40 × 33 cm

曹再飞 (生于1974年) (又名曹原铭)生于安徽宿州,现生活并工作于上海。艺术家先后毕业于南京艺术学院油画系与南京大学哲学宗教学系,曾作为美国普渡大学访问学者,现任教于上海大学美术学院。他的作品涉及绘画、雕塑、装置、影像和行为等多种媒介,专注于从图像呈现之物的背后探寻对应的语词与意义。相比于政治性逐渐浓厚的当代艺术实践,曹再飞的图像言说彰显着不同的面貌——与其说是批判,毋宁说是调侃;并非严肃地直击,而是幽默地消解。

曹再飞的个展包括“西西弗斯的房间”(东画廊,上海,2021年)、“日常戏谑”(东画廊,上海,2021年)、“引力”(艺典空间,北京,2016年)、“Strangers No More:曹原铭作品展”(普渡大学美术馆,美国印第安纳州,2010年)、“大地上的‘异乡者’——曹原铭作品展”(周围艺术空间,上海,2008年)、“礼拜堂曹原铭作品展”(上海外滩红寨画廊,上海,2007年)。其作品曾在澳大利亚白兔基金会(澳大利亚,2023年)、美国加尔文大学美术馆(美国密歇根州,2020年)、中捷当代美术馆(北京,2019年)、多伦现代美术馆(上海,2019年)、中华艺术宫(上海,2017 年)、江苏省现代艺术馆(南京,2017 年)、广东美术馆(广州,2016 年)和首尔中央图书馆(首尔,2016年)等机构展出。

CAO Zaifei (b. 1974) (also known as CAO Yuanming) was born in Suzhou, Anhui Province and now lives and works in Shanghai. He earned his degrees from the Oil Painting Department of Nanjing University of the Arts and the Department of Philosophy and Religion of Nanjing University and was also a visiting scholar at Purdue University in the United States. He is currently a lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts of Shanghai University. His works span various mediums including paintings, sculptures, installations, videos, performances, etc. CAO’s artistic practice centres around delving into the inherent words and meanings concealed within the objects depicted in the images. Diverging from the prevailing political narrative in contemporary art, CAO's pictorial discourse provides a distinctive perspective that leans more towards ridicule than critique. His approach is characterized by a light-hearted dissolution rather than a stern indictment, offering an alternative viewpoint that challenges conventional notions in the art world.

CAO Zaifei’s solo exhibitions include “The Room of Sisyphus” (Don Gallery, Shanghai, 2023), “Everyday Jest” (Don Gallery, Shanghai, 2021), “Gravity” (Yidian Space, Beijing, 2016), “Strangers No More: Works by Cao Yuanming” (Purdue University Galleries, Indiana, USA, 2010), “Stranger on the Earth - Works by Cao Yuanming” (Aroundspace Gallery, Shanghai, 2008), “Chapel” (George Michell Gallery, Shanghai, 2007). His works have been widely exhibited in different institutions, including the White Rabbit Collection (Sydney, 2023), Center Art Gallery at Calvin University (Grand Rapids MI, USA, 2020), CCC Art Museum (Beijing, 2019), Doland Museum of Modern Art (Shanghai, 2019), China Art Museum (Shanghai, 2017), Jiangsu Museum of Modern Art (Nanjing, 2017), Guangdong Museum of Art (Guangzhou, 2016), Seoul Metropolitan Library (Seoul, 2016), etc.

参观时间|Opening Hours

周二 Tue-周六 Sat | 10AM-6PM

周日 Sun | 1PM-6PM


Closed on Mondays and National Holidays



2555-9 Longteng Avenue, West Bund, Shanghai

联系方式|Contact Us

T: +86 21 6473 1533

E: info@dongallery.net

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東画廊Don Gallery

